Of course we know that everyone who "receives a word" regarding their finances is not going to get rich. We also are well aware of the fact, the "prophets for profit" are the ones living large off of the donations of folks who are often giving more than they can afford. I realize wealth is relative. Compared to Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen I'm poor. Unlike Joyce Meyer, I couldn't afford to have all my kids on the tax free payroll, but . . . much of the rest of the world would see me as quite wealthy. I must look wealthy, as I receive donation requests regularly on social media. My point is not about the prosperity ministry, though, it's about true prophecy that hasn't yet come to pass.
Abba laid it on my heart the other night to consider Ezekiel and Jeremiah, along side some of the watchmen of today, myself included. My call is not that of a prophet, but there have been times Abba has given me a word of foreknowledge that has come to pass. There are many of us saying things, very similar things, that have not yet come to pass, and we are often dismissed in our warning. I cringe when one of my daughters dismissively compares me to Jeremiah as a prophet of doom. The warning Jeremiah gave, came to pass!
Some of the warnings of Ezekiel have not been fulfilled yet, as well as the words in the last chapter of Isaiah. Many prophecies contained in what we call the "minor prophets" are still to be fulfilled, and they will come to pass.
Sadly as the prosperity teachers are leading thousands upon thousands to believe the love of money can be sanctified, the fulfillment of the prophecies of old are going into place. The words of the watchmen of these end of days will come to pass. Jeremiah was dismissed, disrespected, his scroll cut up and burned, thrown in a well, and yet the promises of the false prophet that "times would get better" did not come to pass. The words of Jeremiah stood true and Babylon did invade Jerusalem, and YHWH brought them out after the time of captivity.
The world has ignored G-d's Word for far too long, and if He punished His chosen people; don't think for a moment, the judgment will not be harsh on those who have ignored His Commands and disregarded His Son.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Due to continued issues with the new computer and the webcam, this week's "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY" is still in the editing room, but here is the transcript.
I was awakened early Thursday morning by the voice of YHWH. HE stated, "My love is not unconditional." Immediately I did a spirit search wondering if I was using that term in my writing or speaking. Once I was awake and aware that He had my undivided attention . . . He continued, "If my love were unconditional, my Son would not have had to die. You cannot earn my love, but it is not without condition."
Here is the good news. YHWH loved us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 tells us Messiah died for us while we were still in our sinful state, but . . . when we repent to follow Messiah, we are given the Great Spirit of Holiness, Ruach HaKodesh, that we no longer walk in our sinful way. I'm not saying we become perfect, but I am saying we are striving to please our Heavenly Father. If we are truly following Messiah as He called us to do, our desire is to walk as He walked.
Obedience does not earn the love of YHWH. We obey because we love Him and because He first loved us. The love and blessing of YHWH is quite conditional. Salvation came at an enormous price, that's a condition! Joshua told the children of Israel, "choose this day whom you will serve." That is conditional! A choice must be made. Our Heavenly Father and His Son our Messiah are not to be just part of the mix of our cluttered self-serving life.
When we become a believer, a follower of Messiah, we are called to come out from among "them" meaning our old ways and old crowds and be separate. We may still be around the same people, but we are to interact differently. Y'hshuwah would not have given the stern and dire warning that many would hear, "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity" if that were not a clear and probably danger. Iniquity is translated from the Greek word, anomia, meaning without the law, or lawless.
G-d is love, therefore He is the living existence of what love is, as well as what it is, to love. There is no place in Scripture we'll find the adjective of love to be "unconditional." As a matter of fact, Scripture states He will love those He loves and show mercy on those He will show mercy. He is Elohim, the Creator of the universe. He is the One who defines love. His children are called to love Him in return, not redefine it!
I was awakened early Thursday morning by the voice of YHWH. HE stated, "My love is not unconditional." Immediately I did a spirit search wondering if I was using that term in my writing or speaking. Once I was awake and aware that He had my undivided attention . . . He continued, "If my love were unconditional, my Son would not have had to die. You cannot earn my love, but it is not without condition."
Here is the good news. YHWH loved us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 tells us Messiah died for us while we were still in our sinful state, but . . . when we repent to follow Messiah, we are given the Great Spirit of Holiness, Ruach HaKodesh, that we no longer walk in our sinful way. I'm not saying we become perfect, but I am saying we are striving to please our Heavenly Father. If we are truly following Messiah as He called us to do, our desire is to walk as He walked.
Obedience does not earn the love of YHWH. We obey because we love Him and because He first loved us. The love and blessing of YHWH is quite conditional. Salvation came at an enormous price, that's a condition! Joshua told the children of Israel, "choose this day whom you will serve." That is conditional! A choice must be made. Our Heavenly Father and His Son our Messiah are not to be just part of the mix of our cluttered self-serving life.
When we become a believer, a follower of Messiah, we are called to come out from among "them" meaning our old ways and old crowds and be separate. We may still be around the same people, but we are to interact differently. Y'hshuwah would not have given the stern and dire warning that many would hear, "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity" if that were not a clear and probably danger. Iniquity is translated from the Greek word, anomia, meaning without the law, or lawless.
G-d is love, therefore He is the living existence of what love is, as well as what it is, to love. There is no place in Scripture we'll find the adjective of love to be "unconditional." As a matter of fact, Scripture states He will love those He loves and show mercy on those He will show mercy. He is Elohim, the Creator of the universe. He is the One who defines love. His children are called to love Him in return, not redefine it!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Due to the fact I spent the past week in techno-purgatory, "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY" will not air on video this week, but here is the transcript.
This message is urgent!
There are a number of people who are already dependent upon the system, who are also now realizing what it being provided is simply not enough. There is a large increase of requests for donations made by people who are, what is termed "disabled." I'm not judging a disability or state assistance, for that matter; I'm simply stating while the government offers increased provision according to family size, the actual buying power will continue to decline. The growing number of working poor will not be able to withstand increasing costs and provide the charity needed by those whom the government is failing.
Economic calamity is looming. It is not a matter of if, but when . . . Shale oil and fracking will not be the "cure" for America's economy, but the surplus will reduce the price of oil. America no longer has the largest economy, but it does appear, we have the largest debt. This imbalance will not maintain. I'm not suggesting that we stop helping the poor, but rather we must find ways and offer help that is actually helpful! Further financial dependency is unsustainable. As pensions are being cut, social security will be, as well, as any other government allotment.
Even McDonald's is losing revenue, so selling hamburgers to each other is not an option. Wal-Mart, healthcare, and government are three major employers at this time. If we really consider the integrated network of employment within the major employers we would discover, very quickly the rapid direction toward a single entity of power. Regardless of whether you "earned it" or not; provision by the powers that be, will ultimately leave all those who are dependent at the mercy of a very unmerciful organization.
The only sustainable solution will be utter dependence upon YHWH for our health and provision using and sharing the talents in which we have been endowed.
This message is urgent!
There are a number of people who are already dependent upon the system, who are also now realizing what it being provided is simply not enough. There is a large increase of requests for donations made by people who are, what is termed "disabled." I'm not judging a disability or state assistance, for that matter; I'm simply stating while the government offers increased provision according to family size, the actual buying power will continue to decline. The growing number of working poor will not be able to withstand increasing costs and provide the charity needed by those whom the government is failing.
Economic calamity is looming. It is not a matter of if, but when . . . Shale oil and fracking will not be the "cure" for America's economy, but the surplus will reduce the price of oil. America no longer has the largest economy, but it does appear, we have the largest debt. This imbalance will not maintain. I'm not suggesting that we stop helping the poor, but rather we must find ways and offer help that is actually helpful! Further financial dependency is unsustainable. As pensions are being cut, social security will be, as well, as any other government allotment.
Even McDonald's is losing revenue, so selling hamburgers to each other is not an option. Wal-Mart, healthcare, and government are three major employers at this time. If we really consider the integrated network of employment within the major employers we would discover, very quickly the rapid direction toward a single entity of power. Regardless of whether you "earned it" or not; provision by the powers that be, will ultimately leave all those who are dependent at the mercy of a very unmerciful organization.
The only sustainable solution will be utter dependence upon YHWH for our health and provision using and sharing the talents in which we have been endowed.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
More Than Coincidence
Nothing happens by coincidence. As these end of days continue to unfold many will draw connections with what others label coincidence or even conspiracy theories. Observing current events and connecting the dots has moved well past conspiracy theory. A person would have to be living in a cave cut off from any information to think life on earth is business as usual.
The One World Trade Center is now open for business. The tallest building in America . . .and it has the hype and presence of the Tower of Babel.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4
“It was meant to be all things to all people,” says Christopher Ward, who helped manage the rebuilding as executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “It was going to answer every question that it raised. . .” I encourage you to click the Time link to read the FULL STORY
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. a Proverb of Holy Scripture
The year of shemitah, although disregarded, ignored, or debated; has been proven to "reset" our economy.
There was a "Ground Blessing Service" for the St. Nicholas National Shrine on the Sabbath following Sukkot! Shouldn't this instill fear in all of us . . . as in fear of YHWH?
The One World Trade Center is now open for business. The tallest building in America . . .and it has the hype and presence of the Tower of Babel.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4
“It was meant to be all things to all people,” says Christopher Ward, who helped manage the rebuilding as executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “It was going to answer every question that it raised. . .” I encourage you to click the Time link to read the FULL STORY
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. a Proverb of Holy Scripture
The year of shemitah, although disregarded, ignored, or debated; has been proven to "reset" our economy.
There was a "Ground Blessing Service" for the St. Nicholas National Shrine on the Sabbath following Sukkot! Shouldn't this instill fear in all of us . . . as in fear of YHWH?
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Eye Opening
As the progress continues toward going off grid, a fairly sizeable initial investment was required. I sincerely hope many will benefit from this endeavor. In making the purchase, it was determined we'd use a credit card, for proof of purchase, date of purchase, etc. I don't carry a balance, so there's no interest paid, and when it comes to major investments, I like a record. I give all these details because I always encourage folks to get out of debt and stay out of debt. If there is a temptation to use the card beyond what can be paid in the billing cycle, then please don't use one at all. Aside from debt, I noticed something else that seemed rather ominous at the time of this recent purchase.
Mr. B and I went to the supply company to make this purchase. It was a large warehouse with a huge counter surrounding rows and rows of electrical contractor supplies. The building was old and the atmosphere was nostalgic; in memory of the old days of real customer service and American know-how. Watching the contractors place their order at the counter and observing the operation took me back in time. An older gentleman commented on the man behind the counter, telling all of us, "this guy knows his stuff!"
The nostalgia gave way to the 21st century as the order was entered into the computer. When the gentleman asked for a phone number, immediately all the information about our previous purchase, became available. I watched the man's face, considering his age; as he pulled together probably 35 years of his experience in this business. Briefly I envisioned him as a young man with clip board in hand, organizing the stock and inventory, and wondered if he remembered the changes as they came. He's now the man who feeds in the codes and sends the young men to fill the orders.
When the time came to pay the bill, I nearly had a spell. The price was expected, and I'm aware that cards are now "swiped," but I hadn't seen this latest bit of technology. There was no pen, no stick, no nothing, Mr. B simply wrote with his finger, on the screen to complete the transaction. This is where I saw one more step in desensitizing the masses toward a mark of some sort on a right hand for buying . . .
Mr. B and I went to the supply company to make this purchase. It was a large warehouse with a huge counter surrounding rows and rows of electrical contractor supplies. The building was old and the atmosphere was nostalgic; in memory of the old days of real customer service and American know-how. Watching the contractors place their order at the counter and observing the operation took me back in time. An older gentleman commented on the man behind the counter, telling all of us, "this guy knows his stuff!"
The nostalgia gave way to the 21st century as the order was entered into the computer. When the gentleman asked for a phone number, immediately all the information about our previous purchase, became available. I watched the man's face, considering his age; as he pulled together probably 35 years of his experience in this business. Briefly I envisioned him as a young man with clip board in hand, organizing the stock and inventory, and wondered if he remembered the changes as they came. He's now the man who feeds in the codes and sends the young men to fill the orders.
When the time came to pay the bill, I nearly had a spell. The price was expected, and I'm aware that cards are now "swiped," but I hadn't seen this latest bit of technology. There was no pen, no stick, no nothing, Mr. B simply wrote with his finger, on the screen to complete the transaction. This is where I saw one more step in desensitizing the masses toward a mark of some sort on a right hand for buying . . .
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Famine and Pestilence
BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY will be returning for a new season in the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile, I am led to share this information I have obtained directly from the community of Big Agriculture. Other than an extra cold winter last year, the wheat harvest wasn't really exploited by the love of money, but the corn and bean harvest have been and will continue to be.
There is virtually no corn available that has not been genetically altered. The heirloom corn crop was not great this year. One variety in particular I know, was a warning of spiritual significance. The stalks shot up quickly, reaching heights I'd never before seen in corn. This corn salks grew every bit of eight feet tall. There were many things wrong with it, though. It got so tall, the stalk began to fall over from their own weight. The plants never tasseled, so they never produced ears. The biggest most vibrantly green corn stalks I've ever seen were barren. The goats loved them, but there was no harvest of that particular corn. Other heirloom varieties did all right, but this particular one was some sort of blue or indigo variety.
Moving right along to the Big Ag crops. The hay cuttings were so numerous, and the corn harvest so bountiful, the barns are filled beyond capacity, with hay and corn still in the field. A significant issue has arisen, however; with this abundant corn crop. Rather than our Big Ag seeing it as abundance for the year of shemitah, the love of money has entered the equation. The price of corn has dropped dramatically between the time of sowing and the time of harvest, and corn is about half the price it was, per bushel, last summer. The solution? Seed companies are raising the price of seeds and since the seeds are GMO, they are patented, so a farmer cannot plant from his own harvested crop. We are already far behind ancient Egypt in managing our food supply.
Next, many farmers have actually determined to store their crop until the price goes up. That is a two fold problem that could potentially multiply exponentially. With corn being held for better prices, that means it will be in short supply for processing and animal feed, so the cost of food products containing corn may increase through the winter or until the price of a bushel of corn goes up. Most of our processed food contains corn. Corn syrup is used to sweeten a great many of the products on grocer's shelves. So, if groceries go up, and the price of corn doesn't, that means farmers will still be storing their corn in buildings not designed for grain storage, so pestilence is sure to ensue. I don't know if GMO corn will cause rats and raccoons any serious health problems, but those pests will find their way into the implement barns being used to house the extra grain.
This single situation could very well topple the house of cards we've built with our food supply and financial interests. The prophesied famine and pestilence, not to mention a day's wage for food could all very soon be affected by this year in which the purpose for the abundance is being ignored.
There is virtually no corn available that has not been genetically altered. The heirloom corn crop was not great this year. One variety in particular I know, was a warning of spiritual significance. The stalks shot up quickly, reaching heights I'd never before seen in corn. This corn salks grew every bit of eight feet tall. There were many things wrong with it, though. It got so tall, the stalk began to fall over from their own weight. The plants never tasseled, so they never produced ears. The biggest most vibrantly green corn stalks I've ever seen were barren. The goats loved them, but there was no harvest of that particular corn. Other heirloom varieties did all right, but this particular one was some sort of blue or indigo variety.
Moving right along to the Big Ag crops. The hay cuttings were so numerous, and the corn harvest so bountiful, the barns are filled beyond capacity, with hay and corn still in the field. A significant issue has arisen, however; with this abundant corn crop. Rather than our Big Ag seeing it as abundance for the year of shemitah, the love of money has entered the equation. The price of corn has dropped dramatically between the time of sowing and the time of harvest, and corn is about half the price it was, per bushel, last summer. The solution? Seed companies are raising the price of seeds and since the seeds are GMO, they are patented, so a farmer cannot plant from his own harvested crop. We are already far behind ancient Egypt in managing our food supply.
Next, many farmers have actually determined to store their crop until the price goes up. That is a two fold problem that could potentially multiply exponentially. With corn being held for better prices, that means it will be in short supply for processing and animal feed, so the cost of food products containing corn may increase through the winter or until the price of a bushel of corn goes up. Most of our processed food contains corn. Corn syrup is used to sweeten a great many of the products on grocer's shelves. So, if groceries go up, and the price of corn doesn't, that means farmers will still be storing their corn in buildings not designed for grain storage, so pestilence is sure to ensue. I don't know if GMO corn will cause rats and raccoons any serious health problems, but those pests will find their way into the implement barns being used to house the extra grain.
This single situation could very well topple the house of cards we've built with our food supply and financial interests. The prophesied famine and pestilence, not to mention a day's wage for food could all very soon be affected by this year in which the purpose for the abundance is being ignored.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Matthew 24
Much about the end of days is mentioned in Matthew 24. In this passage we find Messiah's prophecy of the end of days, in some detail. Although many of us are seeing the beginning of these prophecies being fulfilled, there is still much to be fulfilled before Messiah's return after the tribulation as stated in verse 29. If this is a chronology of end time events, we must hold fast to Messiah, the one true Messiah, because there will be many false claims of a Christ.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:6-8
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Matthew 24:15
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matthew 24:29-30
I'm certainly not suggesting any slackening in our service in saying it may still be awhile, quite the contrary. Now is the time we must become even more diligent, knowing the times. We must remain in Him and endure until the end. 24:12 . . .tells us because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 24:13
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 24:44
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Matthew 24:6-8
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Matthew 24:15
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matthew 24:29-30
I'm certainly not suggesting any slackening in our service in saying it may still be awhile, quite the contrary. Now is the time we must become even more diligent, knowing the times. We must remain in Him and endure until the end. 24:12 . . .tells us because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 24:13
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. 24:44
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Sifting and Shaking
There is a plumbline.
The Temple Institute's Build the Third Temple campaign was not only a financial success. Even more significantly, it delivered a statement to the world that we are ready, willing and able to move forward together toward the building of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, a "house of prayer for all nations" and a place of peace for all humanity.
The sifting and shaking continue. Many of us are hearing or seeing various portions of Hosea and Jeremiah, basically all around us. The words of Ezekiel have become daunting as we simply cannot look anywhere, but up; without seeing calamity looming.
The Temple Institute's Build the Third Temple campaign was not only a financial success. Even more significantly, it delivered a statement to the world that we are ready, willing and able to move forward together toward the building of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, a "house of prayer for all nations" and a place of peace for all humanity.
The sifting and shaking continue. Many of us are hearing or seeing various portions of Hosea and Jeremiah, basically all around us. The words of Ezekiel have become daunting as we simply cannot look anywhere, but up; without seeing calamity looming.
The campaign to raise funds for the Third Temple has been reported to be accomplished. That is huge news in this world and the deception will be rampant.
This will be an integral part of the fulfillment of Matthew 24:21-31
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but
for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it
not. For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false prophets, and shall show great
signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the
very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:
behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and
the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the
powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all
the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the
clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall
gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Big Changes are Coming
As these end of days continue to unfold, there is a warning. The specific embodiment of the head of the beastly government will appear to be, the Messiah. As a matter of fact, Scripture says, he'll do wonders and perform miracles. The false prophet will appear to be a Biblical prophet like Elijah and John the Baptist. Abba has not, yet revealed to me; if they will actually be dressed in what we would perceive to be Biblical attire, but their presence will be very similar, yet OFF. The difference will seem marginal and for most, explained away and compromised, to be embraced.
As many are proclaiming Messiah's return, and He is coming, but it's not as near as many think. I'm only going to scratch the surface, here. First, He said there would be tribulation such as the world has never known. We're not there yet! Second, the prophesied third temple has not yet been built. Third, He said He's returning for a glorious ekklesia, i.e. gathering that is holy without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Again, we're not there yet. I'm guessing it will take a greater intensity of the first point, to bring together the third point.
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true Elohim, and Y'hshuwah ha Moshiach, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Stark Statistics
The California drought of previous years had already reduced the planting for this year, by nearly a third. Sadly, 2014 has also been a year of drought, so even what was planted will not be an abundant crop.
Florida farmers are enjoying the prices of corn and soybeans. So that means more GMO! The largest crops in this country are GMO, now. Many Florida farmers have found these harvests are much easier than the crops that require hand picking, like strawberries and oranges. That's not to say all Florida farmers have followed this ideology, but the produce prices are indicative of the changes.
Much of the Ohio Valley and Midwest have enjoyed optimal growing conditions, but again the large operations are GMO. The rangeland is still not operating anywhere near the former herd numbers. I don't like to use the term America's herd, because I still believe the ranchers each have their own herd, but for the sake of the numbers, I'll simply state, the number of cattle in this country has continued to decline again in 2014, falling below last year's record as the lowest number since 1951.
To add insult to injury in Arkansas, the CEO of a large grain purchasing business has filed bankruptcy. Some farmers are unsure they will even be paid for their harvest. The following is a couple of paragraphs from the article linked in the previous sentence.
The chapter 12 bankruptcy of a principal of Arkansas’ Turner Grain Co. and accompanying grain contract defaults could cost farmers in the Mississippi Delta “paper” losses of up to $70 million, according to a Greenville lawyer for several grain producers.
"Paper" loss for independent farmers has greater significance than "paper" loss for Wall Street executives. Independent farmers take the financial hit, themselves . . . There are no backroom political deals for them. While bankers get bailouts, farmers get foreclosures.
As the year of Shemitah is quickly approaching, we must also realize, the judgment that is coming to America may indeed be land that rests. Torah states that it was permissible to eat what the the untilled, untended land produced . . . but that was Instruction to an obedient people. Reduced crops this year, abundant harvests of crops that are not food, and Shemitah will greatly affect the health of this nation.
And the solution to all these statistics? Carefully worded policies for "crop insurance." Crop insurance is exactly what it sounds like. If the crop fails, the farmer receives a dollar value per acre for the failed crop. Hopefully the compensation will cover enough of the expenses to keep the farm in business til the next planting season, but and it's a big BUT, that doesn't put any food on the grocer's shelves.
Florida farmers are enjoying the prices of corn and soybeans. So that means more GMO! The largest crops in this country are GMO, now. Many Florida farmers have found these harvests are much easier than the crops that require hand picking, like strawberries and oranges. That's not to say all Florida farmers have followed this ideology, but the produce prices are indicative of the changes.
Much of the Ohio Valley and Midwest have enjoyed optimal growing conditions, but again the large operations are GMO. The rangeland is still not operating anywhere near the former herd numbers. I don't like to use the term America's herd, because I still believe the ranchers each have their own herd, but for the sake of the numbers, I'll simply state, the number of cattle in this country has continued to decline again in 2014, falling below last year's record as the lowest number since 1951.
To add insult to injury in Arkansas, the CEO of a large grain purchasing business has filed bankruptcy. Some farmers are unsure they will even be paid for their harvest. The following is a couple of paragraphs from the article linked in the previous sentence.
The chapter 12 bankruptcy of a principal of Arkansas’ Turner Grain Co. and accompanying grain contract defaults could cost farmers in the Mississippi Delta “paper” losses of up to $70 million, according to a Greenville lawyer for several grain producers.
Separate from the paper losses is the prospect of some farmers going unpaid for grain already sold to Turner Grain.
http://msbusiness.com/blog/2014/09/19/grain-buyers-bankruptcy-take-steep-toll-delta-farmers/"Paper" loss for independent farmers has greater significance than "paper" loss for Wall Street executives. Independent farmers take the financial hit, themselves . . . There are no backroom political deals for them. While bankers get bailouts, farmers get foreclosures.
As the year of Shemitah is quickly approaching, we must also realize, the judgment that is coming to America may indeed be land that rests. Torah states that it was permissible to eat what the the untilled, untended land produced . . . but that was Instruction to an obedient people. Reduced crops this year, abundant harvests of crops that are not food, and Shemitah will greatly affect the health of this nation.
And the solution to all these statistics? Carefully worded policies for "crop insurance." Crop insurance is exactly what it sounds like. If the crop fails, the farmer receives a dollar value per acre for the failed crop. Hopefully the compensation will cover enough of the expenses to keep the farm in business til the next planting season, but and it's a big BUT, that doesn't put any food on the grocer's shelves.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Change of Seasons
Now that most of us are laughing about "global warming" and the politically owned scientists have now changed the term to "climate change," there is something I've been noticing for some time now. Scripture mentions many times that rain in it's season is a blessing. Although the climate does vary around the globe, even deserts have a "rainy season" which, although brief; is usually in spring or late summer/fall. Even with global information, we seem to need reminding that we all enjoy or endure different climates. This area, as did many, had a terrific growing season this year, but it's also the year before Shemitah, so the harvest is abundant.
In my years of homesteading, the animals have made me much more "weather aware." Social media has greatly improved my awareness beyond my own little corner of the world, and having a friend who is a weatherman has definitely expanded my knowledge and broadened my interest.
As our nation and world continue to spiral downward in greed and immorality, the blessing of rainy seasons, spring and fall, are becoming shorter. The gradual change of temperature between summer and winter is giving way to sudden shifts of wind direction, thus sharp temperature change. Technically it's still summer, yet snow has already fallen in some northern states. As we look at statistics and general weather history, we may not see what I've been watching.
When I first began homesteading, I was told lettuce and peas were to be planted February 14. Even before discovering the pagan roots of Valentine's Day, I had no romantic interests, so planting lettuce and peas seemed the perfect way to spend that day. The first year in this lifestyle, I had to cover the young leaves once to protect them from frost, and the same the next year. The following year in my ignorance of Shemitah, I was protected from misusing the land as the temperatures hovered around freezing until March, I was still serving as nursemaid, and a tornado tore through the region in May . . .
In the past six years, records have been set in many places for latest freeze or snow in the spring and earliest freeze or snow in the fall, not to mention excess snowfall in winter and extreme heat and drought in summer. Some will say it's all cyclic and has happened before. That may well be true, but we must consider the reality that seasonal shifts also serve as warnings and judgment.
In my years of homesteading, the animals have made me much more "weather aware." Social media has greatly improved my awareness beyond my own little corner of the world, and having a friend who is a weatherman has definitely expanded my knowledge and broadened my interest.
As our nation and world continue to spiral downward in greed and immorality, the blessing of rainy seasons, spring and fall, are becoming shorter. The gradual change of temperature between summer and winter is giving way to sudden shifts of wind direction, thus sharp temperature change. Technically it's still summer, yet snow has already fallen in some northern states. As we look at statistics and general weather history, we may not see what I've been watching.
When I first began homesteading, I was told lettuce and peas were to be planted February 14. Even before discovering the pagan roots of Valentine's Day, I had no romantic interests, so planting lettuce and peas seemed the perfect way to spend that day. The first year in this lifestyle, I had to cover the young leaves once to protect them from frost, and the same the next year. The following year in my ignorance of Shemitah, I was protected from misusing the land as the temperatures hovered around freezing until March, I was still serving as nursemaid, and a tornado tore through the region in May . . .
In the past six years, records have been set in many places for latest freeze or snow in the spring and earliest freeze or snow in the fall, not to mention excess snowfall in winter and extreme heat and drought in summer. Some will say it's all cyclic and has happened before. That may well be true, but we must consider the reality that seasonal shifts also serve as warnings and judgment.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The Prophecy in Zechariah 12
"Except the very elect be deceived." There is a day coming in which some of us believe a Temple will be built with the exact dimensions, but by the hand of man and the anti-Christ will rule from it. I remember when I first read the passage in Zechariah that said all the nations will come against Jerusalem. Two thoughts immediately permeated my thinking. If America is still in business as an independent nation, we're on the wrong side of this prophecy. The other thought was that the democratic Israel, recognized by the UN would also come against Jerusalem.
For now, democratic Israel is guarding Jerusalem, but we can plainly see, the Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount. While those who would observe Biblical Holy Days are prevented from ascending the Temple Mount on those days, Israel's Muslims do not face Jerusalem to pray, but rather face Mecca. A political Israel will eventually be in trouble. I am Israel, I stand with Israel, but I will not support the building of the Temple, and I absolutely pray I am not deceived into forming an allegiance with anyone who is standing against the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
It is my firm belief that there are two very easy ways to be deceived. One, is to become lackadaisical regarding our spiritual walk. Two, to become so cocksure of our own beliefs, we lose our spiritual discernment.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Giving Consideration
Many of us are sensing change is imminent. Many of us are feeling the need to prepare for the change. Some are downsizing and cleaning. Others are harvesting and preserving. Interesting how some of us are doing the exact opposite things, yet we know we are preparing for the same purpose, ultimately. This is how the body of Messiah is to function. Those who are house cleaning and looking for tents are doing what they are called to do, just as I am harvesting and preserving in preparation.
Unless Abba leads me differently, there will be a brief hiatus in the production of "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY."
As we watch the end of days unfold, we must remember the Revelation was given to John about the return of Messiah and what would be taking place. I have spoken before that the riders on the horses have been released. Not that I know the date of their release, but simply that they have been released. It was today that I realized, they were released probably not long after that revelation was given, and they're simply gaining speed and traveling west. If we consider history, that's why so many believe history is just repeating itself with war and disease, and will once again rally and reset, but that is not the case.
With each expansion of humanity, the problems have not been resolved. The Middle East and Africa were not made better as society spread through Europe. The legs of iron, mentioned in Daniel, which is Rome has only annexed further west and mixed with clay . . . From the Vatican throughout the world, there is promise of religious solution. From the Gaza strip around the globe, there are wars and rumors of wars. The entire world is facing economic collapse an has literally been propped up on debt for years.
Pharmaceuticals seem to be the newest addition to the man-made solutions, which is probably why there was only one Scriptural reference to pharmakeia prior to the Revelation. We can see evidence of the rider on the palor horse through the Bubonic Plague and other widespread diseases, but never before has the previous "cure" become the new problem. As we have only begun to see, the reality now exists, to spread antibiotic resistant super-bugs, globally.
Even considering the headlines, I believe this is "the calm" before the storm that will only end when Messiah returns.
Unless Abba leads me differently, there will be a brief hiatus in the production of "BEFORE It Was HEADLINES It Was PROPHECY."
As we watch the end of days unfold, we must remember the Revelation was given to John about the return of Messiah and what would be taking place. I have spoken before that the riders on the horses have been released. Not that I know the date of their release, but simply that they have been released. It was today that I realized, they were released probably not long after that revelation was given, and they're simply gaining speed and traveling west. If we consider history, that's why so many believe history is just repeating itself with war and disease, and will once again rally and reset, but that is not the case.
With each expansion of humanity, the problems have not been resolved. The Middle East and Africa were not made better as society spread through Europe. The legs of iron, mentioned in Daniel, which is Rome has only annexed further west and mixed with clay . . . From the Vatican throughout the world, there is promise of religious solution. From the Gaza strip around the globe, there are wars and rumors of wars. The entire world is facing economic collapse an has literally been propped up on debt for years.
Pharmaceuticals seem to be the newest addition to the man-made solutions, which is probably why there was only one Scriptural reference to pharmakeia prior to the Revelation. We can see evidence of the rider on the palor horse through the Bubonic Plague and other widespread diseases, but never before has the previous "cure" become the new problem. As we have only begun to see, the reality now exists, to spread antibiotic resistant super-bugs, globally.
Even considering the headlines, I believe this is "the calm" before the storm that will only end when Messiah returns.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Just a Couple of Questions?
If Israel is the problem in the Middle East and the aggressor . . . Why does Hamas have a stockpile of rockets in their schools instead of bomb shelters for their children?
Now that Hamas is killing Palestinians, where is the outrage?
Now that Hamas is killing Palestinians, where is the outrage?
Sunday, August 17, 2014
World Missions
The world is truly becoming tumultuous at every hand. I receive private messages daily from people in other countries wanting to come to America to get jobs and have freedom. They tell me how terrible it is where they are. Now, let me clear this up immediately. I'm not talking about people in Syria or Iraq. I'm going to say this outright. I saw it when I traveled in ministry. Much of the teaching the people receive is how to solicit Americans for donations.
Years ago, I was told by indigenous pastors, that was the method of operation. Many foreign mission fields have take the Good News of the gospel, but that was years ago. In the last thirty years, much of what has been taught is a dependency upon mission trips. Many of the poor in these countries literally wait for the mission trips to see to their needs. Mission trips are big business, similar to tourism.
Please don't get me wrong. Many Americans do have more than enough, and it's wonderful to donate clothes and Bibles, even money; when a local church is planning a mission trip. The problem is, the people on the other end of these mission trips are being taught ten days worth of American Christianity . . . It isn't anything that is sustaining for them. It becomes a matter of scheduling different groups to speak, rather than the people actually being taught to seek YHWH in covenant. As for the practicality of these mission trips, they aren't. They take supplies to their ministry destinations and have actually created a very dependent religious welfare state abroad.
Of course, I believe in helping people, but giving them something and just leaving them in their hopeless poverty is not really helping. At this point in world events, it seems it will actually lead many to accept a false messiah with promise of provision, for those who will bear his mark . . .
It's time to come out from among them and be separate, and part of proclaiming the Good News, is to teach that truth, as we "minister" next door and around the world.
Years ago, I was told by indigenous pastors, that was the method of operation. Many foreign mission fields have take the Good News of the gospel, but that was years ago. In the last thirty years, much of what has been taught is a dependency upon mission trips. Many of the poor in these countries literally wait for the mission trips to see to their needs. Mission trips are big business, similar to tourism.
Please don't get me wrong. Many Americans do have more than enough, and it's wonderful to donate clothes and Bibles, even money; when a local church is planning a mission trip. The problem is, the people on the other end of these mission trips are being taught ten days worth of American Christianity . . . It isn't anything that is sustaining for them. It becomes a matter of scheduling different groups to speak, rather than the people actually being taught to seek YHWH in covenant. As for the practicality of these mission trips, they aren't. They take supplies to their ministry destinations and have actually created a very dependent religious welfare state abroad.
Of course, I believe in helping people, but giving them something and just leaving them in their hopeless poverty is not really helping. At this point in world events, it seems it will actually lead many to accept a false messiah with promise of provision, for those who will bear his mark . . .
It's time to come out from among them and be separate, and part of proclaiming the Good News, is to teach that truth, as we "minister" next door and around the world.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A Serious Consideration
I've tried to shake this urgency off, but I simply can't. Several years ago, I saw modern mainstream medicine for what it truly is. Many may disagree, and that is your prerogative, but I still have to say this.
The term sorceries or sorcerers in the Revelation, was translated from the Greek term "pharmakeia," "pharmakeus," or "pharmakos." One term refers to the practitioner, one is the product and one references the practice itself. Every time the term sorceries or sorcerers appears in the Revelation, it is a reference that obviously bears the root word for the English word pharmacy, yet the English King James translators chose sorcery.
When sorcerer is used in the book of Acts, the Greek term was a reference to magician or a person intriguing entertainment. There is one other passage in which the Greek term pharmakeia appeared in the original and that is in Galatians 5. The King James translators used the English term "witchcraft" in that passage. Witchcraft is generally equated with mind control. Which brings to mind a question. Why would the English translators use two very different words to translate the same Greek word and avoid the obvious English term of the same root?

Here are the first two definitions for PHARMAKEIA as given in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:
1. the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning
We are all aware of the reason medication is carefully labeled, monitored, and given in measured dosage. It is poison. An overdose can cause death. Health care is the most valued commodity in this country, the most expensive and the least effective. When the Revelation speaks of no buying and selling without the mark, a very deceptive way to administer this mark could very well be through health care. As for making the choice, signing a consent to treatment form is verification of having made a choice.
I would urge every believer to research this yourself. Our Creator has promised us good health if we are obedient to His Word. Mixing holy with profane will not protect us from the plagues that are being introduced.
The term sorceries or sorcerers in the Revelation, was translated from the Greek term "pharmakeia," "pharmakeus," or "pharmakos." One term refers to the practitioner, one is the product and one references the practice itself. Every time the term sorceries or sorcerers appears in the Revelation, it is a reference that obviously bears the root word for the English word pharmacy, yet the English King James translators chose sorcery.
When sorcerer is used in the book of Acts, the Greek term was a reference to magician or a person intriguing entertainment. There is one other passage in which the Greek term pharmakeia appeared in the original and that is in Galatians 5. The King James translators used the English term "witchcraft" in that passage. Witchcraft is generally equated with mind control. Which brings to mind a question. Why would the English translators use two very different words to translate the same Greek word and avoid the obvious English term of the same root?

Here are the first two definitions for PHARMAKEIA as given in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance:
1. the use or the administering of drugs
2. poisoning

Friday, July 25, 2014
The Reality of Relativity
I find myself scratching my head as I hear so called Bible believers claim many of these events are "cyclic." I've actually heard people mention how many times in history it's been thought the tribulation was at hand. There are quite a number of things that have never gone on, in this magnitude, simultaneously. It's never before been possible . . . With of course, one of the major factors, is the presence of Israel after nearly 2000 years. It's time to seriously look at the reality of the establishment of Israel, relative to the rest of the world with an opinion.
Before 1948, Israel wasn't figured into any global consideration, it didn't exist. There were simply nations in which there were small Jewish segments in the social fabric of the country. Unlike the so called Palestinians in Arab countries, the Jewish people made a contribution, to the culture in which they were living, dispersed. Before Hitler's attack, there were thriving Jewish businesses throughout Europe. When the UN recognized the establishment of Israel, the Arab nations refused these new so-called displaced Palestinians, although Israel had no intent of casting them out.
Now since the existence of Israel, all the Arab land in the Middle East cannot possibly give refuge to a people who have now collectively called themselves displaced Palestinians for nearly 70 years. Israel has Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and has since the establishment of the nation in 1948. This accusation and outcry of a so called "occupation" is getting quite old. There are retired baby boomers who are great grandparents that were born in 1948. It's been a serious stretch of time to continue to cry "refugee!"
I was in Israel in 2004, the year before Ariel Sharon, under the advice of the previous American administration, gave Gaza to the Palestinians and ordered the settlements to stop on the West Bank. What happened next? The Palestinians couldn't agree on a leader so they have two . . . Maybe it's time to see the manipulation of continuously being "helplessly displaced" for what it truly is. I saw the lush greenhouses and the beautiful olive groves. The fact that in less than ten years, they've destroyed Gaza may be a big indicator why the rest of the Arab world probably doesn't want them camped out in their country.
Just a couple of questions, here. If Israel were to disappear, then who would take care of the Palestinians, because it certainly isn't Hamas? If Hamas doesn't have Israel to complain about, who is their next target?
Before 1948, Israel wasn't figured into any global consideration, it didn't exist. There were simply nations in which there were small Jewish segments in the social fabric of the country. Unlike the so called Palestinians in Arab countries, the Jewish people made a contribution, to the culture in which they were living, dispersed. Before Hitler's attack, there were thriving Jewish businesses throughout Europe. When the UN recognized the establishment of Israel, the Arab nations refused these new so-called displaced Palestinians, although Israel had no intent of casting them out.
Now since the existence of Israel, all the Arab land in the Middle East cannot possibly give refuge to a people who have now collectively called themselves displaced Palestinians for nearly 70 years. Israel has Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and has since the establishment of the nation in 1948. This accusation and outcry of a so called "occupation" is getting quite old. There are retired baby boomers who are great grandparents that were born in 1948. It's been a serious stretch of time to continue to cry "refugee!"
I was in Israel in 2004, the year before Ariel Sharon, under the advice of the previous American administration, gave Gaza to the Palestinians and ordered the settlements to stop on the West Bank. What happened next? The Palestinians couldn't agree on a leader so they have two . . . Maybe it's time to see the manipulation of continuously being "helplessly displaced" for what it truly is. I saw the lush greenhouses and the beautiful olive groves. The fact that in less than ten years, they've destroyed Gaza may be a big indicator why the rest of the Arab world probably doesn't want them camped out in their country.
Just a couple of questions, here. If Israel were to disappear, then who would take care of the Palestinians, because it certainly isn't Hamas? If Hamas doesn't have Israel to complain about, who is their next target?
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Boots on the Ground
Israel is now on the ground in Gaza. What was a gift to the Palestinians less than a decade ago, had already been turned into a desert ghetto, at the hands of their chosen leadership, Hamas. Hamas destroyed flourishing greenhouses and irrigation systems, only to cry for more . . . Maybe this is why all the larger wealthier Arab nations don't want the Palestinians. Do the rest of the Arab nations see what some Americans don't? It's time to face facts. America has claimed to be an ally of Israel for years and years, but here's a real quick history lesson.
President Johnson did not send help for the Six Day War. America was not a part of the Raid on Entebbe. President Carter made the worse decision of his Presidential career and after, regarding peace negotiations in the Middle East. President Reagan made an arms deal with Iran. Bush 41 was determined to remove Hussein who served as a buffer between Iran and the rest of the world . . . Israel included. I don't have much to say about Clinton's lip service to Israel, but it was Bush 43 who pushed the Gaza give away. As for President Obama, I'm sure Mr. Netanyahu recognized the snide arrogance on his first visit, when the President ended the meeting to go to dinner, leaving him to "think things over."
The words repeated by Benjamin Netanyahu ring in my spirit every now and again. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Is it possible when he hears America claim to be Israel's closest ally, he repeats that quote to himself?
President Johnson did not send help for the Six Day War. America was not a part of the Raid on Entebbe. President Carter made the worse decision of his Presidential career and after, regarding peace negotiations in the Middle East. President Reagan made an arms deal with Iran. Bush 41 was determined to remove Hussein who served as a buffer between Iran and the rest of the world . . . Israel included. I don't have much to say about Clinton's lip service to Israel, but it was Bush 43 who pushed the Gaza give away. As for President Obama, I'm sure Mr. Netanyahu recognized the snide arrogance on his first visit, when the President ended the meeting to go to dinner, leaving him to "think things over."
The words repeated by Benjamin Netanyahu ring in my spirit every now and again. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Is it possible when he hears America claim to be Israel's closest ally, he repeats that quote to himself?
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Wake Up!
The map above portrays the entire Middle East region. The countries highlighted in grey are Arab countries; Israel is highlighted in red.
Whether you believe Israel is currently a nation by Divine province or a UN State established by the elite, Israel does have a right to exist! There are many Palestinian "allies" in the region that could certainly parcel off a larger portion of land than all of Israel! This is not about creating a Palestinian state, this is about the elimination of Israel. Regardless of biased reports, Israel is only responding to Hamas aggression, while continuing humanitarian aid to the Gaza strip.http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/18154/journalistic-jihad/#rgtxmzS0JPFL6scE.97
Meanwhile back at home, we have the elite now drafting orders for Congress regarding the illegal immigration crisis.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Rights and Freedom
The Supreme Court did a good thing in the decision regarding Hobby Lobby, in my opinion; but of course, that's only a matter of opinion. According to social media, there seemed to be almost as many who disagreed, but that's getting to be the rule of thumb here in America. The issues get lost and tossed according to political leanings . . . period. I truly do not think this decision was about Hobby Lobby or women's rights at all. I think it was about freedom.
As I read the perspectives I just kept thinking about how far we've gotten away from the freedom we claim to love. Until this last century, people lived agriculturally or had their own business. Americans were basically independent. We've given up our freedom and independence for some elusive "rights." Sadly, even the Bill of Rights is eroding while society focuses on the convoluted definitions of "rights." For example, even though the civil rights issue was legislatively addressed and resolved nearly 50 years ago, not to mention abolition . . . Ben Carson is one of the few Americans who can disagree with the President without being called a racist. Meanwhile law enforcement across this nation profiles and intimidates and it's called "policy." Men cannot hit their wives or girlfriends, but a man with a badge can hit and.or shoot anyone and everyone.
Moving on toward women's rights. Women, especially have bought into the programming and where has that truly gotten us socially? As a woman, I can tell you straight out, I'm not looking forward to the possibility of a woman president. I don't want Hillary C. or Sarah P. The ERA never passed, but most women now work outside the home. Many women are single moms, often dependent upon government programs. Food stamps used to be for emergencies, now renamed; WIC and SNAP are commonplace. Often working mothers still rely on state provided medical care for their children and the latest legislation of health care has put most everyone on some sort of government plan or subsidy.
There has been a slow erosion of freedoms wrapped in the agenda of "rights." The celebration of FREEDOM in general, and the rules thereof, put this in perspective as to where we truly are . . .
This brings us back full circle to fine the line is between freedom to live and slavery to regulation. Although generic memes are often, obviously tongue in cheek, it raises a wonderful observation as to how legislation and regulation can become ridiculous.
As I read the perspectives I just kept thinking about how far we've gotten away from the freedom we claim to love. Until this last century, people lived agriculturally or had their own business. Americans were basically independent. We've given up our freedom and independence for some elusive "rights." Sadly, even the Bill of Rights is eroding while society focuses on the convoluted definitions of "rights." For example, even though the civil rights issue was legislatively addressed and resolved nearly 50 years ago, not to mention abolition . . . Ben Carson is one of the few Americans who can disagree with the President without being called a racist. Meanwhile law enforcement across this nation profiles and intimidates and it's called "policy." Men cannot hit their wives or girlfriends, but a man with a badge can hit and.or shoot anyone and everyone.
Moving on toward women's rights. Women, especially have bought into the programming and where has that truly gotten us socially? As a woman, I can tell you straight out, I'm not looking forward to the possibility of a woman president. I don't want Hillary C. or Sarah P. The ERA never passed, but most women now work outside the home. Many women are single moms, often dependent upon government programs. Food stamps used to be for emergencies, now renamed; WIC and SNAP are commonplace. Often working mothers still rely on state provided medical care for their children and the latest legislation of health care has put most everyone on some sort of government plan or subsidy.
There has been a slow erosion of freedoms wrapped in the agenda of "rights." The celebration of FREEDOM in general, and the rules thereof, put this in perspective as to where we truly are . . .
This brings us back full circle to fine the line is between freedom to live and slavery to regulation. Although generic memes are often, obviously tongue in cheek, it raises a wonderful observation as to how legislation and regulation can become ridiculous.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Prophetic Dream?
I do not call myself a prophet, that isn't my call. Sometimes, however; I do hear or see things in advance or am made aware of things by YHWH that I couldn't know any other way. This post I've copied below was originally posted to my yahoo360 blog, and I transferred it when yahoo eliminated the 360 blog. I guess Anderson Cooper is the only one with enough clout to get to keep his . . . At any rate, I've also included the blog link where various dreams and words I've been given are retained.
I just shared the blog entry originally dated December of 2008, with a friend the evening of June 23, 2014. June 24, 2014, this was a cnn feature
Are 'pop-up cities' our future?
I just shared the blog entry originally dated December of 2008, with a friend the evening of June 23, 2014. June 24, 2014, this was a cnn feature
Are 'pop-up cities' our future?
Pre-made, uber-wired, eco-friendly cities are already here. But is building smart cities from scratch a good idea? FULL STORY
A week ago, I had another dream or vision regarding the direction of our country, culture, or civilization. I’m just not sure if it is global or simply this country for now, but I get the overwhelming feeling that this particular condition that I “saw” was to provide our continental contribution to the global plan, and I saw containment. The sad thing was, the containment was considered convenient and safe and many of the people with which I spoke (in the vision) were content with the containment.
The vision or dream began, with us heading toward town in a wagon pulled by donkeys, and the other people we saw on the road were in the same basic mode of transportation. I remember specifically seeing a team of young donkeys harnessed together with a large draft type horse out ahead of them. The people in that wagon told us that was how they “broke” the young teams. As we approached the “town” or city, it was actually a gated metropolis in which all of the references had the prefix “mega” or the suffix “plex,” such as communi-plex, mega-mart. There were no private vehicles, only public transportation and the best way I can describe what we came to was a campus or compound containing apartments, schools, skyscrapers, and a health facility. We were there visiting our daughter and her family, but we kept running into other people we knew from days gone by. Our daughter told us how great it was there. She could take a bus directly from home to work, without riding for an hour and she could look out her window at work and see her children playing on their playground at school. She said, every night there was a “market stop” on the way home for groceries and supplies and as long as she worked every day, all her provisions and the children’s were met. There were more details as to child care and work schedule, but they are not specific to my memory, at this time, other than the fact they were mentioned. She said the only bad thing about the mega-metropolis was the fact she couldn’t come visit us any more. She said, “They” didn’t like them to go outside the gates and besides, there was no way to get to our place. Individually owned vehicles were obsolete. Now, perhaps this detail has been inspired by the desperation of the auto industry, I can’t say. All I can say, is this community, compound, campus was a contained “metro-plex,” completely functional in a sustained urban vacuum.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Israel in the News
When I first read the headlines of the three young Israel men being kidnapped, I began to pray. Immediately in my spirit, I was reminded of Gilad Shalit. His freedom was obtained through prison exchange and I believe this is intended to accomplish the same thing. I pray they are still alive and will be returned to their families soon. Here are links that continue to provide updates.
"Be Ready" . . . For What?
This is a question we must all ask ourselves as these end of days continue to unfold. The early Apostles lived their lives believing it was the end of days. All I can say, is, we are clearly 2000 years closer to the return of Messiah. He's coming back for a bride that is prepared and awaiting Him. What does that mean? Do any of us truly know?
I've been doing some serious soul searching as of late. I know, my entire life has been in preparation for His plan. Even when I wasn't serving Him or following Messiah, He knew where I was and what I was learning, would be implemented in this ministry to which I'm called. I've done a number of things. I'm not claiming expert status, just working knowledge and some accomplishment. I know what He has imparted specifically, and it is His Spirit and power in me, that does that.
There are many who are feeling the changes coming and the urgency with which we must prepare. Take some time, fast, pray, do something different in establishing a set apart seeking of the Will of YHWH. It's occurred to me, as I read the various articles by survivalists, homesteaders, those sounding warnings; and seek Scripture. We've been told to feed our enemies . . .Peter was admonished for his violence, even in defense of Messiah. I don't know fully, yet what we are called to do and we may well be called to different things at different times, but I have heard two things specifically for me, recently.
I am to prepare for barter and trade, and although some days, hiding in the woods sounds preferable, I cannot put my light under a bushel.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of G-d, and the faith of Y'hshuwah. the Revelation
I've been doing some serious soul searching as of late. I know, my entire life has been in preparation for His plan. Even when I wasn't serving Him or following Messiah, He knew where I was and what I was learning, would be implemented in this ministry to which I'm called. I've done a number of things. I'm not claiming expert status, just working knowledge and some accomplishment. I know what He has imparted specifically, and it is His Spirit and power in me, that does that.
There are many who are feeling the changes coming and the urgency with which we must prepare. Take some time, fast, pray, do something different in establishing a set apart seeking of the Will of YHWH. It's occurred to me, as I read the various articles by survivalists, homesteaders, those sounding warnings; and seek Scripture. We've been told to feed our enemies . . .Peter was admonished for his violence, even in defense of Messiah. I don't know fully, yet what we are called to do and we may well be called to different things at different times, but I have heard two things specifically for me, recently.
I am to prepare for barter and trade, and although some days, hiding in the woods sounds preferable, I cannot put my light under a bushel.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of G-d, and the faith of Y'hshuwah. the Revelation
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sabbath - Days and Years
It's time to get ready. We've now observed Passover, Week of Unleavened Bread, and Shavu'ot is coming to a close. Although the debate will build before the Fall Feasts, many are at this time in agreement that next year, is Shemitah, the year the land is to rest. I can't help but wonder if that is why we are getting so much rainfall this year in June . . . The sixth year, the one before the land is to rest, is promised to yield enough to feed us until the harvest of the eighth year. As I see many "teachers" posting about this, I can't help but wonder if we've really thought about it.
Obviously, many do not live an agrarian lifestyle, so what are their plans to let the land rest? Are the non-agrarian folk buying extra canned goods to last them through to the eighth year? Wouldn't buying produce through the year of Shemitah be refusing to let the land rest? I've given this serious thought myself. Do I truly have the faith that YHWH will provide enough in this garden to last until fresh produce comes on in 2016? That also includes setting back seeds to plant. I'm not always successful in that endeavor, just from year to year, much less skipping one.
Perhaps I'm sounding legalistic or even misguided, or wrong in my focus, but I truly do want to be obedient. I think it will be imperative as the end of days unfold for the people of YHWH to be living according to Torah obedience, especially when the time comes for no buying and selling without the mark. I feel like maybe I'm getting a preview as to what to expect and what will need to be put in place before that time comes. I also know, by the grace of YHWH in Y'hshuwah, I've been given the opportunity to be obedient. I didn't have an understanding of how to compute the last Shemitah, so I'm thrilled for the second chance! What a privilege to be granted the opportunity to be Torah observant in regard to something that has been ignored for years? We know from the book of Jeremiah, our Creator insists that His people are to regard the land in obedience to Torah to show our respect for Him.
It is my firm belief that the remnant will comprehend this truth and the communities will be gathering soon. It could be, the coming Shemitah will be the catalyst.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD. Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee, And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat. Leviticus 25:1-7
Obviously, many do not live an agrarian lifestyle, so what are their plans to let the land rest? Are the non-agrarian folk buying extra canned goods to last them through to the eighth year? Wouldn't buying produce through the year of Shemitah be refusing to let the land rest? I've given this serious thought myself. Do I truly have the faith that YHWH will provide enough in this garden to last until fresh produce comes on in 2016? That also includes setting back seeds to plant. I'm not always successful in that endeavor, just from year to year, much less skipping one.
Perhaps I'm sounding legalistic or even misguided, or wrong in my focus, but I truly do want to be obedient. I think it will be imperative as the end of days unfold for the people of YHWH to be living according to Torah obedience, especially when the time comes for no buying and selling without the mark. I feel like maybe I'm getting a preview as to what to expect and what will need to be put in place before that time comes. I also know, by the grace of YHWH in Y'hshuwah, I've been given the opportunity to be obedient. I didn't have an understanding of how to compute the last Shemitah, so I'm thrilled for the second chance! What a privilege to be granted the opportunity to be Torah observant in regard to something that has been ignored for years? We know from the book of Jeremiah, our Creator insists that His people are to regard the land in obedience to Torah to show our respect for Him.
It is my firm belief that the remnant will comprehend this truth and the communities will be gathering soon. It could be, the coming Shemitah will be the catalyst.
And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD. Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee, And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat. Leviticus 25:1-7
Sunday, June 1, 2014
More Than Just Words
In conversations, we hear the evidence of what is on most of our minds. As the headlines continue to be compelling but questionable, and the prices continue to rise while we are told the economy is improving, most of us are aware something, if not everything, is amiss. We are coming to a place in time, in which we simply must know where we will draw the line in conviction. While most churches have surrendered their authority to a 501c3 status, our government has surrendered much of it's authority to the UN. We read and view in horror, police brutality, and can observe the military style vehicles for local law enforcement.
We all know something is up. Regardless of how many times we're told it's getting better, it seems obvious, the powers that be are preparing for things to get worse, apparently much worse. I'm seeing a great deal of misrepresentation of Scripture and more coming. This post will be brief. We must all truly seek YHWH in earnest obedience and to bear testimony and witness of Y'hshuwah, as these end of days unfold. It could be very easy for some to be lulled into compliant complacency, while for others, be led to become defiant dissidents. In viewing current events and comments in social media, it would appear that both extremes lose the focus of Messiah.
It's time to take spiritual inventory and really be honest with ourselves. I'll confess, I am pretty sure at this time, I'd rather be "taken out quickly" than surrender into captivity. The problem with that is two fold. One, the Bible is full of the servants of Elohim that endured prison, as well as being executed for their faith. The main problem I would have is "pushing the envelope" in the flesh. Telling the truth will be labeled "doomsday prophet." Actually it already is, in some circles. I'm not stating the day or the hour of Messiah's return, but I am stating clearly, humanity is not making things better, and America is clearly not repentant!
We all know something is up. Regardless of how many times we're told it's getting better, it seems obvious, the powers that be are preparing for things to get worse, apparently much worse. I'm seeing a great deal of misrepresentation of Scripture and more coming. This post will be brief. We must all truly seek YHWH in earnest obedience and to bear testimony and witness of Y'hshuwah, as these end of days unfold. It could be very easy for some to be lulled into compliant complacency, while for others, be led to become defiant dissidents. In viewing current events and comments in social media, it would appear that both extremes lose the focus of Messiah.
It's time to take spiritual inventory and really be honest with ourselves. I'll confess, I am pretty sure at this time, I'd rather be "taken out quickly" than surrender into captivity. The problem with that is two fold. One, the Bible is full of the servants of Elohim that endured prison, as well as being executed for their faith. The main problem I would have is "pushing the envelope" in the flesh. Telling the truth will be labeled "doomsday prophet." Actually it already is, in some circles. I'm not stating the day or the hour of Messiah's return, but I am stating clearly, humanity is not making things better, and America is clearly not repentant!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Heading for the Hills
This is probably more figurative than literal, at this time, but Scripture does mention fleeing . . . I see it at this time, to be more a matter of removing oneself from the same ol', same ol' before it's too late. Removing oneself from the habitual dependency that we don't even recognize for what it is, is no easy undertaking. I am recommending it be done before the actual "time of fleeing" arrives. Since we know the world will not be wiped out by flood again, yet Messiah made mention of "as in the days of Noah" I think we need to consider this a bit more deeply than we have.
It so easy to see the "marrying and giving in marriage" when the divorce rate is 50% and the nation is divided over same sex marriage, but those two specific factors weren't really even a consideration at the time Messiah said it. In the full text of his statement, it sounds more like a simple matter of fact that people are going to keep on doing what they're doing until it's too late. Even those of us who think we are preparing, can't agree on what proper preparation should be. As for the rest . . . there are several opinions throughout, with some still waiting on a great revival across the Harlot of Babylon. Although revival would be wonderful, national repentance is sadly, not the chosen direction of the majority.
I do believe we are on the brink of serious change. The problem is, most will not realize it, because it won't be raining down on their heads. This change is going to be more like shifting sand and unexpected sinkholes. Unpreparedness is not faith, but preparedness can also be trusting in self; which is also lacking faith in our Heavenly Father. There is no way to sort through all of this without following Messiah in simple Torah obedience. I've prayed at length about this and when I'm going overboard on my preparation, I hear the words of Messiah, not when I'm reading the Bible, but when I'm out going overboard in the pasture or the garden or where ever, I hear about the man who built bigger barns, but that night his soul was required of him . . . and immediately I stop.
For those who truly do see the decline of society on the horizon, I pray they get off the hamster wheel in time. We are all sure we won't be deceived and confident that we have not chosen to believe a lie. A group of fishermen weren't exactly living sinful heathen lives when they abandoned their regular way of life to follow Messiah. They didn't rush to rabbi school, they simply dropped their nets and followed Messiah. Our religious culture emphasizes the "heathen customs" of the hot button issues, but we tend to forget, the socially acceptable, non-heathen lifestyles who still gave it all up for the call of YHWH.
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. words of Messiah in Matthew 4:19-22.
It so easy to see the "marrying and giving in marriage" when the divorce rate is 50% and the nation is divided over same sex marriage, but those two specific factors weren't really even a consideration at the time Messiah said it. In the full text of his statement, it sounds more like a simple matter of fact that people are going to keep on doing what they're doing until it's too late. Even those of us who think we are preparing, can't agree on what proper preparation should be. As for the rest . . . there are several opinions throughout, with some still waiting on a great revival across the Harlot of Babylon. Although revival would be wonderful, national repentance is sadly, not the chosen direction of the majority.
I do believe we are on the brink of serious change. The problem is, most will not realize it, because it won't be raining down on their heads. This change is going to be more like shifting sand and unexpected sinkholes. Unpreparedness is not faith, but preparedness can also be trusting in self; which is also lacking faith in our Heavenly Father. There is no way to sort through all of this without following Messiah in simple Torah obedience. I've prayed at length about this and when I'm going overboard on my preparation, I hear the words of Messiah, not when I'm reading the Bible, but when I'm out going overboard in the pasture or the garden or where ever, I hear about the man who built bigger barns, but that night his soul was required of him . . . and immediately I stop.
For those who truly do see the decline of society on the horizon, I pray they get off the hamster wheel in time. We are all sure we won't be deceived and confident that we have not chosen to believe a lie. A group of fishermen weren't exactly living sinful heathen lives when they abandoned their regular way of life to follow Messiah. They didn't rush to rabbi school, they simply dropped their nets and followed Messiah. Our religious culture emphasizes the "heathen customs" of the hot button issues, but we tend to forget, the socially acceptable, non-heathen lifestyles who still gave it all up for the call of YHWH.
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. words of Messiah in Matthew 4:19-22.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Difficult News
Since Passover, it seems, the great falling away has become official! I realize there have been people throughout time that walk away from Scripture for humanism, other self-focused belief systems, or disappointment that the church doesn't act like the One they claim to follow; but this latest falling away is actually aimed at denying Y'hshuwah. Many of these people actually know Scripture and claim to have once believed, but have now come to a greater understanding . . .
I cannot set aside Messiah to believe in my own understanding. I'll be honest, I did have some doubts at one time. My doubts were based upon the doctrines of man, though; not in who Messiah said he was. It was confusing for awhile. I struggled with the trinity teaching the most, I think. I tried to embrace the "tri-une" teaching which seemed basically a euphemism to avoid the term trinity, without changing the doctrine. The more I searched and sought, the more I realized, we have to seek absolutely set apart from every man made idea and presumption.
I, personally believe, Y'hshuwah is Messiah and is the first of creation, as stated in the Revelation 3:14. I am not a trinitarian, nor do I use the term "tri-une." I believe Messiah is the light spoken on the first day of creation and confirmed in the last chapter of the Revelation. There was light, day one. There was not a sun or a moon until the fourth day. Scripture tells us nothing was made without him. Since he is the first of creation, then that is not contradictory.
Belief that Y'hshuwah is Messiah and came in the flesh, is the only way to the Father. Messiah Y'hshuwah is the Word in the flesh. I believe he existed long before he was born in that stable in Bethlehem.
Two letters were left out in the translation from the original Hebrew Scripture. I'll include the first line of Genesis here in both Hebrew and King's English.
I cannot set aside Messiah to believe in my own understanding. I'll be honest, I did have some doubts at one time. My doubts were based upon the doctrines of man, though; not in who Messiah said he was. It was confusing for awhile. I struggled with the trinity teaching the most, I think. I tried to embrace the "tri-une" teaching which seemed basically a euphemism to avoid the term trinity, without changing the doctrine. The more I searched and sought, the more I realized, we have to seek absolutely set apart from every man made idea and presumption.
I, personally believe, Y'hshuwah is Messiah and is the first of creation, as stated in the Revelation 3:14. I am not a trinitarian, nor do I use the term "tri-une." I believe Messiah is the light spoken on the first day of creation and confirmed in the last chapter of the Revelation. There was light, day one. There was not a sun or a moon until the fourth day. Scripture tells us nothing was made without him. Since he is the first of creation, then that is not contradictory.
Belief that Y'hshuwah is Messiah and came in the flesh, is the only way to the Father. Messiah Y'hshuwah is the Word in the flesh. I believe he existed long before he was born in that stable in Bethlehem.
Two letters were left out in the translation from the original Hebrew Scripture. I'll include the first line of Genesis here in both Hebrew and King's English.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The most literal translation I can offer from the Hebrew is. "In the beginning Elohim spoke "aleph tav," heavens, and earth into existence.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Great and Terrible
I can't remember ever
proclaiming a warning so strongly, but this week, I truly hope events
do not unfold as promoted.
I believe the Bundy ranch
situation was a ruse . . . not fully and certainly not at the hands
of the Bundys, but to get the passion and division stirred in the
American people. Without a doubt, Harry Reid and the BLM are not
finished, but the appearance that the government will listen to the
people is just that, an appearance.
I believe the show of
these twin brothers being canceled is another example of a divisive
Then we have amongst
religious circles those who are “coming out” as it's called to
deny Y'hshuwah Messiah. Seems this week, many of us have realized we
know a “poster child” for John 6:66.
I need to address a
planned protest for next Friday called Operation American Spring
2014, from my understanding. The plan is very much incoherent. The
goal is as tyrannical as what the group claims to be fighting, and
there is simply no logic to the premise. The security of Washington
DC has already shown their colors in killing a woman with a baby, and
six months later, a completely different account has been unveiled. This protest without a Constitutional resolution could result in serious repercussions. The Bill of Rights is already nearly non-existent.
As the opinions were
voiced based upon nothing but political leaning with no facts
presented at the time, I literally dropped a couple of news sources
and writers over the situation. Presumption is bad enough, but
leading others to presume is reprehensible when it comes to reporting
the news.
Scripture tells us as the
end of days unfold, the Day of YHWH will be both great and terrible.
It is truly time for the believers to step out of our dependency or
“faith” if you will in earthly powers and literally be in the
place we can be used of YHWH in these trying times.
Denying Y'hshwuah was
prophesied by the Apostle Paul as a great falling away. And Peter
said judgment would begin in the House of Elohim. It is becoming
painfully clear that American Protestantism is just a break off with
a twist from the Roman Catholic Church, but basically the same in
regard to lawlessness. Just as Jeremiah warned ancient Israel, we
too are about to be overtaken and enter into captivity. Are we ready
to be a Daniel? If not, get ready!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Time is of the Essence
As we watch the end of days continue to unfold before us, I'm burdened, very burdened to remind us of an overlooked fact. Genesis 12:3 is quoted frequently in America's stand with Israel and well it should, but there is more to this than simply "standing with Israel."
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3.
I realize this is not a popular fact, but this promise was made to Abraham before Ishmael or Isaac were born. Part of standing with Israel is to be grafted in, meaning if we are of the house of Israel, we should also live by Torah. The other fact is, the sons of Ishmael have also been promised to be a great nation, and although Ishmael was not the child of promise, he is a son of Abraham, therefore . . .
I can't help but wonder if Messiah's teaching to "love your enemy" was prophetic in nature regarding the promise to Abraham. What we in America do need to consider is the fact that although Islam has written their own book, there are teachings of Islam that do align with Scripture. What the G-d of the Bible has spoken, stands and will be fulfilled. Any people or religion that keeps kosher will be healthier, because it's eating instructions for the human body, from our Creator. Another uneasy fact of Biblical history is G-d used the enemies of Israel when they were in spiritual adultery to punish them. Israel as a nation now, is not a Torah observant Theocracy . . .
Any nation that plays these descendants of Abraham against each other will find themselves in the wrath of G-d. The promise to Abraham will be kept. Israel is the apple of YHWH's eye and will be protected as such. The sons of Ishmael have been promised to be a mighty nation and get along with no one, and that also will happen. It is truly time to get our house in order.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of G-d: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of G-d? I Peter 4:17
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3.
I realize this is not a popular fact, but this promise was made to Abraham before Ishmael or Isaac were born. Part of standing with Israel is to be grafted in, meaning if we are of the house of Israel, we should also live by Torah. The other fact is, the sons of Ishmael have also been promised to be a great nation, and although Ishmael was not the child of promise, he is a son of Abraham, therefore . . .
I can't help but wonder if Messiah's teaching to "love your enemy" was prophetic in nature regarding the promise to Abraham. What we in America do need to consider is the fact that although Islam has written their own book, there are teachings of Islam that do align with Scripture. What the G-d of the Bible has spoken, stands and will be fulfilled. Any people or religion that keeps kosher will be healthier, because it's eating instructions for the human body, from our Creator. Another uneasy fact of Biblical history is G-d used the enemies of Israel when they were in spiritual adultery to punish them. Israel as a nation now, is not a Torah observant Theocracy . . .
Any nation that plays these descendants of Abraham against each other will find themselves in the wrath of G-d. The promise to Abraham will be kept. Israel is the apple of YHWH's eye and will be protected as such. The sons of Ishmael have been promised to be a mighty nation and get along with no one, and that also will happen. It is truly time to get our house in order.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of G-d: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of G-d? I Peter 4:17
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Bedding Plants
I have friends who have a nursery, and they do sell some heirloom bedding plants, so I do my best to do some networking with them. They have been gracious to me through the years, even hosting one of my book signings. I visited their business early in April and was surprised to find a smaller inventory of vegetables and herbs. Remembering we had a late freeze last year, I thought perhaps they had decided not to bring so many plants out of the greenhouse. I figured they were just displaying their variety of inventory in smaller quantity and replace as they sold. I went back this week, and to my surprise, the bedding plants weren't overflowing into the parking lot, as they usually are at this time of year. There were tons of landscaping plants and trees, but the vegetables, herbs, and fruit plants and trees were not as abundant.
This observation led me to check out other places, just to see . . . I discovered the same thing at three different stores. I'm not trying to fear monger here, but this seems quite serious. Realizing any retail store shouldn't carry more perishable products than will reasonably sell, the evidence indicates even in all the anti-Monsanto and cut back on food stamps, the gardening craze is not increasing exponentially as one might have thought . . . I'm hopeful the difference is more gardeners starting their own bedding plants from seeds, but I don't know. The fact remains, there are very few nurseries and commercial greenhouses still in retail business. I still have a great deal left to learn before I can be fully sustained from harvesting seeds to harvesting pure natural and organic produce. Most of the garden is from seeds sown in the greenhouse, but some of the seeds have been purchased. I'm still struggling with a method to harvest beet seeds . . .
We really need to keep in mind, when Scripture says there will be no buying or selling without the mark of the beast, food is going to be included in that! Pharmaceuticals will also be included in that! Organic gardening with heirloom seeds will carry a double portion blessing. The food will be pure, therefore our health will improve, not only from the quality of food, but the exercise of gardening! Until just last century, all societies were dependent upon independent agriculture.
And YHWH G-d took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Torah of Holy Scripture
This observation led me to check out other places, just to see . . . I discovered the same thing at three different stores. I'm not trying to fear monger here, but this seems quite serious. Realizing any retail store shouldn't carry more perishable products than will reasonably sell, the evidence indicates even in all the anti-Monsanto and cut back on food stamps, the gardening craze is not increasing exponentially as one might have thought . . . I'm hopeful the difference is more gardeners starting their own bedding plants from seeds, but I don't know. The fact remains, there are very few nurseries and commercial greenhouses still in retail business. I still have a great deal left to learn before I can be fully sustained from harvesting seeds to harvesting pure natural and organic produce. Most of the garden is from seeds sown in the greenhouse, but some of the seeds have been purchased. I'm still struggling with a method to harvest beet seeds . . .
We really need to keep in mind, when Scripture says there will be no buying or selling without the mark of the beast, food is going to be included in that! Pharmaceuticals will also be included in that! Organic gardening with heirloom seeds will carry a double portion blessing. The food will be pure, therefore our health will improve, not only from the quality of food, but the exercise of gardening! Until just last century, all societies were dependent upon independent agriculture.
And YHWH G-d took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Torah of Holy Scripture
Monday, April 21, 2014
Different, Yet Strangely Similar
When this meme came across my news feed, I found it haunting. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Something has been going on in this country through the last two administrations that have hit the same chord in me, this meme did. Many of the American people believe as strongly in their politics as they do their religion, and continue to blame the other party, meanwhile, both parties continue to sign and re-sign the mandates of the previous administration.
The USA Patriot Act introduced the idea of detention based upon a very vague definition of dissident. Seeing where that was going, I was certainly grieved about the matter. Now we have another administration that has further extended the power to label those who would disagree with the present regime, as domestic terrorists.
What I see continuously in the headlines, are those who are not dependent upon the government and the economy of perpetual motion will be "the dissidents." The interstate highway system took care of the independent businesses in downtowns across America by the late 60s. Eminent domain has also served to eliminate many remaining independents. Now, Hobby Farms, Homesteads and independent Ranches are in crosshairs of this government, just as clearly as the Jewish Businesses were in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. The articles are well beyond a single source, proclaiming the agenda and goal is to contain the population en mass in urban dwellings. The term, ghetto, of course is not being used, but . . .
The systematic dissolution of independence in this nation has been slowly gaining momentum for years, but the reality of the direction, now looms on the not so distant horizon. This direction is not exclusive to one party, but rather the agenda that is seeking to contain, control and enslave humanity.
The USA Patriot Act introduced the idea of detention based upon a very vague definition of dissident. Seeing where that was going, I was certainly grieved about the matter. Now we have another administration that has further extended the power to label those who would disagree with the present regime, as domestic terrorists.
What I see continuously in the headlines, are those who are not dependent upon the government and the economy of perpetual motion will be "the dissidents." The interstate highway system took care of the independent businesses in downtowns across America by the late 60s. Eminent domain has also served to eliminate many remaining independents. Now, Hobby Farms, Homesteads and independent Ranches are in crosshairs of this government, just as clearly as the Jewish Businesses were in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. The articles are well beyond a single source, proclaiming the agenda and goal is to contain the population en mass in urban dwellings. The term, ghetto, of course is not being used, but . . .
The systematic dissolution of independence in this nation has been slowly gaining momentum for years, but the reality of the direction, now looms on the not so distant horizon. This direction is not exclusive to one party, but rather the agenda that is seeking to contain, control and enslave humanity.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Give Thanks
So often, this particular page is used to sound warnings or share observations YHWH has shown me, and this is no exception, except . . . He has led me to call His people to begin to pray about the water supply. I've not been told, at this time, to take any extraordinary measures, but rather to give thanks for the clean water we have to drink. We all know, it's been prophesied, that water will be the "oil" of this next century. The CEO of Nestle has already made a chilling remark about the world's water supply.
Catching rain water is already illegal in some states, and most incorporated cities forbid the digging of wells for personal use. Water is highly regulated, but we know from Scripture, it is our Creator that has the final Word on this matter.
It's time to give thanks for the water we have. Often in the middle of the night, I find myself, literally giving thanks for the cool clean water I have to drink. It's time to stop taking water for granted, and certainly become diligent in our conservation of this precious gift from our Heavenly Father. He is the one that causes the rain to fall.
Lamentations 5:4, states that water is bought, indicating earthly "ownership" of the water supply. I do not believe in replacement theology, but we are certainly not better or more deserving than ancient Israel. If YHWH will do this and allow it for Israel's rebellion, we must take heed and realize, we are deserving of the same judgment.
Malachi on the other hand, states the promise with a condition. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10 This reference to "open the windows of heaven" are the exact same words in Hebrew that were used in Genesis regarding the flood. Water, not money is the blessing!
I challenge and encourage all of us to thank Him, every time we enjoy a refreshing drink of water.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of G-d.
I Corinthians 10:31
Catching rain water is already illegal in some states, and most incorporated cities forbid the digging of wells for personal use. Water is highly regulated, but we know from Scripture, it is our Creator that has the final Word on this matter.
It's time to give thanks for the water we have. Often in the middle of the night, I find myself, literally giving thanks for the cool clean water I have to drink. It's time to stop taking water for granted, and certainly become diligent in our conservation of this precious gift from our Heavenly Father. He is the one that causes the rain to fall.
Lamentations 5:4, states that water is bought, indicating earthly "ownership" of the water supply. I do not believe in replacement theology, but we are certainly not better or more deserving than ancient Israel. If YHWH will do this and allow it for Israel's rebellion, we must take heed and realize, we are deserving of the same judgment.
Malachi on the other hand, states the promise with a condition. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10 This reference to "open the windows of heaven" are the exact same words in Hebrew that were used in Genesis regarding the flood. Water, not money is the blessing!
I challenge and encourage all of us to thank Him, every time we enjoy a refreshing drink of water.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of G-d.
I Corinthians 10:31
Sunday, April 6, 2014
While We're Distracted
I felt led to Google to see if Bill Gates had any investment in Wal-Mart. Seems it's a recent addition to his multi-billion dollar net worth. He, also owns stock in Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, 500,000 shares of Monsanto, and the Gates Foundation is striving to vaccinate the entire world. Even though he is not involved in the day to day running of Microsoft, he's still the guy who knows where the ON/OFF switch is for the www.
The reason I like to keep Bill Gates in my peripheral vision is his collection of holdings in so many of what I believe to be the ten powers of the end of days. I don't think Bill Gates is the anti-Christ or the leader of the beastly government, but I do believe the human leader of that agenda will have power in more areas than just political or governmental. We know in the United States, Big money and Big Business already own the lobby and the so called representatives are well benefited to accommodate the lobby.
The main reason I rule Bill Gates out as a finalist in power in the New World Order, at this time, is his lack of religious interest. He has openly stated he has no religious interests. I realize that could change, but so could a rise in accumulative power, elsewhere. I do believe, however; we need to stop limiting our information and reasoning to see the bigger picture of what is coming with this New World Agenda on the horizon. So far, most political leaders appear to just be puppets for a bigger power pulling the strings.
The man that changed the economic base of America in the last century with the industrial revolution and the assembly line, Henry Ford; was well connected with Hitler. The assembly line and factories changed the way of life from agriculture to industry and now we see, even for those who do not personally use a computer, the internet has changed many aspects of our way of life.
The reason I like to keep Bill Gates in my peripheral vision is his collection of holdings in so many of what I believe to be the ten powers of the end of days. I don't think Bill Gates is the anti-Christ or the leader of the beastly government, but I do believe the human leader of that agenda will have power in more areas than just political or governmental. We know in the United States, Big money and Big Business already own the lobby and the so called representatives are well benefited to accommodate the lobby.
The main reason I rule Bill Gates out as a finalist in power in the New World Order, at this time, is his lack of religious interest. He has openly stated he has no religious interests. I realize that could change, but so could a rise in accumulative power, elsewhere. I do believe, however; we need to stop limiting our information and reasoning to see the bigger picture of what is coming with this New World Agenda on the horizon. So far, most political leaders appear to just be puppets for a bigger power pulling the strings.
The man that changed the economic base of America in the last century with the industrial revolution and the assembly line, Henry Ford; was well connected with Hitler. The assembly line and factories changed the way of life from agriculture to industry and now we see, even for those who do not personally use a computer, the internet has changed many aspects of our way of life.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Entertained . . . Distracted
So many teachers and specialty
ministries, again . . . People can sound very spiritual and be very
influential, if they hand pick their conversations and speak with confidence in a charismatic manner.
The enemy is getting an awful
lot of attention, again . . . Even what
we say is abhorrent can become a focus.
be it enemies in this world,
or in the spiritual realm. Even bad attention toward the enemy is pleasing to him.
Three movies with religious reference now hitting the
theatres? Noah, Son of God, and God is
NOT Dead. I've read very negative
reviews on the first two.
I truly think as these end of
days unfold, one of the true marks of YHWH on His set apart people will be
their lack of participation and interest in being entertained. They simply will be so busy about the
Father's business, not the collecting donations and talking about themselves
business, but the Father's business, a void that needs to be filled with entertainment
will simply be nonexistent.
I truly think we can look back
on the years of movies and television and see that our society has followed the
programming. Television and movies are
influential, so are books, but our society isn't doing so much reading these
days, and certainly not the same book en mass.
Even religious gatherings have admittedly added entertainment.
We've lost touch with taking
time to enjoy things, and replaced it with entertainment. For me, nothing has been more enjoyable than
time in the country with grandchildren.
Whether we were outdoors or in the kitchen, sharing the simplicity with
them was a truly enjoyable blessing. The
only programmed screen time I've shared with my grandchildren are Bible videos,
Veggie Tales, and Fiddler on the Roof.
I'm not saying television and
movies are all bad, what I am saying is we don't have as much free time to kill
as most of us are taking. And I can't
help but believe, the evil and enemies of the day gain footholds by the things
we “invite” into our minds and hearts, through programming and
We do know, whether we admit
it or not, when programmed entertainment became the center of the home, rather
than the occasional event, our society changed. The old adage, “Idle hands are the devil's
workshop” is an old adage because it makes sense. Entertainment falls into occupying “idle
hands” and has definitely become a priority in our society.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Letting Our Light Shine
So many warnings, and so many are sounding said warnings, but there are good things to share as well. We are told throughout Scripture that YHWH will provide for His people. As things get crazier in this world around us, and they will, what are we doing to let our light shine?
To be honest, I'm a bit surprised at the number of people who are talking about the end of days, but going on business as usual. I truly believe we need to be listening to the warnings we are sounding and begin changing our lifestyle to one of truly less dependence upon the "cultural norms" and get back to G-d's plan of sustenance. I've been told outright by many " pre-trib rapture ready" folk that we all can't just drop out and start living off the land. These are the same people that believe they'll simply be airlifted before it gets so bad. Besides, I've hardly dropped out! Living off the land, yes, sounding the warning, absolutely, but I'm also blessed to be able to share the good news around the world without leaving the homestead.
One of my real priorities is to apply spiritual truth to practical application in the natural. That sentence doesn't flow exactly the way I'd like it to, so I'll just use it to build a paragraph. I don't want to spend my day in religious midrash on social media. I do find myself with just a twinge of "loneliness" as I read about all the multi-level-marketing promos for "natural everything." I've practiced alternative wellness for over 20 years now and watched a lot of claims come and go. Natural products in multi-level-marketing plans seem to be the buildingless franchise concept of this new century, and the fast track opposing profession to the growing boon of health care careers. I'm amazed at how quickly these MLM businesses are springing up, and how expensive the products are. A little programming with the promise of big money is definitely trending. The entire purpose of natural wellness is to be healthier, not buy products.
My point, though, in all of this, is if we really believe we are living in the end of days, we need to make certain that our true source and supply is our Heavenly Father, and then share that. We need to be using the talents He created in us to be blessing others. I really think it's time to start moving away from the idea of working for money or becoming more dependent upon the system of perpetual motion. I'm not suggesting anyone run out and quit their job, quite the contrary. My suggestion is we begin investing what we can toward being prepared for the time when we cannot buy or sell.
What will we have to bring to the table? We don't have to "drop out" to begin reducing our dependence upon the established economy of perpetual motion. I do think it's time to start, though. So many of us envision the perpetual motion as a hamster wheel, but really it is a downward spiral. Perpetual motion is not a stable foundation for an economy, but the instability
Whether it's a reduced dependency upon the grocery store with a garden, or reduced dependency upon pharmaceuticals with better diet and natural remedies. Certainly, we need to have some sort of idea of how we'll live when government assistance or social security is no longer available, as our government is seriously operating in the red, without any debt limit set. There are so many things we can be doing now, to not only reduce our dependence, but be in a position to help others, as well.
To be honest, I'm a bit surprised at the number of people who are talking about the end of days, but going on business as usual. I truly believe we need to be listening to the warnings we are sounding and begin changing our lifestyle to one of truly less dependence upon the "cultural norms" and get back to G-d's plan of sustenance. I've been told outright by many " pre-trib rapture ready" folk that we all can't just drop out and start living off the land. These are the same people that believe they'll simply be airlifted before it gets so bad. Besides, I've hardly dropped out! Living off the land, yes, sounding the warning, absolutely, but I'm also blessed to be able to share the good news around the world without leaving the homestead.
One of my real priorities is to apply spiritual truth to practical application in the natural. That sentence doesn't flow exactly the way I'd like it to, so I'll just use it to build a paragraph. I don't want to spend my day in religious midrash on social media. I do find myself with just a twinge of "loneliness" as I read about all the multi-level-marketing promos for "natural everything." I've practiced alternative wellness for over 20 years now and watched a lot of claims come and go. Natural products in multi-level-marketing plans seem to be the buildingless franchise concept of this new century, and the fast track opposing profession to the growing boon of health care careers. I'm amazed at how quickly these MLM businesses are springing up, and how expensive the products are. A little programming with the promise of big money is definitely trending. The entire purpose of natural wellness is to be healthier, not buy products.
My point, though, in all of this, is if we really believe we are living in the end of days, we need to make certain that our true source and supply is our Heavenly Father, and then share that. We need to be using the talents He created in us to be blessing others. I really think it's time to start moving away from the idea of working for money or becoming more dependent upon the system of perpetual motion. I'm not suggesting anyone run out and quit their job, quite the contrary. My suggestion is we begin investing what we can toward being prepared for the time when we cannot buy or sell.
What will we have to bring to the table? We don't have to "drop out" to begin reducing our dependence upon the established economy of perpetual motion. I do think it's time to start, though. So many of us envision the perpetual motion as a hamster wheel, but really it is a downward spiral. Perpetual motion is not a stable foundation for an economy, but the instability
Whether it's a reduced dependency upon the grocery store with a garden, or reduced dependency upon pharmaceuticals with better diet and natural remedies. Certainly, we need to have some sort of idea of how we'll live when government assistance or social security is no longer available, as our government is seriously operating in the red, without any debt limit set. There are so many things we can be doing now, to not only reduce our dependence, but be in a position to help others, as well.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
While He May Be Found
I do not claim to be a prophet. I do not call myself a prophet, but much like
Peter, Paul, and John, I do share prophetic passages as they are being unveiled
in today's headlines.
Daniel and John both referred to 10 powers or kingdoms that
would give their power to the beastly anti-Christ government. Thirteen years ago, I was given a list of 10
powers, but told to hold them until the time to reveal them came. Thinking I'd be making copies and handing out
lists when Instructed to do, door to door, I tucked that list under my desktop planner and said nothing to
After spending much of 2005 moving and tying up loose ends,
even in the move, I kept track of that list.
In 2006, I was informed that the time was coming to reveal that
list. First I began with a website, then
was led to write a book. By the end of
that year, the website “eingedi.us” was an active website and the book “While
He May Be Found” was in print.
The list of 10 powers already in existence that would be
coming together in the New World Order remain in the website I now host,
“thelandofgoshen.com.” I physically moved . . . and so did the website.
Banking/Currency/Non-cash Health Care
Communication Commerce/Business
Military/Law Enforcement Travel/Transport
Prison/Mental Health Education
Politics/Government Religion
When I first received this list in 2001, I had no idea how recognizable this coming together of power would be in just over a decade. The book was written in 2006, and although travel had become more difficult, and we now had homeland security; the thought of mandated health care, imprisonment without due process, and common core curriculum were not even on the visible horizon. In the eight years since this book was published, the Bible has been all but removed from every aspect of the public square, including much of the military and law enforcement.
Trust has been redefined when it comes to law enforcement, education, and business, and very definitely should be reconsidered when it comes to health care.
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