Sunday, August 31, 2014

Giving Consideration

Many of us are sensing change is imminent.  Many of us are feeling the need to prepare for the change.  Some are downsizing and cleaning.  Others are harvesting and preserving.  Interesting how some of us are doing the exact opposite things, yet we know we are preparing for the same purpose, ultimately.  This is how the body of Messiah is to function.  Those who are house cleaning and looking for tents are doing what they are called to do, just as I am harvesting and preserving in preparation.

Unless Abba leads me differently, there will be a brief hiatus in the production of "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY."

As we watch the end of days unfold, we must remember the Revelation was given to John about the return of Messiah and what would be taking place.  I have spoken before that the riders on the horses have been released.  Not that I know the date of their release, but simply that they have been released.  It was today that I realized, they were released probably not long after that revelation was given, and they're simply gaining speed and traveling west.  If we consider history, that's why so many believe history is just repeating itself with war and disease, and will once again rally and reset, but that is not the case.

With each expansion of humanity, the problems have not been resolved.  The Middle East and Africa were not made better as society spread through Europe.  The legs of iron, mentioned in Daniel, which is Rome has only annexed further west and mixed with clay . . . From the Vatican throughout the world, there is promise of religious solution.  From the Gaza strip around the globe, there are wars and rumors of wars.  The entire world is facing economic collapse an has literally been propped up on debt for years.

Pharmaceuticals seem to be the newest addition to the man-made solutions, which is probably why there was only one Scriptural reference to pharmakeia prior to the Revelation.  We can see evidence of the rider on the palor horse through the Bubonic Plague and other widespread diseases, but never before has the previous "cure" become the new problem.  As we have only begun to see, the reality now exists, to spread antibiotic resistant super-bugs, globally.

 Even considering the headlines, I believe this is "the calm" before the storm that will only end when Messiah returns.

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