The following information was spoken the year before President Obama became President Obama.
>>>Health care will get the last of what would have been inheritances in America.<<<
I'm not using quotation marks, because I've posted this based on memory, but I remember when I read those words, how haunting they were. There was already an obvious foundational truth to it, in that "medical campuses" were literally built on what was previously farm land, but the statement was more ominous.
With this mandated health care, and subsidies, read all the fine print. If you are among the many who fall beneath the subsidy level and have been redirected to state medicaid, DEFINITELY read the fine print. The wording results in assets becoming property of the state in many cases, and would be heirs will be left out. In some cases, this new mandate will leave states with power that render wills null and void.
Scripture says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. That doesn't mean we are to control our children from the grave regarding their children, it simply means, our Creator is willing to provide for us and the blessings will continue to flow through future generations, but faith is the factor.
We are told that faith counts as righteousness, so please weigh this health care situation out carefully. Since the statement was made before this President ever took office, this agenda is bigger than meets the eye!
Yes indeed this is true. The medicaid people are forced onto when they are "poor" is not a freebie, but more like a loan that will be repaid through forfeiture of any assets the person may hold. This is why when my Mom was getting put into a home and was going to use this program, all of her assets had to be maneuvered out of her ownership before she began using it. They not only take over 1/3 of the US economy, but also would take over a lot of private property.