Sunday, May 25, 2014

Heading for the Hills

This is probably more figurative than literal, at this time, but Scripture does mention fleeing . . . I see it at this time, to be more a matter of removing oneself from the same ol', same ol' before it's too late.  Removing oneself from the habitual dependency that we don't even recognize for what it is, is no easy undertaking.  I am recommending it be done before the actual "time of fleeing" arrives.  Since we know the world will not be wiped out by flood again, yet Messiah made mention of "as in the days of Noah" I think we need to consider this a bit more deeply than we have.

It so easy to see the "marrying and giving in marriage" when the divorce rate is 50% and the nation is divided over same sex marriage, but those two specific factors weren't really even a consideration at the time Messiah said it.  In the full text of his statement, it sounds more like a simple matter of fact that people are going to keep on doing what they're doing until it's too late.  Even those of us who think we are preparing, can't agree on what proper preparation should be.  As for the rest . . . there are several opinions throughout, with some still waiting on a great revival across the Harlot of Babylon.  Although revival would be wonderful, national repentance is sadly, not the chosen direction of the majority.

I do believe we are on the brink of serious change.  The problem is, most will not realize it, because it won't be raining down on their heads.  This change is going to be more like shifting sand and unexpected sinkholes.  Unpreparedness is not faith, but preparedness can also be trusting in self; which is also lacking faith in our Heavenly Father.  There is no way to sort through all of this without following Messiah in simple Torah obedience.   I've prayed at length about this and when I'm going overboard on my preparation, I hear the words of Messiah, not when I'm reading the Bible, but when I'm out going overboard in the pasture or the garden or where ever, I hear about the man who built bigger barns, but that night his soul was required of him . . . and immediately I stop.

For those who truly do see the decline of society on the horizon, I pray they get off the hamster wheel in time.  We are all sure we won't be deceived and confident that we have not chosen to believe a lie.  A group of fishermen weren't exactly living sinful heathen lives when they abandoned their regular way of life to follow Messiah.  They didn't rush to rabbi school, they simply dropped their nets and followed Messiah.  Our religious culture emphasizes the "heathen customs" of the hot button issues, but we tend to forget, the socially acceptable, non-heathen lifestyles who still gave it all up for the call of YHWH.

 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.   And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.  And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them.  And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.  words of Messiah in Matthew 4:19-22.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Difficult News

Since Passover, it seems, the great falling away has become official!  I realize there have been people throughout time that walk away from Scripture for humanism, other self-focused belief systems, or disappointment that the church doesn't act like the One they claim to follow; but this latest falling away is actually aimed at denying Y'hshuwah.  Many of these people actually know Scripture and claim to have once believed, but have now come to a greater understanding . . .

I cannot set aside Messiah to believe in my own understanding.  I'll be honest, I did have some doubts at one time.  My doubts were based upon the doctrines of man, though; not in who Messiah said he was.  It was confusing for awhile.  I struggled with the trinity teaching the most, I think.  I tried to embrace the "tri-une" teaching which seemed basically a euphemism to avoid the term trinity, without changing the doctrine.  The more I searched and sought, the more I realized, we have to seek absolutely set apart from every man made idea and presumption.

I, personally believe, Y'hshuwah is Messiah and is the first of creation, as stated in the Revelation 3:14.  I am not a trinitarian, nor do I use the term "tri-une."  I believe Messiah is the light spoken on the first day of creation and confirmed in the last chapter of the Revelation.  There was light, day one.  There was not a sun or a moon until the fourth day.  Scripture tells us nothing was made without him.  Since he is the first of creation, then that is not contradictory.

Belief that Y'hshuwah is Messiah and came in the flesh, is the only way to the Father.  Messiah Y'hshuwah is the Word in the flesh.  I believe he existed long before he was born in that stable in Bethlehem.

Two letters were left out in the translation from the original Hebrew Scripture.  I'll include the first line of Genesis here in both Hebrew and King's English.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The most literal translation I can offer from the Hebrew is.  "In the beginning Elohim spoke "aleph tav," heavens, and earth into existence.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Great and Terrible

I can't remember ever proclaiming a warning so strongly, but this week, I truly hope events do not unfold as promoted.

I believe the Bundy ranch situation was a ruse . . . not fully and certainly not at the hands of the Bundys, but to get the passion and division stirred in the American people. Without a doubt, Harry Reid and the BLM are not finished, but the appearance that the government will listen to the people is just that, an appearance.

I believe the show of these twin brothers being canceled is another example of a divisive distraction.

Then we have amongst religious circles those who are “coming out” as it's called to deny Y'hshuwah Messiah. Seems this week, many of us have realized we know a “poster child” for John 6:66.

I need to address a planned protest for next Friday called Operation American Spring 2014, from my understanding. The plan is very much incoherent. The goal is as tyrannical as what the group claims to be fighting, and there is simply no logic to the premise. The security of Washington DC has already shown their colors in killing a woman with a baby, and six months later, a completely different account has been unveiled.  This protest without a Constitutional resolution could result in serious repercussions.  The Bill of Rights is already nearly non-existent.  

As the opinions were voiced based upon nothing but political leaning with no facts presented at the time, I literally dropped a couple of news sources and writers over the situation. Presumption is bad enough, but leading others to presume is reprehensible when it comes to reporting the news.

Scripture tells us as the end of days unfold, the Day of YHWH will be both great and terrible. It is truly time for the believers to step out of our dependency or “faith” if you will in earthly powers and literally be in the place we can be used of YHWH in these trying times.

Denying Y'hshwuah was prophesied by the Apostle Paul as a great falling away. And Peter said judgment would begin in the House of Elohim. It is becoming painfully clear that American Protestantism is just a break off with a twist from the Roman Catholic Church, but basically the same in regard to lawlessness. Just as Jeremiah warned ancient Israel, we too are about to be overtaken and enter into captivity. Are we ready to be a Daniel? If not, get ready!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Time is of the Essence

As we watch the end of days continue to unfold before us, I'm burdened, very burdened to remind us of an overlooked fact.  Genesis 12:3 is quoted frequently in America's stand with Israel and well it should, but there is more to this than simply "standing with Israel."

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.  Genesis 12:3.

I realize this is not a popular fact, but this promise was made to Abraham before Ishmael or Isaac were born.  Part of standing with Israel is to be grafted in, meaning if we are of the house of Israel, we should also live by Torah.  The other fact is, the sons of Ishmael have also been promised to be a great nation, and although Ishmael was not the child of promise, he is a son of Abraham, therefore . . .

I can't help but wonder if Messiah's teaching to "love your enemy" was prophetic in nature regarding the promise to Abraham.  What we in America do need to consider is the fact that although Islam has written their own book, there are teachings of Islam that do align with Scripture.  What the G-d of the Bible has spoken, stands and will be fulfilled.  Any people or religion that keeps kosher will be healthier, because it's eating instructions for the human body, from our Creator.  Another uneasy fact of Biblical history is G-d used the enemies of Israel when they were in spiritual adultery to punish them.  Israel as a nation now, is not a Torah observant Theocracy . . .

Any nation that plays these descendants of Abraham against each other will find themselves in the wrath of G-d.  The promise to Abraham will be kept.  Israel is the apple of YHWH's eye and will be protected as such.  The sons of Ishmael have been promised to be a mighty nation and get along with no one, and that also will happen.  It is truly time to get our house in order.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of G-d: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of G-d?  I Peter 4:17