Sunday, March 2, 2014


Please bear in mind, there is a grain of truth in many of the examples I will be using in this article, but our relationship with our Creator is still a matter of the heart, not the mouth.  Isaiah addresses the offense of lip service without surrendered hearts.  Wherefore Adonai said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:  Isaiah 29:13
I remember when the teaching was "speak it into being!"  "Words have power."    That teaching always came across as a very self-centered way to treat our Heavenly Father.  Like He was sitting on His throne awaiting orders.  Oh, I almost forgot, you had to say it "in Jesus Name" and just watch it all fall into place . . . Words do have power!  Power to praise and power to incite judgment!

Some folks saw it for what it was, while for others, the scales remain.  Many are still following some of the older names, and then there are the two newer kids on the block; Osteen and Prince.  These two present a frightening blend of religious references, but little Scripture to justify materialism and disobedience.   The old teaching always struck me as, "let G-d know what you want, use certain interpretations and Scripture out of context to "establish it,"  "speak it," which became dubbed "name it and claim it, or blab it and grab it," sprinkle "Jesus" on top and wait for the wealth.  This newer teaching actually seems anti-Scripture.

Now that it's been officially realized by many, that old method only works for the speaker in his or her own reasoning, there's another "new thing" unfolding.  It's time to start speaking G-d's language.  Hebrew is a beautiful language and since names are not, as a rule, translated to other languages, I do think it's important to know the Name of our Creator and His Son.  We don't need to know the Name to argue over pronunciation, but rather to call upon the Name.  I do share the fact His Name has been removed from the KJV and the letter "J" is a very recent addition to the alphabet, but I don't know how He spoke His Name to Moses.  I wasn't on that mountain hearing a voice come from a burning bush.  All I can do is read what was recorded!  Abba does know in my heart if my attempt to call upon His Name and share it, is in humble reverence or self-seeking pride, which brings me to a grave concern.

As a few Hebrew terms are becoming the latest trend, I find it frightening in two ways.  One, of course the debates have ensued, which is absolutely ridiculous and I believe a very poor witness!  The second, is the level of faith, congregants place in their leadership, rather than searching the Word themselves.  For instance, the term "Ruach."  Ruach HaKodesh is Holy Spirit.  Ruach is also the term used when YHWH sent an evil spirit to trouble King Saul.  It's not about pronunciation or semantics, it's about seeking our Creator in reverence to actually know Him.  We are in danger of becoming entirely too casual in our reference and reverence, while also entirely too prideful in our knowledge.

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