Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Serious Consideration

I've tried to shake this urgency off, but I simply can't.  Several years ago, I saw modern mainstream medicine for what it truly is.  Many may disagree, and that is your prerogative, but I still have to say this.

The term sorceries or sorcerers in the Revelation, was translated from the Greek term "pharmakeia," "pharmakeus," or "pharmakos."   One term refers to the practitioner, one is the product and one references the practice itself.  Every time the term sorceries or sorcerers appears in the Revelation, it is a reference that obviously bears the root word for the English word pharmacy, yet the English King James translators chose sorcery.

When sorcerer is used in the book of Acts, the Greek term was a reference to magician or a person intriguing entertainment.  There is one other passage in which the Greek term pharmakeia appeared in the original and that is in Galatians 5.  The King James translators used the English term "witchcraft" in that passage.  Witchcraft is generally equated with mind control.  Which brings to mind a question.  Why would the English translators use two very different words to translate the same Greek word and avoid the obvious English term of the same root?

Here are the first two definitions for PHARMAKEIA as given in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:
1. the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning

We are all aware of the reason medication is carefully labeled, monitored, and given in measured dosage.  It is poison.  An overdose can cause death.  Health care is the most valued commodity in this country, the most expensive and the least effective.  When the Revelation speaks of no buying and selling without the mark, a very deceptive way to administer this mark could very well be through health care.  As for making the choice, signing a consent to treatment form is verification of having made a choice.

I would urge every believer to research this yourself.  Our Creator has promised us good health if we are obedient to His Word.  Mixing holy with profane will not protect us from the plagues that are being introduced.  

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