A Rabbi made a "prophecy" some year back and in that prophecy referenced an alignment with the death of Ariel Sharon. This Rabbi claimed that the Messiah would return after Sharon's death. This Rabbi also died shortly after Ariel Sharon suffered his stroke and brain hemorrhage eight years ago. The Rabbi, I believe died later that same January. He had written this "prophetic message" with the explicit instructions that it was not not be opened or read immediately, but rather one year after his death.
So . . . it's been circulating the internet for a few years now. That prophecy is vague enough to be accurate, of course, but also contains some specifics that could in fact cause "the very elect" to look to the anti-christ or false prophet for leadership.
There is still much to be fulfilled before the Revelation 19, in which He that is faithful and True appears. Like the construction of the third temple and the rise of the false prophet, beast government, Two Witnesses, 1/4 of the earth destroyed, bitter water, large scale plague and pestilence, famine, no buying or selling without the mark, and the whore of Babylon going up in smoke . . . I realize the Noahides are gaining ground toward a third temple, but their primary leader has died, as has the long revered Rabbi of the Chabad movement. Menachem Schneerson did have a profound influence, however; on the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations, and that influence has been recorded into law in the US.
Let's discuss the meaning of "elect" for just a moment. Christianity would have us believe that it is a reference to them, of course. And there are many who are deceived regularly by the religious charlatans who claim to have seen Christ and bear his anointing . . . Christ is the Latin term for anointing, so we can already see the many places this has occurred with Evangelical crusades and Christian showmanship. But the term "elect" is also translated, "chosen." We know who are referenced to be the "chosen."
Is it possible that this "prophecy" of the deceased Rabbi will cause many, both in Christianity and Judaism to follow the anti-Christ, believing that individual to be the Messiah, as the teachings of the false prophet lead them to do so?
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great
signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the
very elect. Matthew 24:24
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