Sunday, June 29, 2014

Prophetic Dream?

I do not call myself a prophet, that isn't my call.  Sometimes, however; I do hear or see things in advance or am made aware of things by YHWH that I couldn't know any other way.  This post I've copied below was originally posted to my yahoo360 blog, and I transferred it when yahoo eliminated the 360 blog.  I guess Anderson Cooper is the only one with enough clout to get to keep his . . . At any rate, I've also included the blog link where various dreams and words I've been given are retained.

I just shared the blog entry originally dated December of 2008, with a friend the evening of June 23, 2014.  June 24, 2014, this was a cnn feature
Are 'pop-up cities' our future?
Pre-made, uber-wired, eco-friendly cities are already here. But is building smart cities from scratch a good idea? FULL STORY

it | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments Entry for December 10, 2008
A week ago, I had another dream or vision regarding the direction of our country, culture, or civilization. I’m just not sure if it is global or simply this country for now, but I get the overwhelming feeling that this particular condition that I “saw” was to provide our continental contribution to the global plan, and I saw containment. The sad thing was, the containment was considered convenient and safe and many of the people with which I spoke (in the vision) were content with the containment.
The vision or dream began, with us heading toward town in a wagon pulled by donkeys, and the other people we saw on the road were in the same basic mode of transportation. I remember specifically seeing a team of young donkeys harnessed together with a large draft type horse out ahead of them. The people in that wagon told us that was how they “broke” the young teams. As we approached the “town” or city, it was actually a gated metropolis in which all of the references had the prefix “mega” or the suffix “plex,” such as communi-plex, mega-mart. There were no private vehicles, only public transportation and the best way I can describe what we came to was a campus or compound containing apartments, schools, skyscrapers, and a health facility. We were there visiting our daughter and her family, but we kept running into other people we knew from days gone by. Our daughter told us how great it was there. She could take a bus directly from home to work, without riding for an hour and she could look out her window at work and see her children playing on their playground at school. She said, every night there was a “market stop” on the way home for groceries and supplies and as long as she worked every day, all her provisions and the children’s were met. There were more details as to child care and work schedule, but they are not specific to my memory, at this time, other than the fact they were mentioned. She said the only bad thing about the mega-metropolis was the fact she couldn’t come visit us any more. She said, “They” didn’t like them to go outside the gates and besides, there was no way to get to our place. Individually owned vehicles were obsolete. Now, perhaps this detail has been inspired by the desperation of the auto industry, I can’t say. All I can say, is this community, compound, campus was a contained “metro-plex,” completely functional in a sustained urban vacuum.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Israel in the News

When I first read the headlines of the three young Israel men being kidnapped, I began to pray.  Immediately in my spirit, I was reminded of Gilad Shalit.  His freedom was obtained through prison exchange and I believe this is intended to accomplish the same thing.  I pray they are still alive and will be returned to their families soon.  Here are links that continue to provide updates.

"Be Ready" . . . For What?

This is a question we must all ask ourselves as these end of days continue to unfold.  The early Apostles lived their lives believing it was the end of days.  All I can say, is, we are clearly 2000 years closer to the return of Messiah.  He's coming back for a bride that is prepared and awaiting Him.  What does that mean?  Do any of us truly know?

I've been doing some serious soul searching as of late.  I know, my entire life has been in preparation for His plan.  Even when I wasn't serving Him or following Messiah, He knew where I was and what I was learning, would be implemented in this ministry to which I'm called.  I've done a number of things.  I'm not claiming expert status, just working knowledge and some accomplishment.  I know what He has imparted specifically, and it is His Spirit and power in me, that does that.

There are many who are feeling the changes coming and the urgency with which we must prepare.  Take some time, fast, pray, do something different in establishing a set apart seeking of the Will of YHWH.  It's occurred to me, as I read the various articles by survivalists, homesteaders, those sounding warnings; and seek Scripture.  We've been told to feed our enemies . . .Peter was admonished for his violence, even in defense of Messiah.  I don't know fully, yet what we are called to do and we may well be called to different things at different times, but I have heard two things specifically for me, recently.

I am to prepare for barter and trade, and although some days, hiding in the woods sounds preferable, I cannot put my light under a bushel.

 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of G-d, and the faith of Y'hshuwah.  the Revelation


Monday, June 9, 2014

Sabbath - Days and Years

It's time to get ready.  We've now observed Passover, Week of Unleavened Bread, and Shavu'ot is coming to a close.  Although the debate will build before the Fall Feasts, many are at this time in agreement that next year, is Shemitah, the year the land is to rest.  I can't help but wonder if that is why we are getting so much rainfall this year in June . . .  The sixth year, the one before the land is to rest, is promised to yield enough to feed us until the harvest of the eighth year.  As I see many "teachers" posting about this, I can't help but wonder if we've really thought about it.

Obviously, many do not live an agrarian lifestyle, so what are their plans to let the land rest?  Are the non-agrarian folk buying extra canned goods to last them through to the eighth year?  Wouldn't buying produce through the year of Shemitah be refusing to let the land rest?  I've given this serious thought myself.  Do I truly have the faith that YHWH will provide enough in this garden to last until fresh produce comes on in 2016?  That also includes setting back seeds to plant.  I'm not always successful in that endeavor, just from year to year, much less skipping one.

Perhaps I'm sounding legalistic or even misguided, or wrong in my focus, but I truly do want to be obedient.  I think it will be imperative as the end of days unfold for the people of YHWH to be living according to Torah obedience, especially when the time comes for no buying and selling without the mark.  I feel like maybe I'm getting a preview as to what to expect and what will need to be put in place before that time comes.  I also know, by the grace of YHWH in Y'hshuwah, I've been given the opportunity to be obedient.  I didn't have an understanding of how to compute the last Shemitah, so I'm thrilled for the second chance!  What a privilege to be granted the opportunity to be Torah observant in regard to something that has been ignored for years?  We know from the book of Jeremiah, our Creator insists that His people are to regard the land in obedience to Torah to show our respect for Him.

It is my firm belief that the remnant will comprehend this truth and the communities will be gathering soon.  It could be, the coming Shemitah will be the catalyst.

And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,  Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD.  Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;  But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.   And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee,  And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.  Leviticus 25:1-7

Sunday, June 1, 2014

More Than Just Words

In conversations, we hear the evidence of what is on most of our minds.  As the headlines continue to be compelling but questionable, and the prices continue to rise while we are told the economy is improving, most of us are aware something, if not everything, is amiss. We are coming to a place in time, in which we simply must know where we will draw the line in conviction.  While most churches have surrendered their authority to a 501c3 status, our government has surrendered much of it's authority to the UN.  We read and view in horror, police brutality, and can observe the military style vehicles for local law enforcement.

We all know something is up.  Regardless of how many times we're told it's getting better, it seems obvious, the powers that be are preparing for things to get worse, apparently much worse.  I'm seeing a great deal of misrepresentation of Scripture and more coming.  This post will be brief.  We must all truly seek YHWH in earnest obedience and to bear testimony and witness of Y'hshuwah, as these end of days unfold.  It could be very easy for some to be lulled into compliant complacency, while for others, be led to become defiant dissidents.  In viewing current events and comments in social media, it would appear that both extremes lose the focus of Messiah.

It's time to take spiritual inventory and really be honest with ourselves.  I'll confess, I am pretty sure at this time, I'd rather be "taken out quickly" than surrender into captivity.  The problem with that is two fold.  One, the Bible is full of the servants of Elohim that endured prison, as well as being executed for their faith.  The main problem I would have is "pushing the envelope" in the flesh.  Telling the truth will be labeled "doomsday prophet."  Actually it already is, in some circles.  I'm not stating the day or the hour of Messiah's return, but I am stating clearly, humanity is not making things better, and America is clearly not repentant!