BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY will be returning for a new season in the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I am led to share this information I have obtained directly from the community of Big Agriculture. Other than an extra cold winter last year, the wheat harvest wasn't really exploited by the love of money, but the corn and bean harvest have been and will continue to be.
There is virtually no corn available that has not been genetically altered. The heirloom corn crop was not great this year. One variety in particular I know, was a warning of spiritual significance. The stalks shot up quickly, reaching heights I'd never before seen in corn. This corn salks grew every bit of eight feet tall. There were many things wrong with it, though. It got so tall, the stalk began to fall over from their own weight. The plants never tasseled, so they never produced ears. The biggest most vibrantly green corn stalks I've ever seen were barren. The goats loved them, but there was no harvest of that particular corn. Other heirloom varieties did all right, but this particular one was some sort of blue or indigo variety.
Moving right along to the Big Ag crops. The hay cuttings were so numerous, and the corn harvest so bountiful, the barns are filled beyond capacity, with hay and corn still in the field. A significant issue has arisen, however; with this abundant corn crop. Rather than our Big Ag seeing it as abundance for the year of shemitah, the love of money has entered the equation. The price of corn has dropped dramatically between the time of sowing and the time of harvest, and corn is about half the price it was, per bushel, last summer. The solution? Seed companies are raising the price of seeds and since the seeds are GMO, they are patented, so a farmer cannot plant from his own harvested crop. We are already far behind ancient Egypt in managing our food supply.
Next, many farmers have actually determined to store their crop until the price goes up. That is a two fold problem that could potentially multiply exponentially. With corn being held for better prices, that means it will be in short supply for processing and animal feed, so the cost of food products containing corn may increase through the winter or until the price of a bushel of corn goes up. Most of our processed food contains corn. Corn syrup is used to sweeten a great many of the products on grocer's shelves. So, if groceries go up, and the price of corn doesn't, that means farmers will still be storing their corn in buildings not designed for grain storage, so pestilence is sure to ensue. I don't know if GMO corn will cause rats and raccoons any serious health problems, but those pests will find their way into the implement barns being used to house the extra grain.
This single situation could very well topple the house of cards we've built with our food supply and financial interests. The prophesied famine and pestilence, not to mention a day's wage for food could all very soon be affected by this year in which the purpose for the abundance is being ignored.
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