Sunday, March 30, 2014

Entertained . . . Distracted

So many teachers and specialty ministries, again . . . People can sound very spiritual and be very influential, if they hand pick their conversations and speak with confidence in a charismatic manner.

The enemy is getting an awful lot of attention, again . . .  Even what we say is abhorrent can become a focus.
be it enemies in this world, or in the spiritual realm.  Even bad attention toward the enemy is pleasing to him.

Three movies with religious reference now hitting the theatres?  Noah, Son of God, and God is NOT Dead.  I've read very negative reviews on the first two.

I truly think as these end of days unfold, one of the true marks of YHWH on His set apart people will be their lack of participation and interest in being entertained.  They simply will be so busy about the Father's business, not the collecting donations and talking about themselves business, but the Father's business, a void that needs to be filled with entertainment will simply be nonexistent.

I truly think we can look back on the years of movies and television and see that our society has followed the programming.  Television and movies are influential, so are books, but our society isn't doing so much reading these days, and certainly not the same book en mass.  Even religious gatherings have admittedly added entertainment. 

We've lost touch with taking time to enjoy things, and replaced it with entertainment.  For me, nothing has been more enjoyable than time in the country with grandchildren.  Whether we were outdoors or in the kitchen, sharing the simplicity with them was a truly enjoyable blessing.  The only programmed screen time I've shared with my grandchildren are Bible videos, Veggie Tales, and Fiddler on the Roof. 

I'm not saying television and movies are all bad, what I am saying is we don't have as much free time to kill as most of us are taking.  And I can't help but believe, the evil and enemies of the day gain footholds by the things we “invite” into our minds and hearts, through programming and entertainment.  

We do know, whether we admit it or not, when programmed entertainment became the center of the home, rather than the occasional event, our society changed.   The old adage, “Idle hands are the devil's workshop” is an old adage because it makes sense.  Entertainment falls into occupying “idle hands” and has definitely become a priority in our society. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Letting Our Light Shine

So many warnings, and so many are sounding said warnings, but there are good things to share as well.  We are told throughout Scripture that YHWH will provide for His people.  As things get crazier in this world around us, and they will, what are we doing to let our light shine?

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised at the number of people who are talking about the end of days, but going on business as usual.   I truly believe we need to be listening to the warnings we are sounding and begin changing our lifestyle to one of truly less dependence upon the "cultural norms" and get back to G-d's plan of sustenance.  I've been told outright by many " pre-trib rapture ready" folk that we all can't just drop out and start living off the land.  These are the same people that believe they'll simply be airlifted before it gets so bad.  Besides, I've hardly dropped out!  Living off the land, yes, sounding the warning, absolutely, but I'm also blessed to be able to share the good news around the world without leaving the homestead.

One of my real priorities is to apply spiritual truth to practical application in the natural.  That sentence doesn't flow exactly the way I'd like it to, so I'll just use it to build a paragraph.  I don't want to spend my day in religious midrash on social media.  I do find myself with just a twinge of "loneliness" as I read about all the multi-level-marketing promos for "natural everything."  I've practiced alternative wellness for over 20 years now and watched a lot of claims come and go.  Natural products in multi-level-marketing plans seem to be the buildingless franchise concept of this new century, and the fast track opposing profession to the growing boon of health care careers.  I'm amazed at how quickly these MLM businesses are springing up, and how expensive the products are.  A little programming with the promise of big money is definitely trending.  The entire purpose of natural wellness is to be healthier, not buy products.

My point, though, in all of this, is if we really believe we are living in the end of days, we need to make certain that our true source and supply is our Heavenly Father, and then share that.  We need to be using the talents He created in us to be blessing others.  I really think it's time to start moving away from the idea of working for money or becoming more dependent upon the system of perpetual motion.  I'm not suggesting anyone run out and quit their job, quite the contrary.  My suggestion is we begin investing what we can toward being prepared for the time when we cannot buy or sell.

What will we have to bring to the table?   We don't have to "drop out" to begin reducing our dependence upon the established economy of perpetual motion.  I do think it's time to start, though.  So many of us envision the perpetual motion as a hamster wheel, but really it is a downward spiral.  Perpetual motion is not a stable foundation for an economy, but the instability

Whether it's a reduced dependency upon the grocery store with a garden, or reduced dependency upon pharmaceuticals with better diet and natural remedies.  Certainly, we need to have some sort of idea of how we'll live when government assistance or social security is no longer available, as our government is seriously operating in the red, without any debt limit set.  There are so many things we can be doing now, to not only reduce our dependence, but be in a position to help others, as well.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

While He May Be Found

I do not claim to be a prophet.  I do not call myself a prophet, but much like Peter, Paul, and John, I do share prophetic passages as they are being unveiled in today's headlines.

Daniel and John both referred to 10 powers or kingdoms that would give their power to the beastly anti-Christ government.  Thirteen years ago, I was given a list of 10 powers, but told to hold them until the time to reveal them came.  Thinking I'd be making copies and handing out lists when Instructed to do, door to door, I tucked that list under  my desktop planner and said nothing to anyone.

After spending much of 2005 moving and tying up loose ends, even in the move, I kept track of that list.  In 2006, I was informed that the time was coming to reveal that list.  First I began with a website, then was led to write a book.  By the end of that year, the website “” was an active website and the book “While He May Be Found” was in print.

The list of 10 powers already in existence that would be coming together in the New World Order remain in the website I now host, “”  I physically moved . . . and so did the website.

Banking/Currency/Non-cash                                                       Health Care
Communication                                                                          Commerce/Business
Military/Law Enforcement                                                           Travel/Transport
Prison/Mental Health                                                                  Education
Politics/Government                                                                    Religion

When I first received this list in 2001, I had no idea how recognizable this coming together of power would be in just over a decade.  The book was written in 2006, and although travel had become more difficult, and we now had homeland security; the thought of mandated health care, imprisonment without due process, and common core curriculum were not even on the visible horizon.  In the eight years since this book was published, the Bible has been all but removed from every aspect of the public square, including much of the military and law enforcement.

Trust has been redefined when it comes to law enforcement, education, and business, and very definitely should be reconsidered when it comes to health care. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Five Fold Ministry Preparedness

As these times are becoming obviously turbulent with each passing day, YHWH has placed upon my heart to make this announcement prior to Pesach, for communication to begin, regarding the gathering of His people.

There are becoming two increasingly large groups of people referring to themselves as Torah observant believers, both claiming great insight.  One of these groups are the folks in constant midrash and study, who "have been shown" they will be provided for by the preparation of others or of course, "manna."  The other group is laying in the survivor supplies, including weapons and large quantities of ammunition.

As I weigh these options out, I find myself, once again seeing four kinds of people, with the great majority still discounting completely that preparation is needed for the end of days.  Much of this group are non-believers, still looking for political solutions, and the rest in this non-preparation group are Christians planning on a rapture when "the going gets tough."  I am not in this group.  I am a believer that sees believers remaining on earth for at least part of the Great Tribulation.

As for the being too busy enlightening people to personally prepare, maybe that's part of what I'm preparing for.  Maybe I'll be sharing the food AND work-load of basic simplicity, and maybe there will be "milk parlor midrash" and studies in the garden, but I've already been given a warning in a dream a few years back that there will be many showing up, talking the talk, and talking more talk . . . just for the food.  I won't be cooking for a crowd that had the insight to know these are the end of days, and chose to not prepare.

The heavy ammunition crowd concerns me.  First, it was Messiah that rebuked Peter for using violence to protect Him.  As for citing Old Testament references to justify acts of war, that was already done here in America, when the Europeans considered this the new promised land and annihilated the Native Americans. According to the book of Daniel, the current state of this world is still the fourth kingdom, iron, now mixed with clay.  Back to the firepower crowd.  I've been shown some insight on this matter.  There is no way to out firepower any military, so what may seem like implements of justifiable defense, could very quickly become weapons of offense.  Frightened, hungry people do not make sound decisions!

The saddest thing I saw and heard in all of this, was the misuse of two Scriptures to justify violence and theft.  Proverbs 13:22b and of course, Romans 13:1-2  In all the religious arguing over days of the week, marking the month, when a day begins, many people will consider themselves as, "the just," while those who disagree are clearly, blatant "sinners."   . . . the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.  Proverbs 13:22b.  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of G-d: the powers that be are ordained of G-d.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of G-d: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.  Romans 13:1-2
I've already heard Romans 13:1-2 used in the context of gun confiscation and imposing martial law.

I believe the fourth kind of people are actually seeing that it's time to prepare and prepare to share!
This is not prophecy as to how details will unfold, but the possibility does exist that the people themselves will do a great deal of battle just amongst ourselves.  The reality is, the final beast power can simply stand back and let the people fight it out dividedly, and the power itself loot the spoils of the anarchy of the unprepared.

I believe the fourth kind of people are being called to their rightful place of responsibility in a five fold ministry.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Please bear in mind, there is a grain of truth in many of the examples I will be using in this article, but our relationship with our Creator is still a matter of the heart, not the mouth.  Isaiah addresses the offense of lip service without surrendered hearts.  Wherefore Adonai said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:  Isaiah 29:13
I remember when the teaching was "speak it into being!"  "Words have power."    That teaching always came across as a very self-centered way to treat our Heavenly Father.  Like He was sitting on His throne awaiting orders.  Oh, I almost forgot, you had to say it "in Jesus Name" and just watch it all fall into place . . . Words do have power!  Power to praise and power to incite judgment!

Some folks saw it for what it was, while for others, the scales remain.  Many are still following some of the older names, and then there are the two newer kids on the block; Osteen and Prince.  These two present a frightening blend of religious references, but little Scripture to justify materialism and disobedience.   The old teaching always struck me as, "let G-d know what you want, use certain interpretations and Scripture out of context to "establish it,"  "speak it," which became dubbed "name it and claim it, or blab it and grab it," sprinkle "Jesus" on top and wait for the wealth.  This newer teaching actually seems anti-Scripture.

Now that it's been officially realized by many, that old method only works for the speaker in his or her own reasoning, there's another "new thing" unfolding.  It's time to start speaking G-d's language.  Hebrew is a beautiful language and since names are not, as a rule, translated to other languages, I do think it's important to know the Name of our Creator and His Son.  We don't need to know the Name to argue over pronunciation, but rather to call upon the Name.  I do share the fact His Name has been removed from the KJV and the letter "J" is a very recent addition to the alphabet, but I don't know how He spoke His Name to Moses.  I wasn't on that mountain hearing a voice come from a burning bush.  All I can do is read what was recorded!  Abba does know in my heart if my attempt to call upon His Name and share it, is in humble reverence or self-seeking pride, which brings me to a grave concern.

As a few Hebrew terms are becoming the latest trend, I find it frightening in two ways.  One, of course the debates have ensued, which is absolutely ridiculous and I believe a very poor witness!  The second, is the level of faith, congregants place in their leadership, rather than searching the Word themselves.  For instance, the term "Ruach."  Ruach HaKodesh is Holy Spirit.  Ruach is also the term used when YHWH sent an evil spirit to trouble King Saul.  It's not about pronunciation or semantics, it's about seeking our Creator in reverence to actually know Him.  We are in danger of becoming entirely too casual in our reference and reverence, while also entirely too prideful in our knowledge.