Sunday, March 23, 2014

Letting Our Light Shine

So many warnings, and so many are sounding said warnings, but there are good things to share as well.  We are told throughout Scripture that YHWH will provide for His people.  As things get crazier in this world around us, and they will, what are we doing to let our light shine?

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised at the number of people who are talking about the end of days, but going on business as usual.   I truly believe we need to be listening to the warnings we are sounding and begin changing our lifestyle to one of truly less dependence upon the "cultural norms" and get back to G-d's plan of sustenance.  I've been told outright by many " pre-trib rapture ready" folk that we all can't just drop out and start living off the land.  These are the same people that believe they'll simply be airlifted before it gets so bad.  Besides, I've hardly dropped out!  Living off the land, yes, sounding the warning, absolutely, but I'm also blessed to be able to share the good news around the world without leaving the homestead.

One of my real priorities is to apply spiritual truth to practical application in the natural.  That sentence doesn't flow exactly the way I'd like it to, so I'll just use it to build a paragraph.  I don't want to spend my day in religious midrash on social media.  I do find myself with just a twinge of "loneliness" as I read about all the multi-level-marketing promos for "natural everything."  I've practiced alternative wellness for over 20 years now and watched a lot of claims come and go.  Natural products in multi-level-marketing plans seem to be the buildingless franchise concept of this new century, and the fast track opposing profession to the growing boon of health care careers.  I'm amazed at how quickly these MLM businesses are springing up, and how expensive the products are.  A little programming with the promise of big money is definitely trending.  The entire purpose of natural wellness is to be healthier, not buy products.

My point, though, in all of this, is if we really believe we are living in the end of days, we need to make certain that our true source and supply is our Heavenly Father, and then share that.  We need to be using the talents He created in us to be blessing others.  I really think it's time to start moving away from the idea of working for money or becoming more dependent upon the system of perpetual motion.  I'm not suggesting anyone run out and quit their job, quite the contrary.  My suggestion is we begin investing what we can toward being prepared for the time when we cannot buy or sell.

What will we have to bring to the table?   We don't have to "drop out" to begin reducing our dependence upon the established economy of perpetual motion.  I do think it's time to start, though.  So many of us envision the perpetual motion as a hamster wheel, but really it is a downward spiral.  Perpetual motion is not a stable foundation for an economy, but the instability

Whether it's a reduced dependency upon the grocery store with a garden, or reduced dependency upon pharmaceuticals with better diet and natural remedies.  Certainly, we need to have some sort of idea of how we'll live when government assistance or social security is no longer available, as our government is seriously operating in the red, without any debt limit set.  There are so many things we can be doing now, to not only reduce our dependence, but be in a position to help others, as well.

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