Sunday, May 18, 2014

Difficult News

Since Passover, it seems, the great falling away has become official!  I realize there have been people throughout time that walk away from Scripture for humanism, other self-focused belief systems, or disappointment that the church doesn't act like the One they claim to follow; but this latest falling away is actually aimed at denying Y'hshuwah.  Many of these people actually know Scripture and claim to have once believed, but have now come to a greater understanding . . .

I cannot set aside Messiah to believe in my own understanding.  I'll be honest, I did have some doubts at one time.  My doubts were based upon the doctrines of man, though; not in who Messiah said he was.  It was confusing for awhile.  I struggled with the trinity teaching the most, I think.  I tried to embrace the "tri-une" teaching which seemed basically a euphemism to avoid the term trinity, without changing the doctrine.  The more I searched and sought, the more I realized, we have to seek absolutely set apart from every man made idea and presumption.

I, personally believe, Y'hshuwah is Messiah and is the first of creation, as stated in the Revelation 3:14.  I am not a trinitarian, nor do I use the term "tri-une."  I believe Messiah is the light spoken on the first day of creation and confirmed in the last chapter of the Revelation.  There was light, day one.  There was not a sun or a moon until the fourth day.  Scripture tells us nothing was made without him.  Since he is the first of creation, then that is not contradictory.

Belief that Y'hshuwah is Messiah and came in the flesh, is the only way to the Father.  Messiah Y'hshuwah is the Word in the flesh.  I believe he existed long before he was born in that stable in Bethlehem.

Two letters were left out in the translation from the original Hebrew Scripture.  I'll include the first line of Genesis here in both Hebrew and King's English.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The most literal translation I can offer from the Hebrew is.  "In the beginning Elohim spoke "aleph tav," heavens, and earth into existence.

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