Due to continued issues with the new computer and the webcam, this week's "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY" is still in the editing room, but here is the transcript.
I was awakened early Thursday morning by the voice of YHWH. HE stated, "My love is not unconditional." Immediately I did a spirit search wondering if I was using that term in my writing or speaking. Once I was awake and aware that He had my undivided attention . . . He continued, "If my love were unconditional, my Son would not have had to die. You cannot earn my love, but it is not without condition."
Here is the good news. YHWH loved us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 tells us Messiah died for us while we were still in our sinful state, but . . . when we repent to follow Messiah, we are given the Great Spirit of Holiness, Ruach HaKodesh, that we no longer walk in our sinful way. I'm not saying we become perfect, but I am saying we are striving to please our Heavenly Father. If we are truly following Messiah as He called us to do, our desire is to walk as He walked.
Obedience does not earn the love of YHWH. We obey because we love Him and because He first loved us. The love and blessing of YHWH is quite conditional. Salvation came at an enormous price, that's a condition! Joshua told the children of Israel, "choose this day whom you will serve." That is conditional! A choice must be made. Our Heavenly Father and His Son our Messiah are not to be just part of the mix of our cluttered self-serving life.
When we become a believer, a follower of Messiah, we are called to come out from among "them" meaning our old ways and old crowds and be separate. We may still be around the same people, but we are to interact differently. Y'hshuwah would not have given the stern and dire warning that many would hear, "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity" if that were not a clear and probably danger. Iniquity is translated from the Greek word, anomia, meaning without the law, or lawless.
G-d is love, therefore He is the living existence of what love is, as well as what it is, to love. There is no place in Scripture we'll find the adjective of love to be "unconditional." As a matter of fact, Scripture states He will love those He loves and show mercy on those He will show mercy. He is Elohim, the Creator of the universe. He is the One who defines love. His children are called to love Him in return, not redefine it!
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