Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Is Not "Be Ready?"

Before jumping to any conclusions, please give this a read.  

1.                 Stockpiling ammo
2.                 Focusing on the enemy
3.                 Waiting for Washington to fix things
4.                 Fearing terrorism
5.                 Making work out of living
6.                 Compromise
7.                 Buying gold and survival food packets

I am not saying we should give up the Second Amendment, not at all.  As a matter of fact, if we want meat, and I do, we need a humane way to kill and process.  A bullet is definitely a quick way to drop the animal.  I can't answer what I would do in the case of feeling threatened, and I certainly can't tell another what to do, but I do find it very discomforting to know there are a number of so called believers that are at least verbalizing their potential ease at killing another human being.  We must be diligent in our search of what it is to follow Messiah as the days become more violent.

Focusing on the enemy takes our focus off of Messiah and can result in replacing our fear of YHWH with fear of the enemy which is idolatry.  Waiting for Washington to come up with solutions or stop plans in motion can also be idolatry in placing our faith in a system and a party other than our Creator.  Fearing terrorism has taken the nation from freedom in international travel to needing to show ID to cross the street.  As Islam spreads through our country, people are becoming increasingly more afraid of law enforcement than terrorists or the line between has been blurred and redefined.

I've been guilty of this next one myself.  While some of us are aiming to simplify, I've noticed two big major hurdles of which we need to take note.  Some folks are spending a fortune to simplify, and others like myself, have made extra and unnecessary work out of simplifying, which results in a process rather than progress!  Definitely learn skills of simplicity.  It is our responsibility to keep alive the agrarian skills and sufficiency arts of thousands of years.  These skills can literally be lost in a generation . . .  Simplicity does require some investment, but the point is to move away from ongoing expense and dependency.

Compromise is unacceptable.  That's not to say we know everything or that we can't admit when we learn something new.  Compromise is “going along” to “get along” and we are not to do that!

There is nothing wrong with having some gold and silver or investments other than American currency but, be careful.  We are not to lay up treasures on earth.  When it all collapses or hits the fan or whatever, gold and silver are not edible! 

As for survival storage food, three things.  It’s very clearly portioned for rationing.  Those packages that cost over $400.00 are designed to be rationed portions of meals, drinks, and snacks for 1 person for 90 days, three people for 1 month, which would make sharing very difficult.  Not to mention, all orders are recorded and tracked to the shipping address.   Messiah warned of the time when there would be no going back to even get a coat, so keep in mind food storage is probably a treasure for marauders or a way for the powers that be to know where the food supply is.

If on the other hand, a person took that $400.00, invested in seeds, chickens, and gasoline to an established homestead by faith, taking talents and an honest work ethic, you’re looking at a perpetual food supply that can be shared.  The Revelation tells us some believers will be martyrs, that’ simply a fact of life we must not forget.

Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.  Matthew 24:17-18

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Startling Dream

It seems many folks are talking about having dreams, and this week I've had several, as well.  Not all of them seem to hold spiritual significance, but this one clearly did and I've been led to share it both by video and here.

In my dream there were all sorts of methods and ways and items for protecting households.  As I walked through these various yards filled with statues and fountains, signs and sayings, one thing was consistent.  These were all people who claimed to know Y'hshuwah.  I don't remember anyone in the dream even calling Him Jesus, as they protected their places from evil.

The protection, however; was pure superstition.  As I asked what the purpose was, I was told it was to ward off evil.  We even spoke of the fact at the Name of Y'hshuwah, evil had to flee.  Where two or three were gathered together He would be there and whatever we asked in His Name according to the Father's will would be done.  Yet, knowing these facts, stating the Scripture and making the claims, the words of protection and preparation continued to point to these items of superstition.  The yard items themselves were not evil, it was the superstition involved that was evil.  The signs, however; did not contain Scripture.

There were kiddie pools filled so many inches, precisely, and certain wind chimes hung strategically measured from the door.  There were special fountains.  There were manufactured signs that stated various warnings to evil beings.  I ran into people occasionally, who were also speaking of Y'hshuwah and asking, "what are these people doing?"  As I saw this, I was heart broken, and wanted to return to my place to make sure I hadn't bought into any of this.

I awoke before making my way back to my place in the dream.  Immediately I began praying.  I heard clearly, we have judged so many other nations for their heathen ways, while we have incorporated sorcery and superstition into matters that have been ordained to be holy.

I heard the questions, "What's the difference between a prescription of measured poison, and seeking a potion of batwings and lizard tails?"  Then I heard, "What's the difference between a statue of tribute and an idol?"  The last question I heard was, "Why is there so much doubt and so few asking that I would help their unbelief?"

As I took inventory in my own life, seeing where I have mixed holy with profane regarding these questions and after seeking forgiveness, I then heard, "Ask my people these questions."

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ever Learning

It's about time we stopped misinterpreting Paul's letters to negate Torah and redefine Messiah and get serious about the things he did teach.  One of those being to end all the endless debates, vain babblings, and get real about following Messiah, beyond our own self-defined service.

I'm becoming very troubled, having been sounding the need to prepare for some time now, that many people who believe themselves to be more knowledgeable than others are still just talking, but while they are doing that, they are taking careful note as to where the real preparation work is being done.  If I had a dollar for every time I've heard about these "knowledge sources" having dreams about living off of "found" food storage stashes, I could be paying a gardener.  I realize not everyone is called to do the same thing.  Same Spirit, different administrations.  Some of us are called to establish "Goshens" while others are called to be witnesses still in the city.  The point is, the reminder, once again that we are called to be a witness unto Y'hshuwah.  It's all the "talk" that gets old.

I'm familiar with the passage about the wealth of the wicked being laid up for the righteous . . . Perhaps, I'm wrong on this, but I don't think I'm "the wicked."  I also feel that I'm to be sharing valuable knowledge about how to take care of our children and share with those who do not yet know and recognize the end of days.  For those claiming to recognize the times that are at hand, they need to be preparing for such events.

When it comes down to it, we may find all the "endless genealogies" with "vain janglings and babblings" are not so filling when there is famine in the land.

Sadly, much of the Bible discussion is back to talk and debate, only rather than filling pews and sanctuaries, it's forums boards and social media.  Meanwhile, even many unbelievers are seeing bad times coming and many companies are seeing this as the prime opportunity to cash in . . . or out as the case may be.

I'm old enough to remember bomb shelters.  Well, they've come a long way baby . . . I'm including this link and would ask you to consider.  A purchase of this size would not be without record and probably require permits, for those planning to hide until it all blows over.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  John 16:33

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Love of Money

I've participated in several rather curt conversation about herbs and pharmaceuticals, recently.  Seems ever since I wrote the article about sickness, it's been one disagreement after another somewhere.  As I was praying, I simply asked Abba if I was being stiff necked in my view.  With that, it was as if information just began to pour from the throne.  He is G-d, and He shares His glory with no other.  He is YHWH Raphah.  Messiah is our High Priest.  According to Torah, illnesses were to be presented before the High Priest.  He changes not, and Messiah is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I've always accepted that America's Christian society has embraced the idea of our Creator using doctors and pharmaceuticals, and will argue that belief vehemently; but the government taking control, NOW there's a problem . . .

Nurses are mentioned in Scripture, but it was a life commitment of service, not a lucrative career of passing meds and enforcing policy.  The term physician rarely appears, and it was not part of the culture of Israel.

In the book of Acts, the term for sorcery referred to a magician, but in Galatians, the term "witchcraft" and in the Revelation, the term "sorcery" were translated from the word:
farmakeiva  [pharmakeia]  The foundational term seems obvious, with the eternal results, ominous.  I've shared this information for years, and for the most part, I'm viewed as a religious zealot on the subject, but, I'd rather be seen as a kook by men, than to stand in account for not sounding this warning.

Now, to the love of money trail . . . It began simply with aspirin in the mid 19th century and near the turn of the 20th century, literally exploded around the world.  The foundation for the pharmaceutical industry was the formulation of synthesizing natural products for mass production and patents.  It began so simply.  No company could hold a patent on nature.  The properties of white willow bark were chemically reproduced, made into a powder, and at first only distributed to doctors to prescribe.  As the market expanded, the laboratories determined the most lucrative plan was to make it directly available to the public.  It was then that formulas were patented and logos pressed into tablets. 

As more chemicals were formulated, and nature still cannot be patented, the pharmaceutical industry has grown to be a very powerful and wealth generating industry, in which most societies have placed their "undying" trust.  So powerful, that Monsanto purchased GD Searle & Company nearly 30 years ago.

The connection between a poor diet and synthetic remedies generates a great deal of wealth but no true health.