Sunday, September 28, 2014

Big Changes are Coming

As these end of days continue to unfold, there is a warning.  The specific embodiment of the head of the beastly government will appear to be, the Messiah.  As a matter of fact, Scripture says, he'll do wonders and perform miracles.  The false prophet will appear to be a Biblical prophet like Elijah and John the Baptist.  Abba has not, yet revealed to me; if they will actually be dressed in what we would perceive to be Biblical attire, but their presence will be very similar, yet OFF.  The difference will seem marginal and for most, explained away and compromised, to be embraced.

As many are proclaiming Messiah's return, and He is coming, but it's not as near as many think.  I'm only going to scratch the surface, here.  First, He said there would be tribulation such as the world has never known.  We're not there yet!  Second, the prophesied third temple has not yet been built.  Third, He said He's returning for a glorious ekklesia, i.e. gathering that is holy without spot, wrinkle, or blemish.  Again, we're not there yet.  I'm guessing it will take a greater intensity of the first point, to bring together the third point.

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true Elohim, and Y'hshuwah ha Moshiach, whom thou hast sent.  John 17:3

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Stark Statistics

The California drought of previous years had already reduced the planting for this year, by nearly a third.  Sadly, 2014 has also been a year of drought, so even what was planted will not be an abundant crop.

Florida farmers are enjoying the prices of corn and soybeans.  So that means more GMO!  The largest crops in this country are GMO, now.  Many Florida farmers have found these harvests are much easier than the crops that require hand picking, like strawberries and oranges.  That's not to say all Florida farmers have followed this ideology, but the produce prices are indicative of the changes.

Much of the Ohio Valley and Midwest have enjoyed optimal growing conditions, but again the large operations are GMO.   The rangeland is still not operating anywhere near the former herd numbers.  I don't like to use the term America's herd, because I still believe the ranchers each have their own herd, but for the sake of the numbers, I'll simply state, the number of cattle in this country has continued to decline again in 2014, falling below last year's record as the lowest number since 1951.

To add insult to injury in Arkansas, the CEO of a large grain purchasing business has filed bankruptcy.  Some farmers are unsure they will even be paid for their harvest.  The following is a couple of paragraphs from the article linked in the previous sentence.

The chapter 12 bankruptcy of a principal of Arkansas’ Turner Grain Co. and accompanying grain contract defaults could cost farmers in the Mississippi Delta “paper” losses of up to $70 million, according to a Greenville lawyer for several grain producers.
Separate from the paper losses is the prospect of some farmers going unpaid for grain already sold to Turner Grain.

"Paper" loss for independent farmers has greater significance than "paper" loss for Wall Street executives.  Independent farmers take the financial hit, themselves . . . There are no backroom political deals for them.  While bankers get bailouts, farmers get foreclosures.

As the year of Shemitah is quickly approaching, we must also realize, the judgment that is coming to America may indeed be land that rests.  Torah states that it was permissible to eat what the the untilled, untended land produced . . . but that was Instruction to an obedient people.  Reduced crops this year, abundant harvests of crops that are not food, and Shemitah will greatly affect the health of this nation.

And the solution to all these statistics?  Carefully worded policies for "crop insurance."  Crop insurance is exactly what it sounds like.  If the crop fails, the farmer receives a dollar value per acre for the failed crop.  Hopefully the compensation will cover enough of the expenses to keep the farm in business til the next planting season, but and it's a big BUT, that doesn't put any food on the grocer's shelves.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Change of Seasons

Now that most of us are laughing about "global warming" and the politically owned scientists have now changed the term to "climate change," there is something I've been noticing for some time now.  Scripture mentions many times that rain in it's season is a blessing.  Although the climate does vary around the globe, even deserts have a "rainy season" which, although brief; is usually in spring or late summer/fall.  Even with global information, we seem to need reminding that we all enjoy or endure different climates.  This area, as did many, had a terrific growing season this year, but it's also the year before Shemitah, so the harvest is abundant.

In my years of homesteading, the animals have made me much more "weather aware."  Social media has greatly improved my awareness beyond my own little corner of the world, and having a friend who is a weatherman has definitely expanded my knowledge and broadened my interest.

As our nation and world continue to spiral downward in greed and immorality, the blessing of rainy seasons, spring and fall, are becoming shorter.  The gradual change of temperature between summer and winter is giving way to sudden shifts of wind direction, thus sharp temperature change.  Technically it's still summer, yet snow has already fallen in some northern states.  As we look at statistics and general weather history, we may not see what I've been watching.

When I first began homesteading, I was told lettuce and peas were to be planted February 14.  Even before discovering the pagan roots of Valentine's Day, I had no romantic interests, so planting lettuce and peas seemed the perfect way to spend that day.  The first year in this lifestyle, I had to cover the young leaves once to protect them from frost, and the same the next year.  The following year in my ignorance of Shemitah, I was protected from misusing the land as the temperatures hovered around freezing until March, I was still serving as nursemaid, and a tornado tore through the region in May . . .

In the past six years, records have been set in many places for latest freeze or snow in the spring and earliest freeze or snow in the fall, not to mention excess snowfall in winter and extreme heat and drought in summer.  Some will say it's all cyclic and has happened before.  That may well be true, but we must consider the reality that seasonal shifts also serve as warnings and judgment.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Prophecy in Zechariah 12

"Except the very elect be deceived."  There is a day coming in which some of us believe a Temple will be built with the exact dimensions, but by the hand of man and the anti-Christ will rule from it.  I remember when I first read the passage in Zechariah that said all the nations will come against Jerusalem.  Two thoughts immediately permeated my thinking.  If America is still in business as an independent nation, we're on the wrong side of this prophecy.  The other thought was that the democratic Israel, recognized by the UN would also come against Jerusalem.

For now, democratic Israel is guarding Jerusalem, but we can plainly see, the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount.  While those who would observe Biblical Holy Days are prevented from ascending the Temple Mount on those days, Israel's Muslims do not face Jerusalem to pray, but rather face Mecca.  A political Israel will eventually be in trouble.  I am Israel, I stand with Israel, but I will not support the building of the Temple, and I absolutely pray I am not deceived into forming an allegiance with anyone who is standing against the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

It is my firm belief that there are two very easy ways to be deceived.  One, is to become lackadaisical regarding our spiritual walk.  Two, to become so cocksure of our own beliefs, we lose our spiritual discernment.