Sunday, July 28, 2013


This came to me so quickly and was so blunt, as I was out doing chores this morning, there is no doubt YHWH wants us to be ready.  Y'hshuwah said, we are to love our enemies.  He also said a prophet would have no honor in his own country, or his own home.  When I looked for the meaning of prophet in the Greek, it referenced a Spirit filled, inspired servant of YHWH.

What I received today was very simple.  As these days unfold, Torah observant followers of Messiah are not going to be tempted to rob banks or murder.  Our temptations will come in the form of compromise for societal "good" and family expectations.  I saw so clearly, the pressure will come from those closest to us, to compromise our service to YHWH in the guise of family values and national morality.  I'm not talking about those things which are obviously against Torah, but I was shown it is those things which are considered "good," the "right" thing to do.  As in, breaking Sabbath for family peace or honoring the man-made traditions.  He warned me of the temptation of compromise to meet the expectations of loved ones.

When Y'hshuwah said to love our enemies, he didn't say to embrace their lifestyle . . . Matthew 10 tells that Messiah himself will separate close relationships, and our foes would be of our own household.  He reminded me this morning, it was not a stranger that identified him for the Roman soldiers.  Betrayal can only comes from someone who holds, or has held a position of trust.  

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