It's about time we stopped misinterpreting Paul's letters to negate Torah and redefine Messiah and get serious about the things he did teach. One of those being to end all the endless debates, vain babblings, and get real about following Messiah, beyond our own self-defined service.
I'm becoming very troubled, having been sounding the need to prepare for some time now, that many people who believe themselves to be more knowledgeable than others are still just talking, but while they are doing that, they are taking careful note as to where the real preparation work is being done. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard about these "knowledge sources" having dreams about living off of "found" food storage stashes, I could be paying a gardener. I realize not everyone is called to do the same thing. Same Spirit, different administrations. Some of us are called to establish "Goshens" while others are called to be witnesses still in the city. The point is, the reminder, once again that we are called to be a witness unto Y'hshuwah. It's all the "talk" that gets old.
I'm familiar with the passage about the wealth of the wicked being laid up for the righteous . . . Perhaps, I'm wrong on this, but I don't think I'm "the wicked." I also feel that I'm to be sharing valuable knowledge about how to take care of our children and share with those who do not yet know and recognize the end of days. For those claiming to recognize the times that are at hand, they need to be preparing for such events.
When it comes down to it, we may find all the "endless genealogies" with "vain janglings and babblings" are not so filling when there is famine in the land.
Sadly, much of the Bible discussion is back to talk and debate, only rather than filling pews and sanctuaries, it's forums boards and social media. Meanwhile, even many unbelievers are seeing bad times coming and many companies are seeing this as the prime opportunity to cash in . . . or out as the case may be.
I'm old enough to remember bomb shelters. Well, they've come a long way baby . . . I'm including this link and would ask you to consider. A purchase of this size would not be without record and probably require permits, for those planning to hide until it all blows over.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the
world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
world. John 16:33
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