Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Is Not "Be Ready?"

Before jumping to any conclusions, please give this a read.  

1.                 Stockpiling ammo
2.                 Focusing on the enemy
3.                 Waiting for Washington to fix things
4.                 Fearing terrorism
5.                 Making work out of living
6.                 Compromise
7.                 Buying gold and survival food packets

I am not saying we should give up the Second Amendment, not at all.  As a matter of fact, if we want meat, and I do, we need a humane way to kill and process.  A bullet is definitely a quick way to drop the animal.  I can't answer what I would do in the case of feeling threatened, and I certainly can't tell another what to do, but I do find it very discomforting to know there are a number of so called believers that are at least verbalizing their potential ease at killing another human being.  We must be diligent in our search of what it is to follow Messiah as the days become more violent.

Focusing on the enemy takes our focus off of Messiah and can result in replacing our fear of YHWH with fear of the enemy which is idolatry.  Waiting for Washington to come up with solutions or stop plans in motion can also be idolatry in placing our faith in a system and a party other than our Creator.  Fearing terrorism has taken the nation from freedom in international travel to needing to show ID to cross the street.  As Islam spreads through our country, people are becoming increasingly more afraid of law enforcement than terrorists or the line between has been blurred and redefined.

I've been guilty of this next one myself.  While some of us are aiming to simplify, I've noticed two big major hurdles of which we need to take note.  Some folks are spending a fortune to simplify, and others like myself, have made extra and unnecessary work out of simplifying, which results in a process rather than progress!  Definitely learn skills of simplicity.  It is our responsibility to keep alive the agrarian skills and sufficiency arts of thousands of years.  These skills can literally be lost in a generation . . .  Simplicity does require some investment, but the point is to move away from ongoing expense and dependency.

Compromise is unacceptable.  That's not to say we know everything or that we can't admit when we learn something new.  Compromise is “going along” to “get along” and we are not to do that!

There is nothing wrong with having some gold and silver or investments other than American currency but, be careful.  We are not to lay up treasures on earth.  When it all collapses or hits the fan or whatever, gold and silver are not edible! 

As for survival storage food, three things.  It’s very clearly portioned for rationing.  Those packages that cost over $400.00 are designed to be rationed portions of meals, drinks, and snacks for 1 person for 90 days, three people for 1 month, which would make sharing very difficult.  Not to mention, all orders are recorded and tracked to the shipping address.   Messiah warned of the time when there would be no going back to even get a coat, so keep in mind food storage is probably a treasure for marauders or a way for the powers that be to know where the food supply is.

If on the other hand, a person took that $400.00, invested in seeds, chickens, and gasoline to an established homestead by faith, taking talents and an honest work ethic, you’re looking at a perpetual food supply that can be shared.  The Revelation tells us some believers will be martyrs, that’ simply a fact of life we must not forget.

Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:  Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.  Matthew 24:17-18

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