Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WARNING Regarding Mandated Health Care

The following information was spoken the year before President Obama became President Obama.

>>>Health care will get the last of what would have been inheritances in America.<<<

I'm not using quotation marks, because I've posted this based on memory, but I remember when I read those words, how haunting they were.  There was already an obvious foundational truth to it, in that "medical campuses" were literally built on what was previously farm land, but the statement was more ominous.

With this mandated health care, and subsidies, read all the fine print.  If you are among the many who fall beneath the subsidy level and have been redirected to state medicaid, DEFINITELY read the fine print.  The wording results in assets becoming property of the state in many cases, and would be heirs will be left out.  In some cases, this new mandate will leave states with power that render wills null and void.

Scripture says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.  That doesn't mean we are to control our children from the grave regarding their children, it simply means, our Creator is willing to provide for us and the blessings will continue to flow through future generations, but faith is the factor.

We are told that faith counts as righteousness, so please weigh this health care situation out carefully.  Since the statement was made before this President ever took office, this agenda is bigger than meets the eye!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Arbitrary Allegations

This is alarming on the most basic of levels in regard to our Bill of Rights.

Wal-Mart can ban a large man for life but a Christian is court ordered to have specific customers.



Either businesses have the right to refuse service or they don't!

What should have been decided in court was decided on a single allegation based upon a Wal-Mart employee.  Even reading the story, it's clear to see that the man left the store without incident . . .

As to the business owner in Colorado, was he singled out by these two men, in a state that doesn't even recognize gay marriage?

Where's the outrage, Wal-Mart shoppers?  Where's the stand, Bible believers?  Griping about going to Wal-Mart is not really taking a stand.  Denver believers, you could be standing before this judge yourself at some point for any arbitrary issue!

The Bill of Rights isn't protecting either of these men!
What should we do?  What can we do?  Is it already too late?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Man-made Solutions

We simply must look beyond the smoke and mirrors of American politics and realize every man-made solution, regardless of political leaning is one step toward the Agenda of the Anti-Christ.  From the very first sin in the Garden of Eden, the fig leaves only served for the people involved to think they had postponed the inevitable.  Since national repentance is not even being considered, it's truly time to face the fact and be ready, as we will be facing some harsh realities very soon.

It's time to truly assess where our dependence lies.  I find myself becoming very aware of the things for which I am still dependent upon the system.  There are two things I've really taken to heart as of late.  One is the argument against the pretribulation rapture, while those same people don't seem very prepared for times of tribulation with no buying and selling . . . The other is all the self-proclaimed teachers who are unteachable.  If the sheep hear His voice, we should be hearing the same thing.  It really is time to get serious about preparing.

I'm not talking doomsday prepping, I'm talking faith with works to be a living sacrifice!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Bull Returned in a Dream

The same big red hereford bull that was tearing up a basement a couple of years back in a dream I shared, appeared in another dream a couple of nights ago.  This dream was literally so real, I was actually animated in my sleep participating in it . . . which awakened me.  Now, to the dream.

There was a sizeable pond in which this bull was literally dragging a man through.  This bull was raging.  About 7 or 8 men were on horses trying to drive this bull into some sort of containment, but the bull evaded them.  I was standing on the far side of the pond and as the bull charged the direction toward me, not at me, just around their efforts, one of the men literally jumped off the horse and on the back of this raging bull trying to get it's head down in the water.  He was semi successful in that the bull's nose went under the water just enough to startle him and the man being dragged got loose just as the man who was on the bull was thrown into the water.  The bull took just a couple of seconds then began to head toward the two men in the water as the 6 or 7 men on horseback moved in to stand between the bull and the two men in the water heading for the nearest dry land.  I moved toward where they were headed and as I reached out my arm to help them from the water, I literally reached out to grab their hands and was awakened.

I still believe this bull represents the economy.  http://ready.blog.com/2011/01/25/the-hereford-bull-in-the-basement/  The same bull that was destroying the house a few years ago, is now dragging us and we are drowning debt . . .  The few seconds repeal?  Where we are right now in the unlimited extension, after the so called "shut down."