YHWH gave me a vision in late January. He also gives me dreams on occasion, when there is something I just can't seem to comprehend through words or events, but they are not frequent and usually address a personal issue. The difference between a dream and a vision is stark. For the most part, YHWH speaks directly to me, and through His Word, but He gives me a vision when there are many details, within an event or image. I don't have a great many visions, but when I am shown one, I know Abba intends for me to act upon it, sound a warning about it, or both . . . This was one of those cases.
He showed me the Third Temple and the throngs that were gathered there, and the ones who refused to gather there. There were cameras all around the Temple. Although I didn't see any faces clearly, I could recognize that the two witnesses as well as part of the remnant weren't a part of the gathered throng, but were speaking against the leader in the Third Temple. As I mentioned, this vision was given to me in late January, and I knew I was to reveal what I'd been shown before the Third Temple is actually in place, but this week, I've been prompted to get the warning out. The various parts of the Third Temple are being built, away from the actual site, so as to not have any tool work done where it will stand.
The remnant will be persecuted and the two witnesses will ultimately be killed for proclaiming the truth. The man the world will call Jesus, ruling from the Third Temple, built by man, is not the Son of the G-d of Israel. Every major religion acknowledges a "Jesus" that came or will come to change the ancient teachings or the teachings of the Ancient of Days . . . Sound familiar? When the Temple is assembled on the Temple mount and the man all the world calls Jesus rules from that place and sacrifices are once again offered, it will not be Y'hshuwah. He will not be Immanuel, the promised Messiah. Sadly, Romans 13:1-2 and Philippians 2:10 will be quoted to rally and enforce the worship of this imposter.
After seeing this vision, I looked in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance regarding the term anti-Christ. The definition was "the adversary of Messiah." What better way to oppose Messiah, than to deceive the world into bowing down to a counterfeit?
Many of the world religions including of course, Christianity, claim that "Jesus" has changed and overridden the Hebrew Scriptures. The man ruling from the Third Temple will exalt himself over the very Word of YHWH. This will take place before the Second Coming of Messiah.
Developments regarding the Temple Mount and the Third Temple
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