Sunday, October 27, 2013

Warnings - Unheeded

I've been sounding the warning of grocery store shelves not becoming empty, but rather becoming shorter with greater spaces between.  These past few months have greatly confirmed that and I have been led to share this further.

We will not go along, business as usual, to suddenly find bare shelves one day.  First, the store won't open if the shelves are bare!  There has been a a subtle reduction in the shelving space for the past few years since the last Shemitah [Sabbath of the land] was ignored, and in my most recent visit to the store, the desensitization has became painfully obvious.

In 2007, our economic struggles became nationally painful and was announced in 2008.  Now for 3 years straight the warnings of failing agriculture have made some dramatic headlines.  There was the excrutiating drought that killed entire herds of cattle in 2011, 2012 drought in the southern range land.  The 2013 snow storm in SD has affected again the cattle herds of that state, which are the livelihood of the ranchers and part of the food supply of this nation.

Not only are the cattle herds affected, and the rancher's sustainability to even maintain his livelihood, but the crops are also affect by too much or too little moisture.  The failed grain crops haven't made the headlines like the images of dead cattle, but the drought affected the row crops as well.

Insurance is great to keep the farmer from losing his place when the crop fails, and hopefully having enough gas to start the tractor the next year at planting season, but it doesn't literally replace the loss.  Rebuilding a herd takes time and money, lots of both.  A lost crop is just that, lost.  It doesn't yield product or seed.

Cattle basically require just under three years from the time a heifer is bred to produce the meat in the case.  Of course most produce is harvested annually, sometimes two harvests a year, but if the farmer collects insurance rather than the harvest, there is no "people food or livestock feed."  By that same token, when drought affects the pasture, it also affects the hay crop, causing it to be both scarce and expensive.  A few months ago, the grocery store I shop in made an alarming change.  The fresh meat case has been moved to a much smaller area and the case that used to hold primarily fresh cuts of beef, now has a great number of prepackaged meat products and most of them are pork based.

I do not have photos of the change in the meat case, as it was quite unexpected, but I will be able to provide an "after" photo including the former "before" in a future edition.  Meanwhile I've incuded some photos that show where the shelves have bee moved and the aisles widened.

The wax and marks of the shelving support has marked the floor about 2 1/2 feet out from where it now sits.  So the "feet of the shelves" were formerly that much farther extended.

This is the same shelving at the other end of the store and the marks on the floor indicate it has been shortened on this end by about 1 1/2 feet.  Stockers have been working endlessly while shoppers move through the aisles, but for the most part, the stockers are removing and relocating inventory, rather than traditional stocking.

In the photo below, notice the aisle signs on the ceiling.  Those used to be contained within the aisle itself.  Still viewable from most of the store, but the signs were not beyond the shelving and this space between the end of each aisle and the check out has been moved three times.  The reflection on the floor in this photo indicate the various wax shines and buffing.  It also verifies where the signs used to be in relation to the end of the aisles.

Until just last week, I had no idea there were any green tiles in the store.  I don't know, if at one time this served as some sort of perimeter for the produce section or what.  And to be fully honest, I don't frequent the produce section in the summer, but since the relocation of so much inventory, this different color of floor tile has become visible.

Here, is further evidence of continued reduction of the length of the shelving in the store.  The very old tile is now exposed in the aisle at the back, in the older part of the store.
The photograph below gives an image that was not exclusive to this one end shelf.  The aisles that used to be crowded with a buggy going each way, now easily accommodates shoppers headed both directions with significant room to spare.  

We're not going to suddenly find empty shelves, we're going to subtly be desensitized to them, then an electronic glitch or two, while having ignored the Instructions of our Creator to let the land rest . . . 

The Sabbath year for the land begins in the fall of 2014.  Whether we observe that set apart time, in our belief and behavior or not, we have had three years of warning.  Famine is coming to America.

But in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land, a Sabbath for YHWH: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard.  Torah of Holy Scripture

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pride Before the Fall

While food stamps have increased by nearly 500% in the last five years, Cabelas stock has also increased by over 500%.  I see a correlation here, but it's not a comforting thought at all.  Shouldn't the increase of sales of "living off the land" supplies have reduced the number of people dependent up the government?  How could both increase by about the same percentage?  While we're watching the red and blue game in Washington, I think we need to start taking notice of the true division of the people and where the money is going.  

Another horrific fact that needs to be brought to light.  The official amendment that brought us “Federal Income Tax” was signed the same year the Federal Reserve was established, 1913.  I encourage you to check out the Federal Reserve just a bit.  It reads like it was set up to run 100 years, and this latest Washington Theatrics has resulted in an agreement with no debt ceiling, but a time deadline, just beyond the centennial anniversary of the Federal Reserve.

People become afraid to seek medical help without coverage and become more impoverished if they do have coverage.   Mandated coverage is now law, so no coverage is now punishable by law.  

We have become proud of our arrogance and lost our shame of begging.  We brag of self-reliance and place our faith in the "advanced" wisdom of man.

Proverbs tells us that pride goes before the fall, and we have been a proud nation, and proud to call ourselves proud . . .

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Continent of Containment

The NWO [New World Order] has interesting priorities.  I had a vision of this yesterday and posted a small notation at Facebook, but it's bigger than what I've mentioned.  As this "three day" protest gets closer, I saw something that I just have to post.  I'm not sure it will be as literal as I "saw" it, but who knows.

I saw trucks all over Washington DC, big trucks, 18 wheelers . . . but as they slowly and methodically made their way through the city, I saw barricades being put in place prohibiting their exit.  At that same time, I saw more trucks coming that were prevented from entering.

I've been saying all week, the absence of trucks running will make a much bigger impact on America than Congress not working and the government shut down, but . . . the government shut down is about shutting down what we the people don't need a government for.  Many Americans are counting on the provisions delivered by truck.  The government shut down is about making life difficult in places we don't need government working at all, like Veteran's Memorials.  Say, while we're on Veteran's Memorials, why not check out the history of the Liberty Memorial in KCMO back in the early "coming out days!"

As the New World Order unfolds, I may be wrong, but I will say this now.  I am not a fan of the Obama, but I do not think he is The anti-Christ, although; I do think he'd like the power and title.  America is in huge debt and still making huge demands, while attempting to throw her weight around.  I believe the days of Super Power are history, but the "need/greed" is insatiable, and the debt is huge and unpaid.  I see this continent as one of the seven hills.  We'll be the continent of slave labor, according to Proverbs 22:7.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Monday, October 7, 2013

So Many Dreams

So many of us are having dreams, that seem to be significant.  I've had a great many dreams as of late that I know are spiritually significant, but I'm not claiming to have the gift of interpretation, or being able to share prophetic specifics.  I have had three consistent themes running through my dreams as of late, and the specific instructions to repost an old dream.

Let me offer this bit of information with the link to the vision I was given awhile back.  The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 to run 100 years to feather the nests of those who would spend their life in the borrowed comfort they designed yet not live to see the day the note came due.  Interestingly, that 100 years is just about to conclude.  We've all played a part in the calamity, but it was established to go no farther.  This is not a conspiracy, this is one step closer to the fulfillment of prophecy.