Sunday, June 1, 2014

More Than Just Words

In conversations, we hear the evidence of what is on most of our minds.  As the headlines continue to be compelling but questionable, and the prices continue to rise while we are told the economy is improving, most of us are aware something, if not everything, is amiss. We are coming to a place in time, in which we simply must know where we will draw the line in conviction.  While most churches have surrendered their authority to a 501c3 status, our government has surrendered much of it's authority to the UN.  We read and view in horror, police brutality, and can observe the military style vehicles for local law enforcement.

We all know something is up.  Regardless of how many times we're told it's getting better, it seems obvious, the powers that be are preparing for things to get worse, apparently much worse.  I'm seeing a great deal of misrepresentation of Scripture and more coming.  This post will be brief.  We must all truly seek YHWH in earnest obedience and to bear testimony and witness of Y'hshuwah, as these end of days unfold.  It could be very easy for some to be lulled into compliant complacency, while for others, be led to become defiant dissidents.  In viewing current events and comments in social media, it would appear that both extremes lose the focus of Messiah.

It's time to take spiritual inventory and really be honest with ourselves.  I'll confess, I am pretty sure at this time, I'd rather be "taken out quickly" than surrender into captivity.  The problem with that is two fold.  One, the Bible is full of the servants of Elohim that endured prison, as well as being executed for their faith.  The main problem I would have is "pushing the envelope" in the flesh.  Telling the truth will be labeled "doomsday prophet."  Actually it already is, in some circles.  I'm not stating the day or the hour of Messiah's return, but I am stating clearly, humanity is not making things better, and America is clearly not repentant!

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