Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Five Fold Ministry Preparedness

As these times are becoming obviously turbulent with each passing day, YHWH has placed upon my heart to make this announcement prior to Pesach, for communication to begin, regarding the gathering of His people.

There are becoming two increasingly large groups of people referring to themselves as Torah observant believers, both claiming great insight.  One of these groups are the folks in constant midrash and study, who "have been shown" they will be provided for by the preparation of others or of course, "manna."  The other group is laying in the survivor supplies, including weapons and large quantities of ammunition.

As I weigh these options out, I find myself, once again seeing four kinds of people, with the great majority still discounting completely that preparation is needed for the end of days.  Much of this group are non-believers, still looking for political solutions, and the rest in this non-preparation group are Christians planning on a rapture when "the going gets tough."  I am not in this group.  I am a believer that sees believers remaining on earth for at least part of the Great Tribulation.

As for the being too busy enlightening people to personally prepare, maybe that's part of what I'm preparing for.  Maybe I'll be sharing the food AND work-load of basic simplicity, and maybe there will be "milk parlor midrash" and studies in the garden, but I've already been given a warning in a dream a few years back that there will be many showing up, talking the talk, and talking more talk . . . just for the food.  I won't be cooking for a crowd that had the insight to know these are the end of days, and chose to not prepare.

The heavy ammunition crowd concerns me.  First, it was Messiah that rebuked Peter for using violence to protect Him.  As for citing Old Testament references to justify acts of war, that was already done here in America, when the Europeans considered this the new promised land and annihilated the Native Americans. According to the book of Daniel, the current state of this world is still the fourth kingdom, iron, now mixed with clay.  Back to the firepower crowd.  I've been shown some insight on this matter.  There is no way to out firepower any military, so what may seem like implements of justifiable defense, could very quickly become weapons of offense.  Frightened, hungry people do not make sound decisions!

The saddest thing I saw and heard in all of this, was the misuse of two Scriptures to justify violence and theft.  Proverbs 13:22b and of course, Romans 13:1-2  In all the religious arguing over days of the week, marking the month, when a day begins, many people will consider themselves as, "the just," while those who disagree are clearly, blatant "sinners."   . . . the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.  Proverbs 13:22b.  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of G-d: the powers that be are ordained of G-d.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of G-d: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.  Romans 13:1-2
I've already heard Romans 13:1-2 used in the context of gun confiscation and imposing martial law.

I believe the fourth kind of people are actually seeing that it's time to prepare and prepare to share!
This is not prophecy as to how details will unfold, but the possibility does exist that the people themselves will do a great deal of battle just amongst ourselves.  The reality is, the final beast power can simply stand back and let the people fight it out dividedly, and the power itself loot the spoils of the anarchy of the unprepared.

I believe the fourth kind of people are being called to their rightful place of responsibility in a five fold ministry.

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