I can't remember ever
proclaiming a warning so strongly, but this week, I truly hope events
do not unfold as promoted.
I believe the Bundy ranch
situation was a ruse . . . not fully and certainly not at the hands
of the Bundys, but to get the passion and division stirred in the
American people. Without a doubt, Harry Reid and the BLM are not
finished, but the appearance that the government will listen to the
people is just that, an appearance.
I believe the show of
these twin brothers being canceled is another example of a divisive
Then we have amongst
religious circles those who are “coming out” as it's called to
deny Y'hshuwah Messiah. Seems this week, many of us have realized we
know a “poster child” for John 6:66.
I need to address a
planned protest for next Friday called Operation American Spring
2014, from my understanding. The plan is very much incoherent. The
goal is as tyrannical as what the group claims to be fighting, and
there is simply no logic to the premise. The security of Washington
DC has already shown their colors in killing a woman with a baby, and
six months later, a completely different account has been unveiled. This protest without a Constitutional resolution could result in serious repercussions. The Bill of Rights is already nearly non-existent.
As the opinions were
voiced based upon nothing but political leaning with no facts
presented at the time, I literally dropped a couple of news sources
and writers over the situation. Presumption is bad enough, but
leading others to presume is reprehensible when it comes to reporting
the news.
Scripture tells us as the
end of days unfold, the Day of YHWH will be both great and terrible.
It is truly time for the believers to step out of our dependency or
“faith” if you will in earthly powers and literally be in the
place we can be used of YHWH in these trying times.
Denying Y'hshwuah was
prophesied by the Apostle Paul as a great falling away. And Peter
said judgment would begin in the House of Elohim. It is becoming
painfully clear that American Protestantism is just a break off with
a twist from the Roman Catholic Church, but basically the same in
regard to lawlessness. Just as Jeremiah warned ancient Israel, we
too are about to be overtaken and enter into captivity. Are we ready
to be a Daniel? If not, get ready!
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