Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Goat Nation

In seeing the photos of the so called refugees it's obvious to see there is more to the story than we are being told. The photos of the so called refugees looks much more like an intentional break down of sovereign borders.  

I, then experienced, a "visual" I will not soon forget which also brought to mind something from years ago.    Unbeknownst to me at the time, there had been some taunting going on along this fenceline and gate.  This buck is operating on pure animal instincts and brute force.

Back in the days of Yahoo 360°, I kept a blog of dreams and visions.  Fortunately I transferred the blog before Yahoo removed the site . . . although; Anderson Cooper still has 360.  Yet I digress . . .

While many Americans refer to themselves as Christians, thus sheep; the term sheeple or sheople has crept into internet political dialogue.  I was shown in a dream several years ago that America is not a Scripturally based society and the culture is not that of Biblical "sheep" but rather meets the criteria that Messiah dubbed "goats."  The dates were saved in the transfer, and although the grammar and punctuation could be improved and corrected, no alterations have been made to preserve the integrity of the date with the message.

Monday July 10, 2006 - 06:31pm (CDT)
Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments Entry for June 19, 2006
This was originally posted at another site in February of 2006. As we are organizing and updating our site, we felt compelled to post here.

On the morning of the 22nd, Adonai gave me a vision. After Shabbat, Adonai told me to share it.
This was a vision of 3 young goats. They didn’t have any distinguishable markings as to their breed, but their conditions were quite different from each other, and very alarming. First let me give a bit of the background. They were all against a light to medium blue wall that appeared to be the type of metal being used either on barns or large buildings everywhere around us. Again, nothing extraordinary in the appearance of the wall. There was a small doorway that I could detect some sort of activity or life, inside, but the only lighting was what was entering through the small doorway, so it was a discernable shadow or silhouette, yet undistinguishable. The wall was the west wall of the building, and I was facing east as I observed this. Now, back to the goats in front of the wall. One was white with black spots and was horribly emaciated. It was so feeble and spindly as it attempted to get up, it would literally buckle beneath the weigh of it’s own famished, dehydrated body. At first, this was the only goat, I could clearly see to still be alive, but sadly, the other two were also. The goat in the middle was horribly mutilated. It was not butchered, but slashed and mangled, and it was breathing it’s last. The last goat, I saw was on the far left, as I faced them. This one was obviously sickened by something. It was a normal size and structure, but the hair was very sparse and the creature was terribly bloated. It appeared to be perhaps poisoned or diseased. It was apparent, that all these goats were at the doorstep of death, yet none of them were able to attempt to go in the doorway of the building for shelter, or simply had not.
As I have implored Adonai for clarity, I have simply heard only one response. Goat Nation. I have looked that term up in Scripture, to no avail. I did find one reference in a Google search, which was interesting, but fictional. We know from the days of Egypt, a dream of an emaciated creature indicated a coming famine, but I cannot clearly call this a dream, vision is the more accurate term. At any rate, I felt compelled to share this and would invite all Josephs or Daniels to comment.
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Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments Entry for October 07, 2006
I have received some more insight regarding the description of a Goat Nation from YHVH, confirmed in the 25th Chapter of Matthew, beginning with the 31st verse. There is an urgency about this information, as it seems perhaps general and "nothing new," yet Y'shuah stated it truly is of eternal concern.
When Y'shuah made the statement about separating the sheep from the goats, it was specifically addressing the issue that many consider themselves sheep but are not. He was directing His comments to the Pharisees. The Pharisees were an interesting lot and throughout history never recognize themselves as the ones in the wrong, nor did they recognize someone sent by G~d. I would maintain that "tradition" continues with the group that meets this criteria.
1. They are religious
2. They maintain the "higher standard" according to their perspective
3. Everyone should live according to their standard, but fail . . .
4. They combine religion and government or politics
5. Those that disagree with them, are beneath them
6. Even if one were to be drawn to their ways, they would remain under a great deal of scrutiny i.e.; it's about time you saw the light, but there is something wrong with you that it took so long.
7. They set the moral and legal standard for their "fellow" subjects
8. They are very pro-capital punishment
9. They consider any negative response to their self-righteous ways as evil
10.They believe and live that prestige and material comfort are "earned favor" of G~d, which in itself is an oxymoron.
This list of ten is basically the description of Pharisees in Scripture. And it has been seen through out history for the past 2000 years. It is easily identified in the 21st Century, by all except themselves; confirming from the negative aspect, G~d's Word truly does stand forever.
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Now, to connect these two old blog posts to current events, our nation has become so defiled that the political left is actually attempting to use Scripture to justify the celebration of sin and wealth redistribution, while the religious right has nearly painted themselves in a political corner with their own brand of grace that has removed the law; except in the case of homosexuality and tithing . . .  Now adding to the political/religious mix of American religiosity, we have Islamic "refugees" and mosques across America.

Passages from the the accounts of the Gospel will be taken in small snippets out of context to be used against the true believers!  Actually, be it a liberal progressive political ideology, a mega church motivational minister, or an islamic jihadist; love of self is accentuated and the definition between right and wrong is vaguely situational to their perspective.  On the other hand, however; this is actually drawing the true believers out in the realization, the end of civilization as we know it, is everyone doing what is right in their own eyes.

After my recent experience at the gate, I once again did a google search of "goat nation."  A facebook page for "Goat Nation" appeared dated 2012 with a few videos, one link included here that I found to be quite telling, as well as disturbing.

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.  Matthew 25

Friday, August 14, 2015

Missing the Point or Being Distracted

I had a dream the other night, that I believe is of spiritual significance, so I'm going to share it.  The scene was pretty typical Americana.  A large chain grocery store with a strip mall, perpendicular to one side of the same parking lot.  It was not a Wal-Mart.  The dream began with me driving and pulling into the dark parking lot at night.  As I pulled toward the building I was surprised to see it so dark, no cars, and what appeared to be a person lying face down in one of the parking places.   Since this large grocery chain was one of the 24/7 stores, I intended to see if there was a sign on the door indicating the problem or potential reopening.

Once I parked and got out, the individual lying face down came running toward me and grabbed my arm.  He was a young black man who appeared to be in full panic mode.  I began to try to get him to calm down so I could understand what he was trying to tell me, yet; somewhat apprehensive as to why he had grabbed me, when another vehicle entered the parking lot and a very large white man emerged.  The following conversation ensued.  He immediately admonished me for coming into a dark parking lot and getting out of my car.  He said I could have been robbed, raped or, killed.  My response was, I didn't realize the store would be closed, and when I got up closer to see why, I saw the person lying face down.  I didn't know if they were injured and in need of help.  He said it could have been a trick.  I said, "Clearly it wasn't!"  I then proceeded to inform him, that technically he posed the same potential threat he was stating about the young man, only he was much larger.

I then turned to the young man and asked him why he was lying face down, then ran and grabbed me so hysterically.  He said he was trying to get me away from my car and down so I wouldn't be seen.  "Seen by whom?"  Then the large man jumped in with questions and the next thing we knew, everyone began to realize, we were legitimately trying to help each other, at nearly the top of our lungs; but had no idea what the problem was.  Here were three very different people, trying to sort out why the other was there and obviously missing the greater point.  That was when I got back to my original purpose and stated, "I was coming to the store, and when I found it closed decided to find out why.  Obviously by now it's clear we have no reason to be afraid of each other, so let's find out why the store is closed."

At that point we determined to work together, but the young man was still quite jumpy.  I asked him what had happened here, and why he was lying low.  He said he was hiding, but he'd not committed any crime.  He said things aren't like they are supposed to be . . . but he never said any more in the dream.  As the three of us walked by flashlight toward the automatic doors, we found no explanation posted, at all.  There was no note, no reason for the darkened store front, and no lighted sign saying open or closed, just the cardstock sign in the window with CLOSED facing the parking lot.  By now, I was actually talking in my sleep, because my last statement awakened me.  "This was the town's food source."

Monday, April 20, 2015

Too Long On Milk

First let me qualify this with the fact that I believe it is purely symbolic.  This last year, I gave my feeder calves milk until August.  It's recommended that bottle calves receive colostrum for the first 24 hours, then milk for 10 weeks, while they move on to grazing.  The calves were born in early March, given colostrum for 3 days, two bottles a day until the end of June, the one bottle until mid August, while grazing as well . . . These calves are still grazing.  Now on to my dream.

I dreamed there was a crowd gathered for a Feast.  In honor of this event, one of these "fatted calves" was killed.  When the carcase was being processed, a strange thing became evident.  The calf was all white on the inside and what should have been meat appeared to be a sort of gelatinous tissue, lacking texture.  I gasped in horror as this entire carcase appeared quite unsuitable to be served for the Feast.  It was then that the Rabbi asked me how long I'd fed them milk.  At the point of that question I awoke with Scriptures regarding milk and meat on my mind.

Everytime the body of Messiah finally realizes it's time to stop showing up weekly for milk, or even thinks of moving toward pablum, we end up sidetracked in gnosticism.  I'm not talking heretical mythology, although that frequently does enter the picture; but rather I'm using the term to equate with our own ideas of knowledge.  The various studies of the ancient cultures, the "new" names in teaching, the race for who knows the most and imparts that knowledge with the greatest style, or most eloquently disproves the teachings of others.  Whether we want to admit it or not, that is modern gnosticism, and those with the greatest knowledge start serving up the milk again, or head down rabbit trails and tangents, yet in a slightly post modern way!

Ultimately we end up with a body that once again is not fit for anything.  In my dream the carcase was too large and old to be veal, while too flaccid to even cut.  The time and effort spent to raise that creature, came to naught.  Most importantly, those who came to participate in the observance were left hungry and unsustained.

We so often think we are going to make things so much better by all of our added extras and effort, when in fact our extras weaken the project and reduce the effectiveness of the outcome.  We cannot survive on milk for very long without becoming weak and weary or simply fail to thrive.  We are called to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit, but there are specific Instructions for the maintenance of the Temple.  We've got to get away from being hand fed milk and revelling in our own knowledge; while prohibiting others from their own grazing with the Shepherd.  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Third Temple

YHWH gave me a vision in late January.  He also gives me dreams on occasion, when there is something I just can't seem to comprehend through words or events, but they are not frequent and usually address a personal issue.  The difference between a dream and a vision is stark.  For the most part, YHWH speaks directly to me, and through His Word, but He gives me a vision when there are many details, within an event or image.   I don't have a great many visions, but when I am shown one, I know Abba intends for me to act upon it, sound a warning about it, or both . . . This was one of those cases.

He showed me the Third Temple and the throngs that were gathered there, and the ones who refused to gather there.  There were cameras all around the Temple.  Although I didn't see any faces clearly, I could recognize that the two witnesses as well as part of the remnant weren't a part of the gathered throng, but were speaking against the leader in the Third Temple.  As I mentioned, this vision was given to me in late January, and I knew I was to reveal what I'd been shown before the Third Temple is actually in place, but this week, I've been prompted to get the warning out.  The various parts of the Third Temple are being built, away from the actual site, so as to not have any tool work done where it will stand.

The remnant will be persecuted and the two witnesses will ultimately be killed for proclaiming the truth.  The man the world will call Jesus, ruling from the Third Temple, built by man, is not the Son of the G-d of Israel.  Every major religion acknowledges a "Jesus" that came or will come to change the ancient teachings or the teachings of the Ancient of Days . . . Sound familiar?  When the Temple is assembled on the Temple mount and the man all the world calls Jesus rules from that place and sacrifices are once again offered, it will not be Y'hshuwah.  He will not be Immanuel, the promised Messiah.  Sadly, Romans 13:1-2 and Philippians 2:10 will be quoted to rally and enforce the worship of this imposter.

After seeing this vision, I looked in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance regarding the term anti-Christ.  The definition was "the adversary of Messiah."  What better way to oppose Messiah, than to deceive the world into bowing down to a counterfeit?

Many of the world religions including of course, Christianity, claim that "Jesus" has changed and overridden the Hebrew Scriptures.  The man ruling from the Third Temple will exalt himself over the very Word of YHWH.  This will take place before the Second Coming of Messiah.

Developments regarding the Temple Mount and the Third Temple