Sunday, December 14, 2014


Due to the fact I spent the past week in techno-purgatory, "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY" will not air on video this week, but here is the transcript.

This message is urgent!

There are a number of people who are already dependent upon the system, who are also now realizing what it being provided is simply not enough.  There is a large increase of requests for donations made by people who are, what is termed "disabled."  I'm not judging a disability or state assistance, for that matter; I'm simply stating while the government offers increased provision according to family size, the actual buying power will continue to decline.  The growing number of working poor will not be able to withstand increasing costs and provide the charity needed by those whom the government is failing.

Economic calamity is looming.  It is not a matter of if, but when . . .  Shale oil and fracking will not be the "cure" for America's economy, but the surplus will reduce the price of oil.  America no longer has the largest economy, but it does appear, we have the largest debt.  This imbalance will not maintain.  I'm not suggesting that we stop helping the poor, but rather we must find ways and offer help that is actually helpful!  Further financial dependency is unsustainable.  As pensions are being cut, social security will be, as well, as any other government allotment.

 Even McDonald's is losing revenue, so selling hamburgers to each other is not an option.  Wal-Mart, healthcare, and government are three major employers at this time.  If we really consider the integrated network of employment within the major employers we would discover, very quickly the rapid direction toward a single entity of power.  Regardless of whether you "earned it" or not; provision by the powers that be, will ultimately leave all those who are dependent at the mercy of a very unmerciful organization.

 The only sustainable solution will be utter dependence upon YHWH for our health and provision using and sharing the talents in which we have been endowed.

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