Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Prophecy in Zechariah 12

"Except the very elect be deceived."  There is a day coming in which some of us believe a Temple will be built with the exact dimensions, but by the hand of man and the anti-Christ will rule from it.  I remember when I first read the passage in Zechariah that said all the nations will come against Jerusalem.  Two thoughts immediately permeated my thinking.  If America is still in business as an independent nation, we're on the wrong side of this prophecy.  The other thought was that the democratic Israel, recognized by the UN would also come against Jerusalem.

For now, democratic Israel is guarding Jerusalem, but we can plainly see, the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount.  While those who would observe Biblical Holy Days are prevented from ascending the Temple Mount on those days, Israel's Muslims do not face Jerusalem to pray, but rather face Mecca.  A political Israel will eventually be in trouble.  I am Israel, I stand with Israel, but I will not support the building of the Temple, and I absolutely pray I am not deceived into forming an allegiance with anyone who is standing against the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

It is my firm belief that there are two very easy ways to be deceived.  One, is to become lackadaisical regarding our spiritual walk.  Two, to become so cocksure of our own beliefs, we lose our spiritual discernment.


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