Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Mark

First and foremost there will be a mark of YHWH on His people, so the mark of the beast is only a counterfeit that seems to get most of the focus!  Which, in and of itself is error.  Now, as for the mark of YHWH, I clearly believe there will be two signs of His people.  They will be Sabbath keepers, and they will not be dependent upon world systems, such as medical and education, etc.
I am not saying, "thus sayeth the LORD" on this, but the thought continues to cross my mind that there will be a certain intrusive biometric sign of some sort for medical care and that permits buying and selling, while the only that actual cash or precious metals can be used for trade will be Shabbat.  Now again, it's just a  thought, not a Word at this time.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Romans 13:1,2

This is not a blanket statement:  Everyone applying these verses to governmental powers are not evil, but YHWH has revealed three things regarding these verses as the end of days continue to unfold.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of G-d: the powers that be are ordained of G-d.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of G-d: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

1.  Being subject is different than blind obedience.  Being subject may result in acknowledging the earthly authority and accepting consequences when laws are made against Scripture or the G-d of Israel.

2.  This passage was not written when Daniel took his stand and since YHWH changes not, we are not to cower or compromise, either.

3.  The false prophet of the government of the beast will quote this passage in authority to obtain compliance from the masses.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Abundance Before Famine

My heart is heavy and my spirit is grieved.  While we are waiting for the other party to cooperate, or jobs to be invented and served up, or just for our government to take better care of those in need, we need to take  a serious look at the condition of Egypt before the famine.  Before the Exodus, before there were Hebrew slaves, before the famine, there was abundance for seven years.  This was a pagan society that worshiped it's Pharaohs and birds and cats and who knows what else, yet the Creator of heaven and earth gave them abundance before He allowed famine.

America squandered the abundance and increased debt through the years of plenty!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Y'hshuwah Said, "You Know Not . . ."

The day or the hour.  He meant that!  Just when you've had enough religious debate, we have the calendar discussion.  There is the Fixed Jewish Calendar, the Gregorian, the Lunar Sabbath, something that goes by circles, Enoch's calendar, and looking for the new moon.  Then those of us who look up, have the debates of dark of the moon, sliver, full . . .  Then there's the debates about when the day starts.  Does it begin at evening, sunset or dawn?
We can't possibly know the day or the hour of Messiah's return, because clearly by the discussions and this single paragraph, we don't know what day it is right now!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chemical Additives

All the chemical additives that have entered our food supply are increasing the "need" for medications.  Our body was created in such a way that we can process the natural diet, given in Scripture.  Salt is a preservative, as is vinegar and alcohol.  Too much of those can have detrimental affects, but anything beyond those is being proven daily to cause health problems.

All of the problems caused by additives do not just affect our physical health, nor are all of the problems manifested immediately.  As more chemicals are discovered and manufactured to affect mental health, more labels are manufactured and more affective additives are included in the food supply.

It's simple logic.  The same companies that make pharmaceuticals are the ones doing the cause and effect research, and the same ones making the profits from illness.  There are no big profits in health.  Healthy people don't spend money on prescriptions and health care.  Our laziness is causing our children to be poisoned.  We must get back to trusting our health to our Creator.  When ignorance is chosen, it's no longer ignorance!