Sunday, January 19, 2014

We Need to Hone our Barter Skills

Seems so many are discussing these end of days, like we really believe we are living in the end of days, so there are a few things we just shouldn't ignore or brush aside.  One of those things is to begin to really assess our dependency upon a system that many are already calling Babylon.  I realize Daniel was treated well in Babylon, but let's not forget there was that whole Lion's Den incident, as well as his friend's experience in the fiery furnace.

Not be the bearer of bad news, but those are four men out of how many Israelites in captivity?  It's interesting how we humans find so many situations in Scripture that we feel some sort of special dispensation to dismiss, then we all think we'll be the Joseph or Daniel when hard times come.  This is not being offered as gloom and doom at all, but rather to extend the opportunity for networking and trade.  I have some skills and preparation that will be needed when the time comes that we can't buy or sell.  Like most everyone else, I also lack some skills and preparation that will be needed.

We have some wonderful networking opportunities right now, to be working together and establish some connections, as well as ask advice and receive encouragement.  There's a day coming when followers of The Way will share what we have and what we know, just as they did in the book of Acts.  It's really not bragging to share the talents with which YHWH has blessed you.  

All are invited to visit the Forums Board at Goshen to post questions, offer information and advice, teachings, warnings, and whatever Adonai lays on your heart.

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