Tuesday, December 24, 2013

WARNING Regarding Mandated Health Care

The following information was spoken the year before President Obama became President Obama.

>>>Health care will get the last of what would have been inheritances in America.<<<

I'm not using quotation marks, because I've posted this based on memory, but I remember when I read those words, how haunting they were.  There was already an obvious foundational truth to it, in that "medical campuses" were literally built on what was previously farm land, but the statement was more ominous.

With this mandated health care, and subsidies, read all the fine print.  If you are among the many who fall beneath the subsidy level and have been redirected to state medicaid, DEFINITELY read the fine print.  The wording results in assets becoming property of the state in many cases, and would be heirs will be left out.  In some cases, this new mandate will leave states with power that render wills null and void.

Scripture says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.  That doesn't mean we are to control our children from the grave regarding their children, it simply means, our Creator is willing to provide for us and the blessings will continue to flow through future generations, but faith is the factor.

We are told that faith counts as righteousness, so please weigh this health care situation out carefully.  Since the statement was made before this President ever took office, this agenda is bigger than meets the eye!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Arbitrary Allegations

This is alarming on the most basic of levels in regard to our Bill of Rights.

Wal-Mart can ban a large man for life but a Christian is court ordered to have specific customers.



Either businesses have the right to refuse service or they don't!

What should have been decided in court was decided on a single allegation based upon a Wal-Mart employee.  Even reading the story, it's clear to see that the man left the store without incident . . .

As to the business owner in Colorado, was he singled out by these two men, in a state that doesn't even recognize gay marriage?

Where's the outrage, Wal-Mart shoppers?  Where's the stand, Bible believers?  Griping about going to Wal-Mart is not really taking a stand.  Denver believers, you could be standing before this judge yourself at some point for any arbitrary issue!

The Bill of Rights isn't protecting either of these men!
What should we do?  What can we do?  Is it already too late?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Man-made Solutions

We simply must look beyond the smoke and mirrors of American politics and realize every man-made solution, regardless of political leaning is one step toward the Agenda of the Anti-Christ.  From the very first sin in the Garden of Eden, the fig leaves only served for the people involved to think they had postponed the inevitable.  Since national repentance is not even being considered, it's truly time to face the fact and be ready, as we will be facing some harsh realities very soon.

It's time to truly assess where our dependence lies.  I find myself becoming very aware of the things for which I am still dependent upon the system.  There are two things I've really taken to heart as of late.  One is the argument against the pretribulation rapture, while those same people don't seem very prepared for times of tribulation with no buying and selling . . . The other is all the self-proclaimed teachers who are unteachable.  If the sheep hear His voice, we should be hearing the same thing.  It really is time to get serious about preparing.

I'm not talking doomsday prepping, I'm talking faith with works to be a living sacrifice!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Bull Returned in a Dream

The same big red hereford bull that was tearing up a basement a couple of years back in a dream I shared, appeared in another dream a couple of nights ago.  This dream was literally so real, I was actually animated in my sleep participating in it . . . which awakened me.  Now, to the dream.

There was a sizeable pond in which this bull was literally dragging a man through.  This bull was raging.  About 7 or 8 men were on horses trying to drive this bull into some sort of containment, but the bull evaded them.  I was standing on the far side of the pond and as the bull charged the direction toward me, not at me, just around their efforts, one of the men literally jumped off the horse and on the back of this raging bull trying to get it's head down in the water.  He was semi successful in that the bull's nose went under the water just enough to startle him and the man being dragged got loose just as the man who was on the bull was thrown into the water.  The bull took just a couple of seconds then began to head toward the two men in the water as the 6 or 7 men on horseback moved in to stand between the bull and the two men in the water heading for the nearest dry land.  I moved toward where they were headed and as I reached out my arm to help them from the water, I literally reached out to grab their hands and was awakened.

I still believe this bull represents the economy.  http://ready.blog.com/2011/01/25/the-hereford-bull-in-the-basement/  The same bull that was destroying the house a few years ago, is now dragging us and we are drowning debt . . .  The few seconds repeal?  Where we are right now in the unlimited extension, after the so called "shut down."

Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's Later Thank We Realize

We simply have to shake ourselves out of the mind set that Messiah is coming back as soon as the trouble starts.  And for those who think believers are leaving before it gets too bad, it's much later than you think!  This week in news, The UN has brokered a deal with Iran.  Israel has concerns, and rightfully so!  A child has been held in a hospital for 9 months and parents are fighting to regain custody of her.  Oprah receives a medal of freedom from the White House after making some very disparaging remarks.  Bill Gates has pledged to eradicate polio with vaccinations, regardless of the health issues they cause.  This economy with no base and no ceiling is still collapsing before our eyes.  Police brutality is on the increase.

Fall of 2014 begins the Shemitah, and that means the land is to rest the following planting season.  I've been shown to consider this and directed to share it.
Are we really ready to be obedient?  What happens if all the land does rest a year from now?  What happens, even if crops are planted, the land doesn't sustain them?  What happens if the economic woes truly affects each of us beyond sustaining what we're barely managing now?

I heard someone in an interview say something to the effect of, "When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it!"

Are we ready for that?  I believe when Messiah said, "Be ready," it was more profound than we realize.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Troubling Times

One of the most heart breaking realities about these end of days are the number of people I hear actually planning to just take care of themselves or worse, actually benefit from the hard work and preparation of others.

I saw and posted some time back that unlike in the movie, "The Book of Eli" I saw masses of people, anarchy, and mayhem, rather than a handful of survivors . . . That's not to say, the anarchy won't result in a much reduced human population, but many seem to think it will be business as usual, until some calamity renders just a few survivors and a new already prepared opportunity comes into view.

It's not business as usual now!

Here are a few realities about the human race.  First, so far, all of the people I've heard making plans to be entitled to the hard work and preparation of other's claim to be believers in the G-d of the Bible.  Then there's the group who plan to be "raptured out" before the real trouble begins.  Sadly, there is also a large percentage of folks who are already dependent upon a failing government.  That group is growing daily.

With the growing distrust of government, military, and law enforcement and the increase of random acts of violence; people are actually voicing their trepidation to call for help.  Most of us realize the illusion of protection results in the loss of liberty.  Now to that, add the mix, of a society that insists upon instant gratification and a lot of entertainment, with much of that entertainment being violent!

Much of what this world is going to see before Messiah returns, has yet to reach it's intensity.  We don't have to fear the coming days, if we keep our eyes on Y'hshuwah, but He did say, "be ready!"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rain Checks

Going to the store to make a purchase of a sale item, only to discover the stock was in short supply and depleted has resulted in Rainchecks for years, now.  There is a day coming in which rainchecks will not be redeemed.

I'm now wondering if the term itself, is not a reminder of  "as in the days of Noah."

We have so distanced ourselves from our actual food supply, and the land, it could literally be days, even weeks before the reality became evident.  Here is just a very simple example of our current food chain as opposed to what our Creator provided and the way humanity has lived for centuries.  Actually, it's only been in the last century that it changed.

From the time of creation, man was to tend the garden and eat the produce, preserving some seeds.  The next year, plant those seeds, tend the garden and eat the produce.  This process was to be repeated annually, taking a break the seventh year.  That was the food supply and how it was supplied.  Food went from garden to table or stove, and was preserved for the season of dormancy.

We now have Big Ag and a global market, and the only land that is rested, is land that is not being used at all.  That means very few are actually tending any garden, including the owners of big ag.  The produce is then harvested and sorted to be shipped to various locations depending upon whether it will be sold fresh, canned, frozen, or as an ingredient in prepared products.  Once that occurs, the fresh must still move rapidly, although it's obviously days away from anyone's table.

It is then shipped to grocery supply warehouses, where it will most likely be delivered by truck to retail grocery markets or "food clubs" to which some are referred.  When these items are advertised specials, and the demand exceeds the supply, rain checks may be distributed according to the policy of the market.  From this very simple, yet direct example of the Big Ag produce to the dining room table, it becomes easy to see that we have "created" an unnatural food chain.  Any breakdown or glitch could be virtually unnoticed for more than a week, and we exist with the assumption that an empty shelf will be refilled.

I've seen bare shelves due to advertised sale items.  I've seen bare shelves due to tragedy with people just buying anything we thought someone in need could use.  I've seen bare shelves because snow or ice was predicted, but I've always, always assumed the shelves would be restocked and back to normal when "things" got back to normal.  Whether "things" are prices, events, or weather; our "normal" is far from the plan of our Creator.

Rain checks often come with an expiration date, which is assumed to be a deadline for the customer.  What happens the day, the rain check expires because the shelf was never restocked?    

Sunday, November 3, 2013

We Are Not Promised Tomorrow

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.  James 4:14

Many Scriptures are basically interpreted to mean we live in the present, here and now; and we are clueless as to how the next moments, hours, and day unfold, but the truth is . . . We interpret that to mean we could die between now and then!

What I heard the other day in prayer astounded me.  I've heard the statement in the title of this article for as long as I can remember, but it was always associated with the idea that we could die at any time.  Y'hshuwah asked me, Why we tend to associate "tomorrow is not promised" with death rather than life as we know it different. Because his words were actually tomorrow will have enough trouble of it's own . . .

What if, tomorrow, we are not dead, but we awaken to a world we've never known; and must now survive?  Technically, that is the case, every single day.  My point is, however; just as ancient Israel in Egypt, we are sinking and sliding into slavery and captivity, while holding on to some Scripturally unfounded notion that some mass Exodus will occur before intense oppression and tribulation.

One of my daughters has compared me to Jeremiah, and while I still enjoy life and a good chuckle, but I cannot feign ignorance to what is happening around us.  Lamentations tells us that the mercies of our Heavenly Father are new every morning.  His compassions doesn't fail, but . . . Lamentations is the book of the lament or sorrow of the prophet for Israel's idolatry and spiritual adultery.  It was not a good time in the history of ancient Israel.

When Y'hshuwah came, the entire known world was taxed under the Roman Empire.  As a matter of fact, that's how he came to be born in Bethlehem, according to Luke 2.  There's really no reason to presume His Second Coming will be different in regard to a One World Power.

I don't always achieve perfect obedience in the balance between "be ready" and "take no thought for the morrow" but I am aware that no promise of tomorrow, doesn't just mean we may not wake up tomorrow.  It means we need to wake up now and be ready to glorify our Heavenly Father regardless of what transpires today or tomorrow!

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.  Matthew 6:34

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Warnings - Unheeded

I've been sounding the warning of grocery store shelves not becoming empty, but rather becoming shorter with greater spaces between.  These past few months have greatly confirmed that and I have been led to share this further.

We will not go along, business as usual, to suddenly find bare shelves one day.  First, the store won't open if the shelves are bare!  There has been a a subtle reduction in the shelving space for the past few years since the last Shemitah [Sabbath of the land] was ignored, and in my most recent visit to the store, the desensitization has became painfully obvious.

In 2007, our economic struggles became nationally painful and was announced in 2008.  Now for 3 years straight the warnings of failing agriculture have made some dramatic headlines.  There was the excrutiating drought that killed entire herds of cattle in 2011, 2012 drought in the southern range land.  The 2013 snow storm in SD has affected again the cattle herds of that state, which are the livelihood of the ranchers and part of the food supply of this nation.




Not only are the cattle herds affected, and the rancher's sustainability to even maintain his livelihood, but the crops are also affect by too much or too little moisture.  The failed grain crops haven't made the headlines like the images of dead cattle, but the drought affected the row crops as well.

Insurance is great to keep the farmer from losing his place when the crop fails, and hopefully having enough gas to start the tractor the next year at planting season, but it doesn't literally replace the loss.  Rebuilding a herd takes time and money, lots of both.  A lost crop is just that, lost.  It doesn't yield product or seed.

Cattle basically require just under three years from the time a heifer is bred to produce the meat in the case.  Of course most produce is harvested annually, sometimes two harvests a year, but if the farmer collects insurance rather than the harvest, there is no "people food or livestock feed."  By that same token, when drought affects the pasture, it also affects the hay crop, causing it to be both scarce and expensive.  A few months ago, the grocery store I shop in made an alarming change.  The fresh meat case has been moved to a much smaller area and the case that used to hold primarily fresh cuts of beef, now has a great number of prepackaged meat products and most of them are pork based.

I do not have photos of the change in the meat case, as it was quite unexpected, but I will be able to provide an "after" photo including the former "before" in a future edition.  Meanwhile I've incuded some photos that show where the shelves have bee moved and the aisles widened.

The wax and marks of the shelving support has marked the floor about 2 1/2 feet out from where it now sits.  So the "feet of the shelves" were formerly that much farther extended.

This is the same shelving at the other end of the store and the marks on the floor indicate it has been shortened on this end by about 1 1/2 feet.  Stockers have been working endlessly while shoppers move through the aisles, but for the most part, the stockers are removing and relocating inventory, rather than traditional stocking.

In the photo below, notice the aisle signs on the ceiling.  Those used to be contained within the aisle itself.  Still viewable from most of the store, but the signs were not beyond the shelving and this space between the end of each aisle and the check out has been moved three times.  The reflection on the floor in this photo indicate the various wax shines and buffing.  It also verifies where the signs used to be in relation to the end of the aisles.

Until just last week, I had no idea there were any green tiles in the store.  I don't know, if at one time this served as some sort of perimeter for the produce section or what.  And to be fully honest, I don't frequent the produce section in the summer, but since the relocation of so much inventory, this different color of floor tile has become visible.

Here, is further evidence of continued reduction of the length of the shelving in the store.  The very old tile is now exposed in the aisle at the back, in the older part of the store.
The photograph below gives an image that was not exclusive to this one end shelf.  The aisles that used to be crowded with a buggy going each way, now easily accommodates shoppers headed both directions with significant room to spare.  

We're not going to suddenly find empty shelves, we're going to subtly be desensitized to them, then an electronic glitch or two, while having ignored the Instructions of our Creator to let the land rest . . . 

The Sabbath year for the land begins in the fall of 2014.  Whether we observe that set apart time, in our belief and behavior or not, we have had three years of warning.  Famine is coming to America.

But in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land, a Sabbath for YHWH: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.  Torah of Holy Scripture

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pride Before the Fall

While food stamps have increased by nearly 500% in the last five years, Cabelas stock has also increased by over 500%.  I see a correlation here, but it's not a comforting thought at all.  Shouldn't the increase of sales of "living off the land" supplies have reduced the number of people dependent up the government?  How could both increase by about the same percentage?  While we're watching the red and blue game in Washington, I think we need to start taking notice of the true division of the people and where the money is going.  

Another horrific fact that needs to be brought to light.  The official amendment that brought us “Federal Income Tax” was signed the same year the Federal Reserve was established, 1913.  I encourage you to check out the Federal Reserve just a bit.  It reads like it was set up to run 100 years, and this latest Washington Theatrics has resulted in an agreement with no debt ceiling, but a time deadline, just beyond the centennial anniversary of the Federal Reserve.

People become afraid to seek medical help without coverage and become more impoverished if they do have coverage.   Mandated coverage is now law, so no coverage is now punishable by law.  

We have become proud of our arrogance and lost our shame of begging.  We brag of self-reliance and place our faith in the "advanced" wisdom of man.

Proverbs tells us that pride goes before the fall, and we have been a proud nation, and proud to call ourselves proud . . .

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Continent of Containment

The NWO [New World Order] has interesting priorities.  I had a vision of this yesterday and posted a small notation at Facebook, but it's bigger than what I've mentioned.  As this "three day" protest gets closer, I saw something that I just have to post.  I'm not sure it will be as literal as I "saw" it, but who knows.

I saw trucks all over Washington DC, big trucks, 18 wheelers . . . but as they slowly and methodically made their way through the city, I saw barricades being put in place prohibiting their exit.  At that same time, I saw more trucks coming that were prevented from entering.

I've been saying all week, the absence of trucks running will make a much bigger impact on America than Congress not working and the government shut down, but . . . the government shut down is about shutting down what we the people don't need a government for.  Many Americans are counting on the provisions delivered by truck.  The government shut down is about making life difficult in places we don't need government working at all, like Veteran's Memorials.  Say, while we're on Veteran's Memorials, why not check out the history of the Liberty Memorial in KCMO back in the early "coming out days!"

As the New World Order unfolds, I may be wrong, but I will say this now.  I am not a fan of the Obama, but I do not think he is The anti-Christ, although; I do think he'd like the power and title.  America is in huge debt and still making huge demands, while attempting to throw her weight around.  I believe the days of Super Power are history, but the "need/greed" is insatiable, and the debt is huge and unpaid.  I see this continent as one of the seven hills.  We'll be the continent of slave labor, according to Proverbs 22:7.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. 


Monday, October 7, 2013

So Many Dreams

So many of us are having dreams, that seem to be significant.  I've had a great many dreams as of late that I know are spiritually significant, but I'm not claiming to have the gift of interpretation, or being able to share prophetic specifics.  I have had three consistent themes running through my dreams as of late, and the specific instructions to repost an old dream.

Let me offer this bit of information with the link to the vision I was given awhile back.  The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 to run 100 years to feather the nests of those who would spend their life in the borrowed comfort they designed yet not live to see the day the note came due.  Interestingly, that 100 years is just about to conclude.  We've all played a part in the calamity, but it was established to go no farther.  This is not a conspiracy, this is one step closer to the fulfillment of prophecy.

Friday, September 27, 2013


This update came to me in the form of a dream.  It is a warning!  America has more Bibles per capita than any other nation.  Never before, has there been a nation in which The Divine Instructions of the Creator plus the knowledge of the Messiah have been available to be read by the general population on a individual basis, at it's "founding." The Bible began to become available for reading in the language of the general public about the same time Europeans were settling the American continent: Jamesport 1609, KJV 1611.

We have made the Almighty a matter of convenience.  The shed blood of Messiah at Calvary has become the cornerstone, not of G-dly lives, but of Biblical debate and materialism.  We, as a nation, have become bitter, angry, and hard-hearted, all while talking about a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Son.  Then we have added internet hypocrisy to the rebellious scorn.  Walks weren't matching talks when "worship" was corporate in buildings, and now it's so easy for our lips to speak the Word, while our hearts are far from Him.

Now to the dream.

There was a horrible darkness, with seemingly, some sort of cataclysmic event having taken place.  There were "troops" so to speak, who claimed to be of the authority, then there were groups who claimed the authority of the "troops" was wrong, and they would be the ones to trust.  Then of course there were the bands of thieves and those who were fleeing . . . and those two groups were opposite in intent, in the conditions were basically indiscernible upon initial siting.  Everyone used the term anarchy to describe the circumstances.  I was in my dream with I believe four other people, whom I can't identify.

The one thing all of these groups had in common, was their warning against "the enemy" nation.  "The enemy" nation would steal and kill, because that's what they were taught from birth.  In my dream, I clearly understood that the "troops" of the authority were not to be trusted, but the ones claiming to know how to keep us all surviving were willing and able to speak of maiming and killing for their own survival, including those who trusted them, if they became non-compliant or ineffectual.  They made it clear, in no uncertain terms, they would not hesitate to implement torture and death, for their own survival.

To be honest and more illustrative, some of the background of the dream was similar to the Book of Eli, but the difference was, the lack of isolation.  Whatever calamity that had ensued did not destroy most of the population.  Although a sizable percentage was gone, it was nowhere near half, but everyone was panicked and it was "known" that few had resources.  Rather than a few isolated individuals trying to survive, there was anarchy and mayhem at every hand, without the "enemy nation's presence!"

There were more gruesome details, but suffice it to say, a nation that knows the Truth, has millions of copies of the Truth and chooses to ignore the Truth is it's own worst enemy.
I looked up the word, anarchy.  The definition is "lawlessness."  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Predator Protection

It simply amazes me when I read about what we protect in this country and what we can destroy upon a whim.  Although gray wolves have bee officially taken off of the federal protection list, for the most part, the authority for protection of the species has just been handed over to the states.  Thirty states maintain the protection, outright, with the remaining twenty having some regulation on record.  Gray wolves are beautiful, majestic creatures, but they are predators, so are the protected bears and big cats in our country.  
Gray Wolf information seems to appear on most state links.

Snakes alive!

We have a controversy among several of us about whether it is legal or illegal to kill snakes in Missouri?
Garvis Myers, Festus
Editor's note: The Wildlife Code of Missouri is permissive, in that it details what wildlife related activities are allowed. Any wildlife-related activities not included in the Wildlife Code are, therefore, not permitted. This includes the killing of snakes. However, the Code does permit Missourians to protect their property and family from immediate harm from wildlife, which means that under certain circumstances venomous snakes may be killed to protect people in the immediate area. Most snakes are not venomous, and the few venomous snakes you may encounter can usually be avoided.
Isimply amazes me what we protect in this country and what we can destroy upon whim.   Although grey wolves have been officially taken off of the federal protection list, for the most part, the species is still protected by over 30 states with special regulation in the remaining states.


Believe it or not, hawks are sometimes a major nuisance to property owners. While the recovery of birds of prey from the brink of extinction has been a remarkable wildlife achievement, their recovery can mean headaches for you.

Solutions for hawk problems.

First, tolerance. There will never be lots of hawks or other birds of prey. Being the top of the key chain, it is impossible for their numbers to increase beyond the carrying capacity of the land.
Second, remember that hawks and other birds of prey are a FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES. You cannot kill them or harm them in any way without a federal and sometimes state depredation permit. So all solutions will have to be non-lethal.

Non-Lethal Solutions for Hawks.

Pyrotechnics: Scare them with the loud booms of screamers and projectile explosives. These are fired from a 12 gauge shotgun or special pistol. Some states consider them firearms and you will need proper permits to shoot them. Even if your state does not consider them firearms, you will still need to treat them as deadly. Get training and/or instruction before using these devices.

Then we have bats on the list, and I don't have to even tell anyone how much disease bats are known to carry!

I still remember how deeply this next situation affected me.  A farmer from my state was found guilty of poisoning three bald eagles, one great horned owl and a red-tail hawk.  Sounds like a horrible parody ending for "The Twelve Days of Christmas," then in further reading, realized why 12 hit a chord.  The sad thing in this situation was that he put out tainted meat to kill the overrunning coyote population, trying to save the wild turkey population. These birds were never the target, and the deaths were indirect, but deemed traceable.  The cause of death of these predatory birds was, somehow; determined to have been caused by feeding on the coyote carcasses.  He didn't go to prison, but received two years probation, was a felon who had to give up his hunting guns in 1995 and President G.W. Bush signed his pardon twelve years later . . . 12!

Now, of course, we modern Americans don't worship birds or animals as they did in ancient Egypt or like my Native ancestors are accused, but . . . Many links I checked, make it very clear that predator protection is a higher priority than rancher's rights.  It is a fact that bald eagle eggs have more protection than unborn humans!  Hobby farmers and homesteaders check the laws in your states as well as the federal regulations.  The powers that be are determined to keep the predators alive, well, and well fed.

 They say confession is good for the soul, but "they" say a lot of things for which I'll reserve comment.
My recommendation for this problem comes from the book of Proverbs:   Even the foolish man, when he keeps quiet, is taken to be wise: when his lips are shut he is credited with good sense.

The laws are already in place in this country to ensure the fulfillment of prophecy in Revelation 6:8  And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's the Difference?

Between this penalty in Egypt and the Health Care Reform Tax Penalty for those of us who believe YHWH is our Healer and do not choose to participate in the mandated insurance?

Although we won't be facing death at this time, there are some strange headlines regarding people who refuse medical care and the police in this country.

As for converting, my government is mandating that I place my faith in insurance and science rather than my G-d.  We already know the tax penalty is included in the Health Care Reform bill.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

the Threshold of Technocracy

The 2nd printing is now available.  As we walk through the prophesied end of days, we must prepare spiritually for what is to come.  If we remain dependent upon the system for our sustainability, we may find ourselves taken in by the deception.  We must diligently seek our Creator in His salvation, His plan, His Instruction, His provision, and take refuge in Him.

Eventually there will be a clear red line that has already been drawn.  As the line of demarcation seems blurred at this time, the clarity is becoming evident as events continue to unfold.  The red line is not exclusive to Syria, but is ultimately in every choice in which we are faced.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve YHWH, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve YHWH.  Joshua of Holy Scripture

I usually end with the Scripture, but I noticed in adding this well known passage, Joshua referred to "the other side of the flood."  I had always assumed it was a reference to the body of water they crossed, but I'm now thinking it may have been a reference to "as in the days of Noah."

Sunday, September 1, 2013

War is Looming

A Syrian civil war does not call for American intervention.  As a matter of fact, America could draw a lot of unwarranted fire toward our Middle Eastern ally, if we're not careful!  I cannot decide and I haven't heard from on high, whether this is an endeavor to draw fire toward Israel, or distract us from some home front authoritarian power moves, like outlawing homelessness and relocating the homeless to FEMA camps, or both . . .

Whatever the purpose and whatever the outcome for Syria by the power of America, this I do know.  Americans will face further loss of freedom, loss of free speech, and edge closer to the Babylonian captivity that has been prophesied.

We seem to overlook the fact, that in the last days, all humans will be captives or enemies of this beastly government.  In the government described in the Revelation before Messiah's return, the "Biggest Superpower" will be the force of evil.  The "good guys" don't pull this out and win.  Evil continues to spread and gain power until Messiah returns.  Only His return will bring the peace on earth that so many are talking about.  War at the hands of humanity has never brought peace, only subjugation and destruction.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


A technocracy is a form of government in which the people have elected that science and technology rule, or the leaders of said government base their authority on said sources.  We in America are already there!  Doctors have more answers than G-d . . .  There are mental health labels, for anyone who doesn't agree with the answers science provides.
As more information becomes available, it would seem over and over again, we're being told.  "Move along, nothing to see here . . . If there was anything you needed to know, we'd tell you."

Y'hshuwah said otherwise.  Even Paul admonished his readers to not place their faith in the wisdom of man.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I've been sounding this warning for more than 5 years now.  Grocery stores are reducing their inventory, shortening their shelves and widening the aisles . . . gradually.  I've been watching it happen and openly discussing it since my "land radio" days.  At first I was called a rabble rouser and paranoid.  I'm not sure how much clout it takes to go from paranoid to fearmonger, but, I digress.

Today in town, the grocery aisles were noticeably shortened again, and reduced in number with aisles even wider.  Even with the new wax and shine on the floor, I could see the lines where the shelves had previously been set.

What really caught my eye today, though, as I'm getting used to the inventory reduction; was the meat case.  The entire selection of beef was in the space that had been used for only ground beef, chuck, and round.  Today, all the steaks, ground meat, and roasts were in that one place by the chicken.  The former beef case was literally filled with pork, prepackaged sausages, and link meat.  The lunch meat case was filled to capacity, as was the bacon section.

Good grocery availability is declining more rapidly than I expected, and as I said, I've been watching it for a number of years now.  The downward spiral is accelerating.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Be Ready

When Messiah told his disciples to "be ready,"  there wasn't anywhere near the false teachings that are happening today.  In that day, there were Roman pagans, Pharisees, Saducees, and the legal eagles, the Sanhedrin.  Today there are thousands of denominations and divisions.

It probably seems odd that Zach's video of Christmas and Easter are posted now, but YHWH placed it on my heart for folks to get that sorted out before His Feast Days.

The teaching of Keeping His Appointments by Jeff Mills will help gain understanding as to the fact that Gentiles are grafted in to Israel, therefore invited to and expected to participate in the Feasts.

I encourage you to watch and read.  You don't want to miss the divine celebrations designated by our Heavenly Father.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Trial Begins

Ft. Hood shooter trial to begin Tuesday.  He will represent himself, so he will be questioning his victims.  I know we can all read the information, and it tells us what we are to accept, but there are two unanswered questions among many that concern me greatly.  This man was a military psychiatrist.  How many people's lives can potentially be ruined by a subjective judgment, by a potentially unbalanced individual . . . just generally speaking?  Second, how did this get reduced from treason or a terrorist act to violence at the workplace?  I know there are explanations, but there is no real reason . . .

Sunday, July 28, 2013


This came to me so quickly and was so blunt, as I was out doing chores this morning, there is no doubt YHWH wants us to be ready.  Y'hshuwah said, we are to love our enemies.  He also said a prophet would have no honor in his own country, or his own home.  When I looked for the meaning of prophet in the Greek, it referenced a Spirit filled, inspired servant of YHWH.

What I received today was very simple.  As these days unfold, Torah observant followers of Messiah are not going to be tempted to rob banks or murder.  Our temptations will come in the form of compromise for societal "good" and family expectations.  I saw so clearly, the pressure will come from those closest to us, to compromise our service to YHWH in the guise of family values and national morality.  I'm not talking about those things which are obviously against Torah, but I was shown it is those things which are considered "good," the "right" thing to do.  As in, breaking Sabbath for family peace or honoring the man-made traditions.  He warned me of the temptation of compromise to meet the expectations of loved ones.

When Y'hshuwah said to love our enemies, he didn't say to embrace their lifestyle . . . Matthew 10 tells that Messiah himself will separate close relationships, and our foes would be of our own household.  He reminded me this morning, it was not a stranger that identified him for the Roman soldiers.  Betrayal can only comes from someone who holds, or has held a position of trust.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Turn Around Option Blocked

I began to be oddly alarmed, not fearful, but aware that there was some sort of agenda gaining ground across this nation, at least, when cities become eligible for federal funding under some sort of Dream Initiative and downtown overhaul.  The word DREAM was an acronym, and agenda acronyms do set of an alarm for me, because the actual words get lost very quickly.  Somehow in this, however; the downtowns are still basically deserted, but the Railroad Crossings are changed.  There is no more whistle and there is a slab of concrete prohibiting turning around at the crossing.  Now, call me paranoid, but I think train whistles are a safety feature.  I also think silent trains through town seem ominous.  Highway 71 has now been renamed to Highway 49, and I know several people who still refer to Old 71.  I know someone who has told me, her house was literally moved for the "new highway" when 71 was built.  Now 71 is 49 and there are no more turn offs or even median paths between official exits.  Big new chain link fenced area just south of all this highway overhaul seems to be surrounding new projects in yet what used to be a farm!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pride and Prophecy

We humans, specifically Americans, make many references to end time prophecies, yet make comments and behave as if our national fervor or religious self-proclaimed piety will change the unfolding events of the end of days.  Wars and rumors of wars were prophesied, so starting one more isn't going to change the clock.  Political name calling is ridiculous, YHWH already knows who the false prophet is and when he will speak.  The Psalmist speaks against placing our faith in horse and chariots, that translates in today's world to military strength.  The only thing in Scripture that ever brought a reprieve of wrath was repentance.  Repentance involves humility and remorse, not pride.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Economic Disaster

I was in Greece in 2004, when a prophetic word hit me so hard, I knew, the fire in my bones would destroy me, if I didn't speak it.  It was frightening though, in that I had never experienced something like that before and it clearly wasn't in alignment with the surrounding conditions . . . I posted it way back in the Yahoo360° days, but it's long gone now.  I'll recap here, because the economic climate is not improving . . .

The trip was beautiful, Israel for Shavu'ot, a cruise on the Aegean Sea, a few days in Greece, it was literally, Biblically picturesque, then Paris.

As the cab driver was giving a bit of tour on the way to the air port, showing the amazing stadium that was being built for the Olympics later that year, the most ominous words hit my spirit.  This didn't just cross my mind, it was in my spirit.  I heard and was told to repeat, "This "anniversary Olympics" in honor of the first one held in Greece was not going to draw the expected crowds, and the country would be left in devastating debt."  Then there was more . . . "Even in the plan of digging out of the situation, the debt would worsen to collapse in the following decade."


I've thought often of that cab driver who I told this to and of his wife, who was an elementary teacher.


Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Mark

First and foremost there will be a mark of YHWH on His people, so the mark of the beast is only a counterfeit that seems to get most of the focus!  Which, in and of itself is error.  Now, as for the mark of YHWH, I clearly believe there will be two signs of His people.  They will be Sabbath keepers, and they will not be dependent upon world systems, such as medical and education, etc.
I am not saying, "thus sayeth the LORD" on this, but the thought continues to cross my mind that there will be a certain intrusive biometric sign of some sort for medical care and that permits buying and selling, while the only that actual cash or precious metals can be used for trade will be Shabbat.  Now again, it's just a  thought, not a Word at this time.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Romans 13:1,2

This is not a blanket statement:  Everyone applying these verses to governmental powers are not evil, but YHWH has revealed three things regarding these verses as the end of days continue to unfold.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of G-d: the powers that be are ordained of G-d.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of G-d: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

1.  Being subject is different than blind obedience.  Being subject may result in acknowledging the earthly authority and accepting consequences when laws are made against Scripture or the G-d of Israel.

2.  This passage was not written when Daniel took his stand and since YHWH changes not, we are not to cower or compromise, either.

3.  The false prophet of the government of the beast will quote this passage in authority to obtain compliance from the masses.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Abundance Before Famine

My heart is heavy and my spirit is grieved.  While we are waiting for the other party to cooperate, or jobs to be invented and served up, or just for our government to take better care of those in need, we need to take  a serious look at the condition of Egypt before the famine.  Before the Exodus, before there were Hebrew slaves, before the famine, there was abundance for seven years.  This was a pagan society that worshiped it's Pharaohs and birds and cats and who knows what else, yet the Creator of heaven and earth gave them abundance before He allowed famine.

America squandered the abundance and increased debt through the years of plenty!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Y'hshuwah Said, "You Know Not . . ."

The day or the hour.  He meant that!  Just when you've had enough religious debate, we have the calendar discussion.  There is the Fixed Jewish Calendar, the Gregorian, the Lunar Sabbath, something that goes by circles, Enoch's calendar, and looking for the new moon.  Then those of us who look up, have the debates of dark of the moon, sliver, full . . .  Then there's the debates about when the day starts.  Does it begin at evening, sunset or dawn?
We can't possibly know the day or the hour of Messiah's return, because clearly by the discussions and this single paragraph, we don't know what day it is right now!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chemical Additives

All the chemical additives that have entered our food supply are increasing the "need" for medications.  Our body was created in such a way that we can process the natural diet, given in Scripture.  Salt is a preservative, as is vinegar and alcohol.  Too much of those can have detrimental affects, but anything beyond those is being proven daily to cause health problems.

All of the problems caused by additives do not just affect our physical health, nor are all of the problems manifested immediately.  As more chemicals are discovered and manufactured to affect mental health, more labels are manufactured and more affective additives are included in the food supply.

It's simple logic.  The same companies that make pharmaceuticals are the ones doing the cause and effect research, and the same ones making the profits from illness.  There are no big profits in health.  Healthy people don't spend money on prescriptions and health care.  Our laziness is causing our children to be poisoned.  We must get back to trusting our health to our Creator.  When ignorance is chosen, it's no longer ignorance!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dominion and Obedience

Out of a dark cloud the day after the Joplin EF5 tornado, I heard the voice of YHWH say, "I gave man dominion over the earth, not the skies. Cloud formation was not given to the hand of humanity. So STOP!"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dream or vision

I had a dream or vision in which I saw a "beautified" swastika. The poster appeared to be very misleading. It had an artistic background, gentle colors and flowing, yet the swastika was present in the forefront of the basic design, disguised within a symbol that was bold and loud. I was told not to draw it for posting or publication, but when the organization arose that used that symbol, to recognize it and sound the warning. I will be watching and I will sound the warning when the time arrives.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shavu'ot ~ Instructions & Power

I've been commissioned to proclaim the good news, so that's what I'm going to do. Shavu'ot is the day in which we observe and celebrate the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those who came to Jerusalem in obedience to observe YHWH's Feast. James explains it best in the first chapter, the 25th verse. "But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed." To look is to "observe" and Y'hshuwah's final instructions recording in Matthew 28 is to teach to observe. Torah is not bondage, nor is obedience, legalism. Torah is freedom! Torah is the "Constitution" of the Kingdom of YHWH. This Sunday we will celebrate Shavu'ot, which is also known as Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. Actually it begins Saturday evening at sunset, so two Sabbaths! HalleluYah! It's a big, big day, in which it truly all comes together. YHWH gave Moses the Torah on Shavu'ot at Sinai, in stone. Stone is significant for two reasons. "Etched in stone" indicates forever and second, the hardness of man's heart can only be changed and softened by the hand of YHWH. Isaiah tells us the Hand of YHWH is Y'hshuwah. The most awesome of dichotomies ever known to man is law and liberty. One protects the other. Lawlessness is not freedom, lawlessness is anarchy. Freedom is not the absence of laws, but rather the abolishment of bondage and slavery. Israel has attempted the concept under the authority of the UN as a democracy, but without Divine providence . . . America has tried to replicate this prototype, but to no avail. Perfect liberty is only possible in conjunction with perfect Law, and that is found only in full covenant with YHWH. The perfect law of liberty is only by the Hand of YHWH, who is Y'hshuwah. We can now be forgiven, and have the power to live by the Instructions, as Messiah did. We can truly live as the first century disciples did. The Torah has been given, Messiah has come in the flesh, and the Holy Spirit has been poured out . . . It's up to us to receive! Those in covenant walk in the light of YHWH and obedience to Torah. The Spirit of YHWH writes HIS laws upon our hearts, the same laws that were etched in stone at Sinai. There's nothing to wait for, we have been given all we need to walk as Messiah walked. We have the Instructions and the power to "be ready" and to occupy until Messiah returns. We have the power to walk in the blessing of the perfect Law of Liberty.