Monday, April 21, 2014

Different, Yet Strangely Similar

When this meme came across my news feed, I found it haunting.  I couldn't get it out of my mind.  Something has been going on in this country through the last two administrations that have hit the same chord in me, this meme did.   Many of the American people believe as strongly in their politics as they do their religion, and continue to blame the other party, meanwhile, both parties continue to sign and re-sign the mandates of the previous administration.

The USA Patriot Act introduced the idea of detention based upon a very vague definition of dissident.  Seeing where that was going, I was certainly grieved about the matter.  Now we have another administration that has further extended the power to label those who would disagree with the present regime, as domestic terrorists.

What I see continuously in the headlines, are those who are not dependent upon the government and the economy of perpetual motion will be "the dissidents."  The interstate highway system took care of the independent businesses in downtowns across America by the late 60s.  Eminent domain has also served to eliminate many remaining independents.  Now, Hobby Farms, Homesteads and independent Ranches are in crosshairs of this government, just as clearly as the Jewish Businesses were in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.    The articles are well beyond a single source, proclaiming the agenda and goal is to contain the population en mass in urban dwellings.  The term, ghetto, of course is not being used, but . . .

The systematic dissolution of independence in this nation has been slowly gaining momentum for years, but the reality of the direction, now looms on the not so distant horizon.   This direction is not exclusive to one party, but rather the agenda that is seeking to contain, control and enslave humanity.

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