Sunday, December 28, 2014


Of course we know that everyone who "receives a word" regarding their finances is not going to get rich.  We also are well aware of the fact, the "prophets for profit" are the ones living large off of the donations of folks who are often giving more than they can afford.  I realize wealth is relative.  Compared to Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen I'm poor.  Unlike Joyce Meyer, I couldn't afford to have all my kids on the tax free payroll, but . . . much of the rest of the world would see me as quite wealthy.  I must look wealthy, as I receive donation requests regularly on social media.  My point is not about the prosperity ministry, though, it's about true prophecy that hasn't yet come to pass.

Abba laid it on my heart the other night to consider Ezekiel and Jeremiah, along side some of the watchmen of today, myself included.  My call is not that of a prophet, but there have been times Abba has given me a word of foreknowledge that has come to pass.  There are many of us saying things, very similar things, that have not yet come to pass, and we are often dismissed in our warning.  I cringe when one of my daughters dismissively compares me to Jeremiah as a prophet of doom.  The warning Jeremiah gave, came to pass!

Some of the warnings of Ezekiel have not been fulfilled yet, as well as the words in the last chapter of Isaiah.  Many prophecies contained in what we call the "minor prophets" are still to be fulfilled, and they will come to pass.

Sadly as the prosperity teachers are leading thousands upon thousands to believe the love of money can be sanctified, the fulfillment of the prophecies of old are going into place.  The words of the watchmen of these end of days will come to pass.  Jeremiah was dismissed, disrespected, his scroll cut up and burned, thrown in a well, and yet the promises of the false prophet that "times would get better" did not come to pass.  The words of Jeremiah stood true and Babylon did invade Jerusalem, and YHWH brought them out after the time of captivity.

The world has ignored G-d's Word for far too long, and if He punished His chosen people; don't think for a moment, the judgment will not be harsh on those who have ignored His Commands and disregarded His Son.

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