Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bedding Plants

I have friends who have a nursery, and they do sell some heirloom bedding plants, so I do my best to do some networking with them.  They have been gracious to me through the years, even hosting one of my book signings.  I visited their business early in April and was surprised to find a smaller inventory of vegetables and herbs.  Remembering we had a late freeze last year, I thought perhaps they had decided not to bring so many plants out of the greenhouse.  I figured they were just displaying their variety of inventory in smaller quantity and replace as they sold.  I went back this week, and to my surprise, the bedding plants weren't overflowing into the parking lot, as they usually are at this time of year.  There were tons of landscaping plants and trees, but the vegetables, herbs, and fruit plants and trees were not as abundant.

This observation led me to check out other places, just to see . . . I discovered the same thing at three different stores.  I'm not trying to fear monger here, but this seems quite serious.  Realizing any retail store shouldn't carry more perishable products than will reasonably sell, the evidence indicates even in all the anti-Monsanto and cut back on food stamps, the gardening craze is not increasing exponentially as one might have thought . . .  I'm hopeful the difference is more gardeners starting their own bedding plants from seeds, but I don't know.  The fact remains, there are very few nurseries and commercial greenhouses still in retail business.  I still have a great deal left to learn before I can be fully sustained from harvesting seeds to harvesting pure natural and organic produce.  Most of the garden is from seeds sown in the greenhouse, but some of the seeds have been purchased.  I'm still struggling with a method to harvest beet seeds . . .

We really need to keep in mind, when Scripture says there will be no buying or selling without the mark of the beast, food is going to be included in that!  Pharmaceuticals will also be included in that!  Organic gardening with heirloom seeds will carry a double portion blessing.  The food will be pure, therefore our health will improve, not only from the quality of food, but the exercise of gardening!  Until just last century, all societies were dependent upon independent agriculture.

And YHWH G-d took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.  Torah of Holy Scripture

Monday, April 21, 2014

Different, Yet Strangely Similar

When this meme came across my news feed, I found it haunting.  I couldn't get it out of my mind.  Something has been going on in this country through the last two administrations that have hit the same chord in me, this meme did.   Many of the American people believe as strongly in their politics as they do their religion, and continue to blame the other party, meanwhile, both parties continue to sign and re-sign the mandates of the previous administration.

The USA Patriot Act introduced the idea of detention based upon a very vague definition of dissident.  Seeing where that was going, I was certainly grieved about the matter.  Now we have another administration that has further extended the power to label those who would disagree with the present regime, as domestic terrorists.

What I see continuously in the headlines, are those who are not dependent upon the government and the economy of perpetual motion will be "the dissidents."  The interstate highway system took care of the independent businesses in downtowns across America by the late 60s.  Eminent domain has also served to eliminate many remaining independents.  Now, Hobby Farms, Homesteads and independent Ranches are in crosshairs of this government, just as clearly as the Jewish Businesses were in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.    The articles are well beyond a single source, proclaiming the agenda and goal is to contain the population en mass in urban dwellings.  The term, ghetto, of course is not being used, but . . .

The systematic dissolution of independence in this nation has been slowly gaining momentum for years, but the reality of the direction, now looms on the not so distant horizon.   This direction is not exclusive to one party, but rather the agenda that is seeking to contain, control and enslave humanity.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Give Thanks

So often, this particular page is used to sound warnings or share observations YHWH has shown me, and this is no exception, except . . . He has led me to call His people to begin to pray about the water supply.  I've not been told, at this time, to take any extraordinary measures, but rather to give thanks for the clean water we have to drink.  We all know, it's been prophesied, that water will be the "oil" of this next century.  The CEO of Nestle has already made a chilling remark about the world's water supply.

Catching rain water is already illegal in some states, and most incorporated cities forbid the digging of wells for personal use.  Water is highly regulated, but we know from Scripture, it is our Creator that has the final Word on this matter.

It's time to give thanks for the water we have.  Often in the middle of the night, I find myself, literally giving thanks for the cool clean water I have to drink.  It's time to stop taking water for granted, and certainly become diligent in our conservation of this precious gift from our Heavenly Father.  He is the one that causes the rain to fall.

Lamentations 5:4, states that water is bought, indicating earthly "ownership" of the water supply.  I do not believe in replacement theology, but we are certainly not better or more deserving than ancient Israel.  If YHWH will do this and allow it for Israel's rebellion, we must take heed and realize, we are deserving of the same judgment.

  Malachi on the other hand, states the promise with a condition.  Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.   Malachi 3:10   This reference to "open the windows of heaven" are the exact same words in Hebrew that were used in Genesis regarding the flood.  Water, not money is the blessing!

I challenge and encourage all of us to thank Him, every time we enjoy a refreshing drink of water.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of G-d.  
I Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, April 6, 2014

While We're Distracted

I felt led to Google to see if Bill Gates had any investment in Wal-Mart.  Seems it's a recent addition to his multi-billion dollar net worth.  He, also owns stock in Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble,  500,000 shares of Monsanto, and the Gates Foundation is striving to vaccinate the entire world.  Even though he is not involved in the day to day running of Microsoft, he's still the guy who knows where the ON/OFF switch is for the www.

The reason I like to keep Bill Gates in my peripheral vision is his collection of holdings in so many of what I believe to be the ten powers of the end of days.  I don't think Bill Gates is the anti-Christ or the leader of the beastly government, but I do believe the human leader of that agenda will have power in more areas than just political or governmental.  We know in the United States, Big money and Big Business already own the lobby and the so called representatives are well benefited to accommodate the lobby.

The main reason I rule Bill Gates out as a finalist in power in the New World Order, at this time, is his lack of religious interest.  He has openly stated he has no religious interests.  I realize that could change, but so could a rise in accumulative power, elsewhere.  I do believe, however; we need to stop limiting our information and reasoning to see the bigger picture of what is coming with this New World Agenda on the horizon.  So far, most political leaders appear to just be puppets for a bigger power pulling the strings.

The man that changed the economic base of America in the last century with the industrial revolution and the assembly line, Henry Ford; was well connected with Hitler.  The assembly line and factories changed the way of life from agriculture to industry and now we see, even for those who do not personally use a computer, the internet has changed many aspects of our way of life.