Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Bull Returned in a Dream

The same big red hereford bull that was tearing up a basement a couple of years back in a dream I shared, appeared in another dream a couple of nights ago.  This dream was literally so real, I was actually animated in my sleep participating in it . . . which awakened me.  Now, to the dream.

There was a sizeable pond in which this bull was literally dragging a man through.  This bull was raging.  About 7 or 8 men were on horses trying to drive this bull into some sort of containment, but the bull evaded them.  I was standing on the far side of the pond and as the bull charged the direction toward me, not at me, just around their efforts, one of the men literally jumped off the horse and on the back of this raging bull trying to get it's head down in the water.  He was semi successful in that the bull's nose went under the water just enough to startle him and the man being dragged got loose just as the man who was on the bull was thrown into the water.  The bull took just a couple of seconds then began to head toward the two men in the water as the 6 or 7 men on horseback moved in to stand between the bull and the two men in the water heading for the nearest dry land.  I moved toward where they were headed and as I reached out my arm to help them from the water, I literally reached out to grab their hands and was awakened.

I still believe this bull represents the economy.  The same bull that was destroying the house a few years ago, is now dragging us and we are drowning debt . . .  The few seconds repeal?  Where we are right now in the unlimited extension, after the so called "shut down."

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