Sunday, August 25, 2013


A technocracy is a form of government in which the people have elected that science and technology rule, or the leaders of said government base their authority on said sources.  We in America are already there!  Doctors have more answers than G-d . . .  There are mental health labels, for anyone who doesn't agree with the answers science provides.
As more information becomes available, it would seem over and over again, we're being told.  "Move along, nothing to see here . . . If there was anything you needed to know, we'd tell you."

Y'hshuwah said otherwise.  Even Paul admonished his readers to not place their faith in the wisdom of man.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I've been sounding this warning for more than 5 years now.  Grocery stores are reducing their inventory, shortening their shelves and widening the aisles . . . gradually.  I've been watching it happen and openly discussing it since my "land radio" days.  At first I was called a rabble rouser and paranoid.  I'm not sure how much clout it takes to go from paranoid to fearmonger, but, I digress.

Today in town, the grocery aisles were noticeably shortened again, and reduced in number with aisles even wider.  Even with the new wax and shine on the floor, I could see the lines where the shelves had previously been set.

What really caught my eye today, though, as I'm getting used to the inventory reduction; was the meat case.  The entire selection of beef was in the space that had been used for only ground beef, chuck, and round.  Today, all the steaks, ground meat, and roasts were in that one place by the chicken.  The former beef case was literally filled with pork, prepackaged sausages, and link meat.  The lunch meat case was filled to capacity, as was the bacon section.

Good grocery availability is declining more rapidly than I expected, and as I said, I've been watching it for a number of years now.  The downward spiral is accelerating.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Be Ready

When Messiah told his disciples to "be ready,"  there wasn't anywhere near the false teachings that are happening today.  In that day, there were Roman pagans, Pharisees, Saducees, and the legal eagles, the Sanhedrin.  Today there are thousands of denominations and divisions.

It probably seems odd that Zach's video of Christmas and Easter are posted now, but YHWH placed it on my heart for folks to get that sorted out before His Feast Days.

The teaching of Keeping His Appointments by Jeff Mills will help gain understanding as to the fact that Gentiles are grafted in to Israel, therefore invited to and expected to participate in the Feasts.

I encourage you to watch and read.  You don't want to miss the divine celebrations designated by our Heavenly Father.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Trial Begins

Ft. Hood shooter trial to begin Tuesday.  He will represent himself, so he will be questioning his victims.  I know we can all read the information, and it tells us what we are to accept, but there are two unanswered questions among many that concern me greatly.  This man was a military psychiatrist.  How many people's lives can potentially be ruined by a subjective judgment, by a potentially unbalanced individual . . . just generally speaking?  Second, how did this get reduced from treason or a terrorist act to violence at the workplace?  I know there are explanations, but there is no real reason . . .