The Supreme Court did a good thing in the decision regarding Hobby Lobby, in my opinion; but of course, that's only a matter of opinion. According to social media, there seemed to be almost as many who disagreed, but that's getting to be the rule of thumb here in America. The issues get lost and tossed according to political leanings . . . period. I truly do not think this decision was about Hobby Lobby or women's rights at all. I think it was about freedom.
As I read the perspectives I just kept thinking about how far we've gotten away from the freedom we claim to love. Until this last century, people lived agriculturally or had their own business. Americans were basically independent. We've given up our freedom and independence for some elusive "rights." Sadly, even the Bill of Rights is eroding while society focuses on the convoluted definitions of "rights." For example, even though the civil rights issue was legislatively addressed and resolved nearly 50 years ago, not to mention abolition . . . Ben Carson is one of the few Americans who can disagree with the President without being called a racist. Meanwhile law enforcement across this nation profiles and intimidates and it's called "policy." Men cannot hit their wives or girlfriends, but a man with a badge can hit and.or shoot anyone and everyone.
Moving on toward women's rights. Women, especially have bought into the programming and where has that truly gotten us socially? As a woman, I can tell you straight out, I'm not looking forward to the possibility of a woman president. I don't want Hillary C. or Sarah P. The ERA never passed, but most women now work outside the home. Many women are single moms, often dependent upon government programs. Food stamps used to be for emergencies, now renamed; WIC and SNAP are commonplace. Often working mothers still rely on state provided medical care for their children and the latest legislation of health care has put most everyone on some sort of government plan or subsidy.
There has been a slow erosion of freedoms wrapped in the agenda of "rights." The celebration of FREEDOM in general, and the rules thereof, put this in perspective as to where we truly are . . .
This brings us back full circle to fine the line is between freedom to live and slavery to regulation. Although generic memes are often, obviously tongue in cheek, it raises a wonderful observation as to how legislation and regulation can become ridiculous.
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