Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's Later Thank We Realize

We simply have to shake ourselves out of the mind set that Messiah is coming back as soon as the trouble starts.  And for those who think believers are leaving before it gets too bad, it's much later than you think!  This week in news, The UN has brokered a deal with Iran.  Israel has concerns, and rightfully so!  A child has been held in a hospital for 9 months and parents are fighting to regain custody of her.  Oprah receives a medal of freedom from the White House after making some very disparaging remarks.  Bill Gates has pledged to eradicate polio with vaccinations, regardless of the health issues they cause.  This economy with no base and no ceiling is still collapsing before our eyes.  Police brutality is on the increase.

Fall of 2014 begins the Shemitah, and that means the land is to rest the following planting season.  I've been shown to consider this and directed to share it.
Are we really ready to be obedient?  What happens if all the land does rest a year from now?  What happens, even if crops are planted, the land doesn't sustain them?  What happens if the economic woes truly affects each of us beyond sustaining what we're barely managing now?

I heard someone in an interview say something to the effect of, "When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it!"

Are we ready for that?  I believe when Messiah said, "Be ready," it was more profound than we realize.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Troubling Times

One of the most heart breaking realities about these end of days are the number of people I hear actually planning to just take care of themselves or worse, actually benefit from the hard work and preparation of others.

I saw and posted some time back that unlike in the movie, "The Book of Eli" I saw masses of people, anarchy, and mayhem, rather than a handful of survivors . . . That's not to say, the anarchy won't result in a much reduced human population, but many seem to think it will be business as usual, until some calamity renders just a few survivors and a new already prepared opportunity comes into view.

It's not business as usual now!

Here are a few realities about the human race.  First, so far, all of the people I've heard making plans to be entitled to the hard work and preparation of other's claim to be believers in the G-d of the Bible.  Then there's the group who plan to be "raptured out" before the real trouble begins.  Sadly, there is also a large percentage of folks who are already dependent upon a failing government.  That group is growing daily.

With the growing distrust of government, military, and law enforcement and the increase of random acts of violence; people are actually voicing their trepidation to call for help.  Most of us realize the illusion of protection results in the loss of liberty.  Now to that, add the mix, of a society that insists upon instant gratification and a lot of entertainment, with much of that entertainment being violent!

Much of what this world is going to see before Messiah returns, has yet to reach it's intensity.  We don't have to fear the coming days, if we keep our eyes on Y'hshuwah, but He did say, "be ready!"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rain Checks

Going to the store to make a purchase of a sale item, only to discover the stock was in short supply and depleted has resulted in Rainchecks for years, now.  There is a day coming in which rainchecks will not be redeemed.

I'm now wondering if the term itself, is not a reminder of  "as in the days of Noah."

We have so distanced ourselves from our actual food supply, and the land, it could literally be days, even weeks before the reality became evident.  Here is just a very simple example of our current food chain as opposed to what our Creator provided and the way humanity has lived for centuries.  Actually, it's only been in the last century that it changed.

From the time of creation, man was to tend the garden and eat the produce, preserving some seeds.  The next year, plant those seeds, tend the garden and eat the produce.  This process was to be repeated annually, taking a break the seventh year.  That was the food supply and how it was supplied.  Food went from garden to table or stove, and was preserved for the season of dormancy.

We now have Big Ag and a global market, and the only land that is rested, is land that is not being used at all.  That means very few are actually tending any garden, including the owners of big ag.  The produce is then harvested and sorted to be shipped to various locations depending upon whether it will be sold fresh, canned, frozen, or as an ingredient in prepared products.  Once that occurs, the fresh must still move rapidly, although it's obviously days away from anyone's table.

It is then shipped to grocery supply warehouses, where it will most likely be delivered by truck to retail grocery markets or "food clubs" to which some are referred.  When these items are advertised specials, and the demand exceeds the supply, rain checks may be distributed according to the policy of the market.  From this very simple, yet direct example of the Big Ag produce to the dining room table, it becomes easy to see that we have "created" an unnatural food chain.  Any breakdown or glitch could be virtually unnoticed for more than a week, and we exist with the assumption that an empty shelf will be refilled.

I've seen bare shelves due to advertised sale items.  I've seen bare shelves due to tragedy with people just buying anything we thought someone in need could use.  I've seen bare shelves because snow or ice was predicted, but I've always, always assumed the shelves would be restocked and back to normal when "things" got back to normal.  Whether "things" are prices, events, or weather; our "normal" is far from the plan of our Creator.

Rain checks often come with an expiration date, which is assumed to be a deadline for the customer.  What happens the day, the rain check expires because the shelf was never restocked?    

Sunday, November 3, 2013

We Are Not Promised Tomorrow

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.  James 4:14

Many Scriptures are basically interpreted to mean we live in the present, here and now; and we are clueless as to how the next moments, hours, and day unfold, but the truth is . . . We interpret that to mean we could die between now and then!

What I heard the other day in prayer astounded me.  I've heard the statement in the title of this article for as long as I can remember, but it was always associated with the idea that we could die at any time.  Y'hshuwah asked me, Why we tend to associate "tomorrow is not promised" with death rather than life as we know it different. Because his words were actually tomorrow will have enough trouble of it's own . . .

What if, tomorrow, we are not dead, but we awaken to a world we've never known; and must now survive?  Technically, that is the case, every single day.  My point is, however; just as ancient Israel in Egypt, we are sinking and sliding into slavery and captivity, while holding on to some Scripturally unfounded notion that some mass Exodus will occur before intense oppression and tribulation.

One of my daughters has compared me to Jeremiah, and while I still enjoy life and a good chuckle, but I cannot feign ignorance to what is happening around us.  Lamentations tells us that the mercies of our Heavenly Father are new every morning.  His compassions doesn't fail, but . . . Lamentations is the book of the lament or sorrow of the prophet for Israel's idolatry and spiritual adultery.  It was not a good time in the history of ancient Israel.

When Y'hshuwah came, the entire known world was taxed under the Roman Empire.  As a matter of fact, that's how he came to be born in Bethlehem, according to Luke 2.  There's really no reason to presume His Second Coming will be different in regard to a One World Power.

I don't always achieve perfect obedience in the balance between "be ready" and "take no thought for the morrow" but I am aware that no promise of tomorrow, doesn't just mean we may not wake up tomorrow.  It means we need to wake up now and be ready to glorify our Heavenly Father regardless of what transpires today or tomorrow!

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.  Matthew 6:34