As we watch the end of days continue to unfold before us, I'm burdened, very burdened to remind us of an overlooked fact. Genesis 12:3 is quoted frequently in America's stand with Israel and well it should, but there is more to this than simply "standing with Israel."
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in
thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3.
I realize this is not a popular fact, but this promise was made to Abraham before Ishmael or Isaac were born. Part of standing with Israel is to be grafted in, meaning if we are of the house of Israel, we should also live by Torah. The other fact is, the sons of Ishmael have also been promised to be a great nation, and although Ishmael was not the child of promise, he is a son of Abraham, therefore . . .
I can't help but wonder if Messiah's teaching to "love your enemy" was prophetic in nature regarding the promise to Abraham. What we in America do need to consider is the fact that although Islam has written their own book, there are teachings of Islam that do align with Scripture. What the G-d of the Bible has spoken, stands and will be fulfilled. Any people or religion that keeps kosher will be healthier, because it's eating instructions for the human body, from our Creator. Another uneasy fact of Biblical history is G-d used the enemies of Israel when they were in spiritual adultery to punish them. Israel as a nation now, is not a Torah observant Theocracy . . .
Any nation that plays these descendants of Abraham against each other will find themselves in the wrath of G-d. The promise to Abraham will be kept. Israel is the apple of YHWH's eye and will be protected as such. The sons of Ishmael have been promised to be a mighty nation and get along with no one, and that also will happen. It is truly time to get our house in order.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of G-d: and if it
first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of
G-d? I Peter 4:17
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